Gov. Andrew Cuomo addresses coronavirus pandemic in New York | USA TODAY

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo holds a press conference on the coronavirus pandemic.

RELATED: Pregnant nurses have urgent message for America

President Donald Trump, determined to "reopen" the U.S. for business as soon as possible, has signaled displeasure with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the medical face of the White House battle against the pandemic. Fauci's apparent sin: acknowledging that earlier federal action might have saved lives.

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  1. Give us some real numbers. NYC averages about 450 deaths per day normally. How many are there now.? Is there really a significant increase?

  2. There is only one thing that wil dicide when we can open the country again. ITS cald CORONA. SHE DECIDE WEN TO CLOSE AND WHE TO OPEN.

    1. So just stay closed forever then? Do you think people will stay in their homes the next 12-18 months ? Get a grip. We need to start having the conversation at least of when we get going again.

    1. India close it’s economy way Ahead . They found few cases and they shut down economy.we was too late compare to that. Not even that the police of India and Bangladesh beat people to stay home and wear mask and gloves . Here beating people is felony. We was misguided in US, mask is not necessary wear gloves . But India everyone wearing mask . Infected non infected .why? Because A symptmetic patient doesn’t know he carrying virus or not unless tested . India found a case who traveled from Italy and he speed disease after 21 days. Not 2 weeks time frame .India is dealing virus from begining they have Mosquito. You might hear the name dengu .

    2. @Jack Robertson India is giving Trump medicine. India is a country like China they can make something from imitating others . They wanna hide because they have a binding from United nations to help other United nations enlisted countries .So far I know india is helping my country ( Bangladesh) willingly with kits and medicine .the main precaution India is doing is beating people to stay at home and they put military in place to supply grocery and essential deliveries .Trust me I am Indian .

    3. @Prateek Trikha do you know history of your country ? India bangladesh the and pakistan was same land before . That’s why the racist idea prioritise your mind . Hindu , muslim idea. Yes police and army was placed to beat people who is outside same in india, bangladesh and pakistan because. Those country follow each other . You are lucky to be citizien of india that police has that authority to beat that’s what i ment otherwise police gives ticket in united states with $200 fine .Stop being racist this virus dont care you are hindu or muslim . Your evey words are agreeing with me but just being criticizing . That’s what indian is . You have problem dont watch it. I donot live in india.I live in US . I have feedom of speech. You the one who watching united states govornor speech.

  3. I love you, New Yorkers! I say this every day on these casts because it’s true.–just a girl in Wisconsin

  4. One of the nurses in my hospital is in NY right now taking care of Covid patients, hoping all the nurses in NY stay safe and healthy!

  5. I would like to also see the people honored who are doing the delivery services…mail, food, packages. God Bless All the people working through the day and night to keep us all well and cared for throughout the World.

  6. Coronavirus: Five ways the outbreak is hitting global food industry

    As the world’s population was plunged into lockdown, our social
    media feeds became filled with stories of shortages at local supermarkets.

    But with many
    restaurants and other areas of the hospitality industry effectively shut for
    business, food producers are warning they actually have too much stock which
    will now go to waste.

    These are some of
    the ways the coronavirus pandemic is impacting the supply chain of food around
    the world.

    for read the new click the link

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