1. The courts need to apply some serious sanctions (US$millions) to Trump and his bent lawyers for their frivolous lawsuits.

  2. If someone told me that Donald Trump is suing the sun for being too bright, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit. This is a guy who sues anyone for anything that displeases him. Heck, I’m probably at risk now that I typed this comment 😢

    1. Looks like little boy donnie grew always getting his way.
      When he entered the real world and found out he couldn’t always get his way, he just used daddy’s money to hurt those that told him “no.”

    2. ​@William Williams so you must believe also that Cohen has a right to sue Trump for what he did to him, correct?

  3. Every time Trump is accused of doing something, he counters it by accusing others of doing that same exact thing.

  4. Trump again here pitching conflicting concepts
    -“I never had an affair with Stormy, Cohen is a liar!”
    -“I’m suing Cohen because he breached confidentiality when he blabbed about my affair with Stormy!”

  5. I’m kind of wondering why isn’t there a law where if someone files a frivolous lawsuit they should then be banned to file anymore lawsuits for a calendar year and if they file another frivolous lawsuit after that makes the band 5 years and then it happens again how to be a permanent ban with jail time

    1. I think Laticia James is suing Trump over this issue right now. Not sure if it’s the same thing though.

    2. ​@An Acc She doesn’t have a history of filling frivolous lawsuits. Her current lawsuit against Trump will be picking the jury next week. If the judge thought it was a frivolous suit, he would have just dismissed it, instead of going through months of pretrial motions and discovery.

  6. We all need to help Michael. He’s been so courageous to expose Trump for the guy we all knew he was. A mob boss.

    1. @Jerry McClure *my comment is in response to a previous comment that blamed Trump for Cohen crimes. Is reading comprehension difficult for you?

  7. You guys love to give news about Trump filing lawsuits, but forget to report when he loses them, which is mostly every time. This is all Trump wants to be spread and hears.

    1. In this case he had attorney client privilege (with limited exceptions) so who knows it might work.

    2. Losing only happens once, but the process can take years and that process deserves to be covered. That said, it’s not unusual to hear -T’s- record in “election court” like “61 and oh” but that’s so brief it’s easy to miss. As bystanders, we’re on the same side, let’s not lose sight of the big picture and let this topic become a wedge: Stay involved, vote, help someone vote.

    1. @rare The first thing they teach you in a cult is that there are two sides – yours, and everybody else. There are no “sides” here, bro. You’re in a cult.

  8. Awesome interview. Tough questions, which were rebutted or responded to, with respect. Elon Musk should learn how to respond with fulsome answers and when pushing back, how to explain why and what he’s illuminating. The interviewer was excellent at substantiating her position.

    1. I taught she was a tad adversarial which is good if you are trying to be an effective interviewer. However, one or two of her follow up questions landed poorly and left me with a feeling that they were not forged by clear thinking.

      For instance, I don’t see why she had to ask Michael Cohen this question @4:48: ‘Why talk about it publicly if don’t have a strategy yet?’

      This inquiry was posed to Michael after he commented that he was still deliberating on a strategy. Specifically, the strategy he would adopt in response to Trump’s lawsuit once he is served.
      She made it seem like it was inappropriate to talk about likely strategies if a definitive choice had not been made – which is just meaningless.

      The tentativeness of a final strategy should not preclude public speech about prospective options.

  9. Basically, with his final sentence, he is telling us that there is a whole lot of interesting stuff the rest of us don’t even know about, but will come out in the trial. Should be interesting.

    1. The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of “Men who wanted to be left Alone”.

      They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.

      They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.

      They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over.

      The moment the “Men who wanted to be left Alone” are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .

      Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left Alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears.
      – unknown

    2. Are you purposely posting violence?
      You’re not a man who wants to be alone. You’re a man that lives in social forums, you post frequently and take up other people’s quotes and life accomplishments and display them as your own.
      A true leader pulls the American people together.

  10. I feel like another major reason for this lawsuit is that so while trump faces so many lawsuits he can pretend it’s a two way street.

  11. Usual Trump format – shout one thing in public, turn up to court with no evidence, gets thrown out.

    1. T is trying to discredit this witness – and also making sure – again – that he is *punished* for speaking unflattering truths about T – telling T’s “secrets.” (Imo)

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