Eric Adams takes on New York City gun violence after death of officer | USA TODAY

"We must stop the flow of illegal guns in our city."

New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced plans to step up efforts to seize illegal guns and combat rising gun violence.

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#EricAdams #NewYork #Guns


  1. Wake up Adams! Gangs have control of your city. You already have strict gun laws. Stop the GANGBANGERS for recruiting young black kids.

    1. @Truth Teller more like you are recruited either way you’ll damn near be forced in its kill or be killed out here most ppl here

  2. This is ridiculous. NYC has some of the most restrictive gun laws in America and you still want more gun control.

    1. @Daniel Dalton it’s them not enforcing the laws and not prosecuting the criminals and allowing them right back on the streets. You guys voted for this. Defunding the police. New York is a shithole now

    2. @Daniel Dalton yep, best thing to do is turn everyone into victims. Can’t have armed citizens protecting themselves, then what will the Democrats think about New York. We don’t want it to end up like Texas with its constitutional carry laws, it’s the wild west down there. Wait, no it’s not and we are not all shooting each other as predicted. Grow a pair and realize you are your first line of defense, not the cops.

  3. Wait, Gun crimes have been up in New York by 3000% over the last year, and Eric is now just getting on board, more idiocrasy from New York! 568 views, and 3 likes, bet 200 dislikes!

  4. The “iron pipeline” what a deflective Democrat tactic, Its the inanimate guns, they just keep getting up and firing on their own!!!

  5. How about putting criminals back in jail where they belong,getting rid of gun violence means putting criminals behind bars

  6. He can “take on” all he wants but if the DA won’t prosecute and put people in jail it means nothing.

  7. “we will do whatever it takes up to and including false flag events in order to take guns from those whom we don’t wish to have them so that when we turn up the tyranny they can’t defend themselves and we won’t have to suffer any losses”. I mean this is what I’m hearing.

  8. How does taking an object from an evil person make them less evil is the question and the answer is, it doesn’t.

  9. Always something to blame. Funny how its only democrat cities that have these problems, but never a democrat held accountable for them.

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