Ex-Trump attorney: What Trump fears the most about the FBI search

Michael Cohen, who was Donald Trump's personal attorney for almost a decade, says that Trump feels trapped because if an informant has tipped off the FBI, that person probably has more incriminating information. #CNN #News


  1. I can’t be the only one who heard Cohen ‘accidentally’ say “Mar-A-Lardo” instead of Mar-A-Largo, right?

  2. I like how he rebutted her ridiculous statement about “being able to predict the future” His explanation of WHY he can do that was spot on. good for you Mr. Cohen

  3. He saw it lady. He was just a part of it and was benefitting from it. Those benefits, for whatever reason, make these people want to believe that they’re different than everyone else that gets thrown under the bus. They all go under the wheels

  4. The intensity of Cohen is palpable, which is what happens when someone shockingly realizes what the real truth is about someone you’ve been loyal to and then he/she betrays you.

  5. I love this man. He is a human being who knows he made mistakes and he is reprieved himself. I have nothing but the highest respect for a man who can say he was wrong and pay his price to society and be truly truly remorseful. And not only that, continuing to help his country and fellow man. I hope he writes a million books because over 10 years of being Donald J Trump’s doormat qualifies him for his day. There’s nothing more beautiful than a man who can admit that he was wrong. A rarity in these days and times.

  6. I love Michael Cohen! Everyone makes mistakes not everyone is big enough to own it 100% even to those around them much less the entire world. Plus I think he’s hilarious I love the way he just goes for the throat with the insults on old Donny boy! Whoever is reading this I hope you have a great day!

  7. I love hearing Michael Cohen talk – so smart and so New York. And look what the criminal justice system did to turn someone around who did tons of trump ‘s bidding. Now he is the expert magnifier and clarifier of trump’s dealings and sickness.

    1. Too bad all his knowledge, plus every legal expert, lawyer, public citizen, GED graduate to PhD and anybody else with a brain has done absolutely nothing to hold Trump accountable. Keep going on every tv station – NOTHING will come of it sadly.

  8. Thank you for your time and consideration in talking about Trump! You have been so good to tell us about Trump and his behavior I believe to help anyone else see his sick mentality.

  9. Those who have had personal experience of a narcissist understand how they can keep you duped for years and how it feels when you finally understand what they are and how they can turn on you when you are of no more use to them.

  10. This is how you get your reputation back. Love how Michael Cohen owns his part and is moving on, I’d love to buy your new book. Well done!

  11. A grade school teacher I once had used to tell us repeatedly, “Your sins will find you out.” Trump must have skipped all those classes. That would explain his reckless criminality on so many levels, not to mention his basic stupidity. As far as Michael Cohen is concerned, there’s a guy who not only uses his brain, but demonstrates courage, contrition, humility and a renewed sense of civic pride in stark contrast to any Trump behavior.

    1. ​@Robert Carlyle His enlightenment came when there was a line that he couldn’t cross for the sake of his family and his own dignity. And I believe there will be quite a few in the coming months that will feel Cohen’s pain firsthand only it will be because of a line they did cross.

  12. I’ve grown to love Mr. Cohen. I’m seriously surprised by it everytime he gives an interview. ✌️

  13. “What really got me out of the cult was the incarceration.” ” Thankyou for your honesty.” It usually is by circumstance rather than virtue that we change our ways.

  14. What was unsaid at the end of this awesome interview, was that just as Cohen and other employees were in the cult of trump, now half the country is.

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