Former FDNY fire marshal among victims of coronavirus

CNN's Anderson Cooper pays tribute to a former FDNY fire marshal who passed away after contracting the novel coronavirus. His son, Zachary Knox, tells CNN that his father came out of retirement to help after the 9/11 terror attacks. #CNN #News


    1. @Thomas Brown So you were triggered? Don’t let it get to you I know it’s hard for you but try and keep up….’ if you don’t like CNN then don’t watch ‘.

    2. @VG F you do know the whole concept of being triggered was made for snowflake Democrats there’s nothing special about taking our term and turning it around on us.

      Also CNN has he never lead any news slot in ratings, they have very large constituents on the right and the left that despise them, they masquerade as a news organization when its clear biased and opinion.. there’s really no need for them to exist, it’s that simple!!

    3. Reading the idiotic troll comments I have received since my post I say again that we definitely need more stories like CNN’s to remind us what civility & truly patriotic is all about. Trump & troll supporters are a disgrace idiotic but a global embarrassment.

  1. The son is setting an example in the way he’s honoring his father’s memory. May he rest in peace.

  2. I’m 68 had a sorethrought and a bad cold in early February. I got better feel normal but have a dry cough. Now I’m wondering if I had Corona but my immune system fought it off . I haven’t had a cold in 5 years. I wish I could be tested so I’ll know if I’m a carrier. Either way I’m bunkering at home.

    1. tin pan alley 1619 Broadway good for you! What a team player I feel the same but haven’t had contact with anyone ,except one person YOU?

    2. @GourmetGilda I’m isolating only go out to stock food. wearing plastic gloves washing down surfaces washing hands the whole deal totally avoiding any human contact. Don’t know if I’m protecting myself or others . Not changing my habits till I have more information.greek epidermitalygist are saying its air born could stay in the air up to three hours depending on heat or humidity. Did you have a cold last month too?

  3. Terribly sad. Now all his family and people who came in contact with him are probably quarantined. Who knows how he got the virus… no words.

    1. I have come to realize “liberal” is MAGA speak for educated. Oh, how proudly they display their stupid. RIP Mr. Knox!

    2. @Larry Ames incorrect. “Liberal” means easily brainwashed by CNN to think an 84 year old person doesn’t easily pass away from otherwise mild causes – that no young person would die of
      “Liberal” means people that don’t major in construction, carpentry, masonry, electrical, flooring, foundation repair, etc etc… Liberals major in unscientific nonsense and end up with a worthless 4 year degree and a huge student loan
      Liberal means believing that a FLU is as dangerous as EBOLA, and that we should all have a hysterical reaction and that society as we know it should be shut down.
      Liberal means being an Obama supporter on welfare.
      Liberal means having a lower level of education and a lower level of intelligence than conservatives.
      Liberal means people that live off taxpayers, where as conservatives ARE the taxpayers.
      Liberal means being a brainwashed zombie that believes everything Fake News CNN and MSNBC tells them.
      I hope I cleared up some things for you

  4. A true American Hero.
    We could use more people like Zackary Knox in America.
    Thank you for your service.

    1. @The Blade I would relay some things I’ve learned throughout my studies, but since you are an Obama supporter, I would have to convert it to Common Core, so that you, Lateesha, Quanisha, Leroy, Toby, and all the other Obama supporters could understand (but you still wouldn’t)

  5. What a wonderful interview about one of New York City’s finest citizens. My sympathies to the Knox family. 💜☮

    1. @jm8373 3- Lying Trump said many times the virus will go away with the warm weather it was not during this occasion you’ve mentioned only, he even said there were “15 cases that will soon go down to 0” when on the same day the CDC website was talking about 74 cases you fool…

    2. @jm8373 So in conclusion fool yes calling you an ignorant cultist is not only a winning argument but an undeniable fact. And knowing that the FBI data show an increase of xenophobia towards Asian Americans this has once again nothing to do with Democrats you ignorant fool. Notice how you’re so brainwashed that you can’t even make a coherent argument without saying buzz words such a Democrats,media or CNN. That’s you are so off topic and have no clue of what the conversation is about you just here to whine and spew talking points but you keep losing you uneducated inbred.

    3. @Kim R , There is no virus.
      Out of infinite number of events that occurs each day the media has to select a handful issues to tell us about. Why should we trust the media is picking the news-worthy, the most important and greatest stories and not the ones that serve its political interest such as engineering justification to pass insane Communist policies like Money For Nothing (“ubi”). How many epidemics and actual news do you think the media suppressed over the years? You would think the actual news is the crashing southern border, demographic change, EPA aggressive attack on economy etc but we are talking about some minor flu. It’s false to claim that what’s going on today is virus if 99.9% of major, most relevant events today isn’t “virus”. What is going on today isn’t virus. In that sense, there is no virus.
      Once the media submits an event as “news”, meaning can then be given to it (by the media): maybe the virus means we need to give up more of our rights, or maybe it means new laws must be passed or maybe it means justification for Commie policy of paying losers $1000 FOR NOTHING, throwing money into the abyss. Compensating nothing! And with such draconian Commie take-over, we’re one step closer to Socialist suicide.

  6. Anderson thank you for giving the world the ability to know Mr John Knox. Zack, thank you for the devotion your father gave of himself, patriotism at it’s best. Sincere Condolences to you, your Family and all who knew and loved Mr John Knox! 🙏🏽 ❤️

  7. What a handsome distinguished sweet hearted hero that NYC has lost too soon. RIP John Knox, you’ll always be remembered for your love and dedication. ❤️💋🗽

  8. Sad…. For those who think that this a hoax, diversion or it can’t happen to me.. RIP Mr. Knox and thank you for your years of service. 🚒

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