Governor calls for more focus on mental health in wake of mass shooting

In an exclusive interview with CNN's Kaitlan Collins, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear says in the wake of a mass shooting in Louisville, that we need to do more to de-stigmatize mental health and everyone needs to show a little more love and less hate in their day-to-day.
#CNN #News


    1. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world. The main problem is that slavery has never left and still here in a different way by us being born with a number go to school to learn to be a slave in a good way and force to work in order to make a living for the rest of our life only for most of it to take most of it out our check to make us keep working til the day you pass away. If that’s not human slavery/prostitution/human trafficking,I don’t know what is😂😂😂💀. Until we all come together and say enough is enough with human slavery and do something about it,get back to school/work slave!😘😉😂💀

  1. Wow, it literally is only important when it happens to you. The conservative mind and it’s dis-attachment to empathy is amazing to observe

    1. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world. The main problem is that slavery has never left and still here in a different way by us being born with a number go to school to learn to be a slave in a good way and force to work in order to make a living for the rest of our life only for most of it to take most of it out our check to make us keep working til the day you pass away. If that’s not human slavery/prostitution/human trafficking,I don’t know what is😂😂😂💀. Until we all come together and say enough is enough with human slavery and do something about it,get back to school/work slave!😘😉😂💀

    2. Are you empathic to the plight of those slated for termination via “legal” abortion?

  2. They have second thoughts when it hits home!Hope that’s what it takes! But I’m not holding my breath !

    1. I gave up years ago when it comes to banning assault rifles and issuing background checks. America loves its’ guns, even if it means a weekly massacre.

    2. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world. The main problem is that slavery has never left and still here in a different way by us being born with a number go to school to learn to be a slave in a good way and force to work in order to make a living for the rest of our life only for most of it to take most of it out our check to make us keep working til the day you pass away. If that’s not human slavery/prostitution/human trafficking,I don’t know what is😂😂😂💀. Until we all come together and say enough is enough with human slavery and do something about it,get back to school/work slave!😘😉😂💀

    1. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world. The main problem is that slavery has never left and still here in a different way by us being born with a number go to school to learn to be a slave in a good way and force to work in order to make a living for the rest of our life only for most of it to take most of it out our check to make us keep working til the day you pass away. If that’s not human slavery/prostitution/human trafficking,I don’t know what is😂😂😂💀. Until we all come together and say enough is enough with human slavery and do something about it,get back to school/work slave!😘😉😂💀

  3. The issue about expanding mental health services is that most therapists are not compensated accordingly nor held at the same level as doctors. My wife has gone through 8 years of school and 2 years of supervision to get her license as a Marriage and Family therapist just to get paid half what a doctor would make. Add all the insurance bullshit therapist have to deal with: how many hours of therapy are covered, the type of therapy, etc. This creates a shortage of qualified therapist and limits the access to mental health services. We are so used to treat mental health issues as medical conditions when in reality they are a combination of systemic problems and actual mental health problems, we can’t expect to improve mental health with drugs alone, it takes a village to help someone improve or control severe mental health disorders. I hope the systemic approach becomes as relevant as psychotherapy and psychiatry, that might be our only way to truly offer help to people in need.

    1. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world. The main problem is that slavery has never left and still here in a different way by us being born with a number go to school to learn to be a slave in a good way and force to work in order to make a living for the rest of our life only for most of it to take most of it out our check to make us keep working til the day you pass away. If that’s not human slavery/prostitution/human trafficking,I don’t know what is😂😂😂💀. Until we all come together and say enough is enough with human slavery and do something about it,get back to school/work slave!😘😉😂💀

    2. I certainly understand the frustration when there is inequity and unfairness, and there always is.
      I was an ambulance medic, unable to get my rent paid. I remember doing CPR until I thought my arms were going to fall off while wondering when I’d be evicted from my tiny apartment.
      Doctors may get paid a lot, but it’s everyone else who’s holding things together. That includes your wife.
      If she’s able to make any difference at all in anyone’s life, and make any kind of a living doing it, then it’s a success story.
      We need her.

    3. Therapy didn’t curve mass shooting in other country that was following strong gun control measures. Mental therapy came after if at all. This is a talking point by some who didn’t care to have any gun control.

    4. Why does governor who advocates to treat the mental illness always cuts the funding ?
      If he cares so deeply about his deceased friend he should step down from governor.
      Stop fooling yourself and ban assault rifles.

