1. regguy69 Don’t ever get comfortable where you think nothing can touch you…life happens and I’ve witnessed very wealthy clients fall hard after losing jobs, having a you or a family member fall into grave and long illnesses…
      life happens…have compassion for people less fortunate as it could be you one day.

    2. They should be mad because of flooding and the USMCA is still sitting in the House because Democrats are “resisting” for a year now.

  1. It’s a real shame that chants like “lock her up” and “build that wall” got these people to vote for him.

    1. Frank Moore There was nothing wrong with the Hilary chant but the send her back chants truly exposed trump supporters.

    1. If Black people wish to have parity in the political process to a degree they will have to accept that the top guy will be mocked. Orange Colored God Emperor certainly puts up with the mockery as best he can by claiming he’s also King of the Jews.

    2. Yes. Without the Trump trade war the US would hand over trillions of dollars to a trade abuser for no reason. Shame on you.

  2. You miss Obama now, that’s what happen when you vote against your own self interest the market is gone he bankrupt Y’all got scammed its simple Trump is a old man selling snake oil and y’all bought it😧 sorry but not sorry 😕 hope y’all bounce back

    1. citizenxgen all of our empathy and compassion is reserved for the babies at the border locked in cages. Able bodied adults who, when given the choice to reject xenophobic, incompetent treason, chose not to- get no sympathy.

    2. I love coming to see these liberals commenting as if their opinions are the be all and end all of the world.

      If your platform is so awesome, why are you trying to silence opposition?

    1. @Robert Clawson Logic? That is not something that applies to you and other Trump supporters who keep a blind faith over his stupid wars, think before you write your moron!

    2. Only if the Democratic party chooses to yet again push ahead another awful alternative choice candidate, like they did to us with Hilary!

    3. @G Bernie actually supported a lot of the same economic principals as Trump. They’re both nationalists, believe tariffs are a good negotiating tactic, and don’t believe in big trade agreements. I’m sorry that you want the same general economic policies as Trump, Bernie is different on taxes, but I don’t want to become a nationalist country. FYI, nationalism is isolationism as you fight with everyone over everything and no ally wants that. Our spot at #1 GDP will end in the next decade as China passes us, that is a fact. The real question is what got us to be a better country than most in the past 100 years? Infrastructure and creativity. It’s time to invest in our country for all of our benefit, so we can continue to be at the table for future world talks and trade agreements. The world is more connected everyday, why do we want to stop the inevitable? If Bernie wins the nomination I’ll vote for him, but I’m voting blue regardless as we need to get rid of the cancer that is Trump.

    4. @Robert Clawson what exactly do you mean when you say they are not a fair trader anyways? I hear it alot, but it seems you’re conflating multiple issues into one false belief. You mean the trade balance between the nation’s? Where we buy a ton of electronics from them, and they buy produce and meat from us. Is a chicken suddenly worth an iPhone? Or do you mean that they manipulate their currency? Which as a pseudo communist country they can do, and we do occasionally as well. I’m serious explain the fair trader part to me, try being “logical for a change”.

    1. 70% of US food is imported, 70% of all food is grain. Most grain goes to raising beef, at plus 2 degrees we can no longer grow grain at scale. Add to that the destruction of American trade and you have the perfect recipe for civil war and famine, all the media, congress, and Hollywood will fly away to the great Silk Road and leave 300 million partisans armed to the teeth and with no food to fight it out. Tens of millions are about to die. In Brexit Russia has separated Europe from the UK, meaning Russia has effectively already won the Cold War, while we slept.

    2. @Robert Clawson No, that is easily explained. Obama set up a self propelling system of expansion. All trump had to do was not touch it. But, of course, he can not keep his grubby little fingers out of anything good, so now we are on the brink of a recession.

    3. Maybe you are too young to remember the “farmer and the city slicker” tropes. That was all about farmers being suckers for con men. Their own greed was their undoing.

  3. Yeah well… they can use their product to build the wall; remember? remember when you guys voted for him happily so he can build the wall that México would pay? Not sorry for them…

    1. by THOSE people which people are you referring to? and why would you want to screw anybody (that’s what you called karma)

  4. When Trump rallied his first political meeting,  He made fun of a handicap reporter,  Your judge of character is poor,  Trump was never my President.

    1. citizenxgen he loves you though doesn’t he. Of course he does, he has said “I love the uneducated”. Congratulations, he mentioned you.

  5. They are screwed for years to come !! They did it to themselves! Now they are the new welfare queens and we are footing the bill !!!

    1. Actually our kids are gonna pay for it cause were borrowing it!!!And here’s the kicker some or all of it is from guess who? That’s right China

    2. There is nothing new to them being welfare queens. The only true welfare queens we have in our country are our biggest and wealthiest corporations.

    1. @James Hurst I didn’t. The Clintons didn’t side with Putin. Trump did. And you’re lying in a desperate attempt to make a point.

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