GOP lawmaker holds town hall amid uproar over conspiracies she’s spread

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), held a town hall in Dallas, Georgia, amid the growing uproar over numerous conspiracy theories she has spread. CNN's Martin Savidge reports.

#ErinBurnett #CNN #MartinSavidge


  1. Won’t allow the press in? What’s the matter, “can’t defend her position?!”. She must be “a coward!”. She’s “paid to do this!”. She “has everything” with her cushy government job and GOP backing, and “I have nothing!”

    1. @Michael Gawerecki Check out ” American Kompromat “How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump , and Related Tales of Sex , Greed , Power , and Treachery by: Craig Unger . When you understand you have been played and who the real treasonous traitors are I hope you feel the same for what they deserve .

    1. @Patty Kenyon. Well maybe you can go riot and burn down Obama’s mansion over the virus?.. After all .. he is the one that gave Wuhan lab a lot of money to research and develop dangerous viruses.. reportedly a modified corona virus taken from bats.. and quite possibly CCP Joe was in on it too.. CCP Joe loves the Chinese communist party.. is in love with them; or at least their money.. They even gave his son a part time job on a cushy CCP board.. started him out at over a million a year.. a little better than he would have made washing dishes.. and of course hotel rooms.. prostitutes and illicit drugs part of the perks. I have nothing against taking a lot of the statues down.. but in a democracy .. should not public votes or elected officials decide what to do with public property instead of a rampaging rioting mob? And funny how those “confederate” statues last year were even ones of Lincoln .. Jefferson and Washington.. I didn’t know they were in the confederate army. Was Lincoln secretly part of the rebellion? Oh.. or maybe they are just “racist” because they are “white colonists”? That would make all your family pictures racist too.. Going to go out and burn them?

    2. @Tavia Lativia rehabilitation is only for the willing. They have every right to be delusional, gullible haters. But They don’t have the right to break the law and harm innocent people. QAnon is a cult of sedition. Maybe you should rehabilitate yourself first.. maybe they’ll all follow you and your ability to break away from the cult of sedition.

    3. @Janet Hepburn Maybe when leftists are no longer barricading the doors of a federal courthouse and trying to burn it down while fully occupied.. Maybe when they are not taking over several city blocks and making it their cult headquarters under RAZ; the self proclaimed leftist “warlord” whom leftists followed like some sot of cult leader in a Far Cry game.. maybe then they can say more about the cult mentality of Qanon.

    1. @K Dapson yeh I realize he was extra nice to dictators that had nuclear weapons, I think he would do anything to avoid wars, after 4yrs he’s the 1st PRES that didn’t take us to war, so I’m trying to keep an open mind and think what he did might have been worth? I use to be more of a hawk and he kind of chgd me to be more against wars , I realize ppl disagree thx

    2. @Bill Smith Great movie. Who knew that when his character was shot, and fell off Venice Pier into the ocean, that he would reappear almost 30 years later in the form of angry and delusional rioters laying waste to the Capitol building.

    3. @Frenchblue8 A book written by whites !Please you people convinced the world that Columbus discovered America yet he invaded lands of indigenous people.Tell me which book has that factual historical information.

    4. @Steve Pierce As a former Army Sergeant, I won’t lie to you. I’m still a bit of a hawk. I don’t want this country to back down to anyone. It isn’t hard to keep the country out of war as long as you don’t behave in a bellicose and belligerent manner. You’re right. The US did not become embroiled in any new foreign entanglements. But not for trying. The former president was busy selling millions in arms sales to both Israel and Saudi Arabia, with the sales to SA being particularly worrisome as it could have led to a flare up with Iran. But as I said, for me, as a veteran who served during the Cold War, to see the spectacle of a US president seemingly supplicate himself to the Russian president was reason for pause, and to ask just what was going on with the guy and Russia.

    5. @K Dapson when Obama was selling guns to Mexico he Rs didn’t like it, Biden has a lot of ties to China and Iran so that will be a big deal for the next 4 yrs, all pres have there reasons for whatever, but no PRES had more investigations than trump had, so if he did things, ppl couldn’t find that it was illegal (but they spent 4 yrs looking) I didn’t think an international businessman w ties to all international countries was a big deal, I expected that, I didn’t like a lot about trump but I was so tired of the good old boys running the country, I liked the shake up, but the good ol boys r back so I guess it didn’t last LOL

  2. “Trying to reason with a man who has forgone the use of reason is like giving medicine to a dead man” – Thomas Paine

    1. THAT IS AN AWESOME STATEMENT the best I’ve heard in a long time do you mind if I use that against these deadheads.

    2. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏THANK YOU!!! AND JUST TO ADD: same EXACT thing if you get infected with CANCER!!! you dont try to “reason” with it, you dont “hope” for it… YOU EXCISE IT!!! PERIOD!!! EXPEL THESE WEIRDOS NOW, OR RISK FURTHER CONTAMINATION OF OUR ENTIRE GOVERNMENT!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!

    3. @Ray Hays The rich privilege. Make the laws they break, legal. That way they are not above the law. But being lawful. In the laws that they have made, to not be accountable. Making them accountable to the law that they are not accountable. That’s how it done till the abuse of their making a deal with the devil will have offend enough. That decent, righteous, and truth, with fair equal justice prevail again. Human Rights abuses, will not be tolerated and actively prosecuted. With real consequence. To end the terror of the poor people.

  3. It’s embarrassing that a person like this can become a elected official in the United States Government

    1. This woman would not qualify for jury duty. If you would not let her decide the fate of ONE man she sure as hell shouldn’t be deciding the fate of millions.

  4. When will these parents start to accept that their children were not really killed?

    – Pretty much the definition of insanity

    1. @Pamela Johnson the qtips probably think Hillary Clinton ate them while worshipping satan. It’s tragic on so many levels.

    1. I forget her name but there was a lady elected for public office here in California who swears she was abducted by space aliens. And she was elected AFTER she said that.

    2. I thought the “tolerant and loving” ppl on the left wanted unity and healing 🤪 I have seen a lot of hatred in this comment section 🤪

    3. ​@jr goxy *The Paradox of Tolerance* : Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. –Karl Popper

  5. She’s a nobody that with money was able to “fall through the cracks” we need to start having REAL qualifications to be elected into law making positions! Not just having $ …It has been this way too long!!!!!

    1. Yeah! A basic litmus test like they do on Idiocracy
      _If you have 1 bucket with 5 gallons of water and 1 bucket with 7 gallons of water, how many buckets do you have?_

    2. You mean like AOC, she was a bartender before she got Elected. she Isn’t qualified to make laws either, but there she is.

    1. @metalmauler a woman who encouraged a failed Coup d’etat, revealing the location of Pelosi – Speaker of the House – and throwing false accusations all the time is comparable to Ocasio Cortez? How? What did Ocasio Cortez to be compared to this individual?
      Taylor Greene needs to get expelled.
      Oh, and you need to shut up.

    2. @Rob Wesley If you choose to live off of conspiracy theories and alternative facts that’s your choice!
      I prefer fact based information! Evidence! 60 cases immediately dismissed over election fraud in the 2020 election! Give me a break already 🤣

  6. “The more that she is attacked, the more she is convinced that she is right” – This is exactly how the Nazis behaved in Germany in the 1930s. And conservatives enabled those conspiracy theorist Nazis to come to power. Just like today.

  7. “It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.” ~ James A. Baldwin

  8. Anyone who chases kids who survived a slaughter at their high school with a gun is not fit for office. Put her in jail.

  9. Whoy is she putting on a committee. About children’s when she is out of this world. She is from Mars or somewhere else.

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