  4. The 2nd amendament issue is a matter of people stirring other people for political, monetary and power gain, who are stirring back to people. And they think they’ll never be hit.

    1. One of the best content I’ve seen! Crypto is the best, though I don’t self trade butI still make profit with the help of my broker till I’m sure I can start self trading

    2. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world. The main problem is that slavery has never left and still here in a different way by us being born with a number go to school to learn to be a slave in a good way and force to work in order to make a living for the rest of our life only for most of it to take most of it out our check to make us keep working til the day you pass away. If that’s not human slavery/prostitution/human trafficking,I don’t know what is😂😂😂💀. Until we all come together and say enough is enough with human slavery and do something about it,get back to school/work slave!😘😉😂💀

  5. 4:54-4:58: I hope we all find out “middle” ground by discovering ways we can keep our communities safe -and- do what’s reasonable to allow people to feel “whole” and maintain rights they demand.
    6:12: Empathy and social-emotional awareness

    1. I wonder openly how we’re supposed to negotiate a middle with an opponent who was and is still, more than happy to bully and/or threaten us to see it their way.

      To hell with guns and the people who own them. Cogs in a death machine.

  6. In 1992 my college professor told me ” The 2nd Amendment was not created for our time period ” Now over 30 yrs later I understand what he said and about our long talk after class sadly more today , then I did back then . ” Law abiding citizens will not find a problem obeying the law , those who will disregard those laws , then stricter laws have to be created to protect those who follow the laws” . Car registration, gun registration, proof of insurance for a car or gun, vehicle and gun registration.
    Common sense and stricter laws to protect someone like me who carries a concealed weapon with a permit wishing I did not have to . This is not 1776 to 1812, people and guns not the same as today . I share this not to debate or discuss . I lost 2 elderly relatives to gun violence .

    1. Nothing to do with times, you all are being changed in the upstairs department without knowing.

    2. Countries like Switzerland have just as relaxed gun laws and no serious issues.

    3. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world. The main problem is that slavery has never left and still here in a different way by us being born with a number go to school to learn to be a slave in a good way and force to work in order to make a living for the rest of our life only for most of it to take most of it out our check to make us keep working til the day you pass away. If that’s not human slavery/prostitution/human trafficking,I don’t know what is😂😂😂💀. Until we all come together and say enough is enough with human slavery and do something about it,get back to school/work slave!😘😉😂💀

    1. He’s actually born and raised in Kentucky so he cares about the state. He’s a democrat too.

    2. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world. The main problem is that slavery has never left and still here in a different way by us being born with a number go to school to learn to be a slave in a good way and force to work in order to make a living for the rest of our life only for most of it to take most of it out our check to make us keep working til the day you pass away. If that’s not human slavery/prostitution/human trafficking,I don’t know what is😂😂😂💀. Until we all come together and say enough is enough with human slavery and do something about it,get back to school/work slave!😘😉😂💀

  7. My god am I with him on this. I too am not alright right now. I haven’t been for a good long while.

    1. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world. The main problem is that slavery has never left and still here in a different way by us being born with a number go to school to learn to be a slave in a good way and force to work in order to make a living for the rest of our life only for most of it to take most of it out our check to make us keep working til the day you pass away. If that’s not human slavery/prostitution/human trafficking,I don’t know what is😂😂😂💀. Until we all come together and say enough is enough with human slavery and do something about it,get back to school/work slave!😘😉😂💀

  8. An imam was stabbed early Sunday as he led congregants in prayer at a mosque in Paterson, New Jersey. Congregants subdued the alleged attacker, identified as Serif Zorba. Passaic County Prosecutor Camelia Valdes said Zorba was taken into custody on charges of attempted murder in the first degree, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose in the third degree and unlawful possession of a weapon in the fourth degree.

  9. Individuals with mental health issues and criminals are not unique to America. Other places have them too. But what differentiate America from other civilized societies is the ease with which firearms can be procured. So if these individuals were to lash out, the severity of the consequences is worst in America. As has been proven time and again.

  10. It’s obviously all about the combination of both, gun control *and* looking after people’s mental health. But the latter is much more complicated.

  11. We need committees of people pushing for the betterment of our children and schools‼️Not just individuals.

  12. Consciousness, Unprompted, accompanied with pleasure, and connected with wrong view attachment could lead to Mental health and it seems like this is what most of us have possessed. JMO

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