1. Amazing! Space, the universe, the cosmos… it’s just so amazing, so beautiful. I wish we could traverse, not just our galaxy, but the entirety of the universe. And it’s really amazing that we as humans have the technology to even photograph a black hole. I mean, this kind of black hole, of course.

    1. ​@Dino Steaks Rockets cause ozone loss, but newer rockets that use liquid propellant like SpaceX’s Falcon 9 cause much less ozone loss. NASA is also responsible for efforts in energy conservation, recycling efforts, and other environmental protection programs. Cleaner fuels are also being developed for this exact reason, which should replace current fuels like hydrazine which is pretty darn toxic and is very carcinogenic.

    2. As a boy I loved those things I use to have an old book for the time (I was just a elementary boy) that had a bunch of photos of Mars. I use to have an unhealthy fear of asteroids. I remember hearing the demolition of a building thinking it was an asteroid I was shook.

    3. @Dino Steaks I’d much rather our carbon footprint be in researching and discovering the exact reason we exist and how the universe works rather than because someone decided to take a car across the city to get donuts.

  2. It takes 1 million earths to fit in the sun and 4 million suns to fit in the new black hole they dicovered…….

  3. So the center of our galaxy looks like a glowing donut! Its a wonder that the Cosmos actually does dummy down these wonders for mankind to comprehend

    1. no, you can’t see x ray and radio light radiation, to you or better to us, the center is black

  4. The black void technically isn’t the black hole, the outer edge is the event horizon, the light is being bent from behind making it appear like a round halo. The black hole itself is a wee speck, relatively speaking, deep inside that black void.

    1. you cannot bent light, the path (the vacuum) in which light travels is getting “curved”

  5. I saw this last night outside of my job. It started moving closer when I put my flashlight on it. I put my hand on front of the flashlight of my phone. I thought it was a spaceship. today the scientist says it’s a black hole. Very cool but I went inside once I noticed it moving closer to me. I went back outside 15 minutes later to see if it was still there and it was but moved back to it’s original placement. Very humbling to know there is more out there. This is not my first encounter with things like this in outer space.

  6. *Space, Gravity, Time and Light*

    Hypothetically, suppose that space is comprised of cubes, cubes of phenomenon X filling the entire void of eternity that to the human senses seem to be nothing yet existing in some unfathomable reality, each one a cubic meter in volume. But where celestial and planetary bodies exist what was a cubic meter is now a cubic centimetre, space having been deformed and compressed by the presence of a body.

    In order to understand the concept it is easier to first visualize this idea in two dimensions. Like a straight, horizontal line on which are placed steel ball bearings. Thus, we have a horizontal line with a few circles resting on top of it. For convenience and to aid this illustration we will refer to these circles as heavy ball bearings. If the line is elastic then it will sag from the weight of the ball bearings. The nature of this elasticity is that the line only sags locally in the vicinity of each ball bearing, but remains horizontal and straight for the remainder of its length.

    Thus, we have a horizontal line with a series of local dips.

    Now, slide an object along the line. This object will continue on its path, moving horizontally and nothing seems to affect it until it reaches a localized dip and it moves downward to the steel ball bearing where it comes to rest.

    Now, consider space along this horizontal line. Imagine, this line representing space comprised of metre squares abutting each other making up the entire length of this line. Visualize this as a line one metre thick. Where the ball bearing is placed it sags, meaning that the one metre squares are squeezed together and the line in this local area now consists of one centimetre squares. The one metre thick line is reduced to one centimetre.

    An object sliding along this line will drop down into the dip and stop.

    Gravity is a flow. That is gravity.

    The effects of gravity are overcome in an anti-gravity device by simulating a one cubic metre volume of space where in the dip its actual size is only one cubic centimetre. If the simulation of space is larger than a cubic metre then the object will rise, seeming effortlessly. When the simulation of space is less than a cubic metre the object will drop downwards, its rate controlled by the degree of reduction of space. Application of the same principle in front, behind or to a side enables the craft to more forward, backwards or sideways, seeming effortlessly.

    This characteristic of space may be expressed mathematically, as a differential equation.

    Given that the universe is in a state of vibration, which is sound, then it is a sound wave of particular characteristic that is required to simulate space and overcome gravity. Insects do it. The same principle may be employed to turn heavy solids into lightweight soft material, in which the properties of rock become those of a marshmallow. Ancient drawings depict sound tones passing from base to apex in a pair of cones tuned into resonant earth energy. The confluence of sound waves is the crystal matrix of eternity that form metre cubes.

    Two dimensions were employed to illustrate the principle of space and gravity. In reality the process is three dimensional. Objects moving in the metre cubes that make up space flow into the dips, the one-centimetre cubes of space where celestial bodies reside. And there they stop.

    The phenomenon that enables electromagnetic waves seem to travel pervades the universe. It is already there. Waves vibrate in place. That is why light, an electromagnetic wave within a narrow band of frequencies, is independent of the speed of the observer. No matter how you measure its speed it will not vary.

    That is until you consider the composition of space. Outside of the influence of celestial bodies the one-centimetre cubes are restored to their normal one-metre size. Time, as we measure it, then, is distorted. Travel of one centimetre becomes one metre or 100 times the distance. Using the same metre to centimetre ratio bodies that appear to be 100 light years away are only a light year away. Of course, the metre to one-centimetre illustration was employed for easy visualization of the concept. In reality the ratio might be a billion to one. The energy of a single wave form is transferred to its neighbour a billion times faster. Thus, a celestial body a billion light years away employing conventional measurement, in reality, is only one light year distant.

    Gravity is a flow towards a condensation of space. Outside of this influence light travels a billion times faster and objects are a billion times closer than they appear to be.

  7. God is inside. He wants us to send him a SpaceX starship. “What does God need with a starship?”

  8. When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around after meeting Intellectweb s

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