Historian: In This Time Of Crisis, Private Citizens Need To Step Up | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Historian Jon Meacham explains why this immediate moment is exactly a time for politics and why private citizens need to step forward. Aired on 3/20/2020.
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Historian: In This Time Of Crisis, Private Citizens Need To Step Up | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Private citizens have been stepping up for decades – and, the rich and powerful have been reaping ALL the benefits! It’s time for pitchforks and torches!

    1. Corporations and the ultra rich have been getting tax breaks and have loop holes, while the middle class have been paying their fair share of taxes

    2. I like to know how these liberal media is coping managing with the toilet paper shortage.you don’t see Obama shopping for toilet paper on tv

  2. Retrain people laid off to make medical supplies. Have microbreweries that closed to make hand sanitizer. Take unemployed construction workers and build tiny homes for homeless. Have auto manufacturers make respirators cause nobody is buying cars now anyway. Convert empty office buildings into hospitals. Have bed manufacture companies ramp up production of hospital beds

    1. That requires a war time president who can lead which is not what the WH has. We have a PT Barnum, a huckster who sells snake oil.

    2. omi god … always the same … they can find billions for their rich mates but nothing to help the American people survive.

    1. @Richard Darlington Dickie Poo…..you are just being dramatic….spewing leftist bilge during a difficult time for all Americans. It is presumptuous to think what I may know to be true. He will be reelected. If you are putting your hopes on O’Biden Bama or the “other Biden”…you are screwed. Really screwed Dickie Poo. TRUMP 2020 and 2024.

    2. @Richard Darlington it’s horrible when you know the answer, are sickened by it, and can’t do a damned thing to change the answer. (Canada, please, take me in!)

    3. @Wendy’s Garden
      “Sickened” is a rather unfortunate choice of words, I would think.
      I’m more frustrated than anything else.
      This doesn’t have to happen. It needn’t be this bad.

    1. @Richard Owens – If/when that happens, mister tRump and the GOP will learn *the real meaning of the 2nd Amendment.*

    2. @Just For Fun Not as long as the internet and smart phones still work. We should have been marching on Washington by the millions since within a week of Trump taking office – but, we didn’t.

    3. Can’t wait until election…no more than 10 in a gathering you liberals are going to be fit to be tied…lol with this virus going on

    1. @R L T Where is the “pepples bathroom?” Is there where tRmpturds get flushed down the toilet? Beware, you are next turd.

  3. americas private billionaires could do a lot of great work if they wanted to. Lets see if they donate to the 1 charity that needs them most… the american people & the 1s who made them the billions.

    1. Nah, more like Trump sitting on the toilet Tweeting away in the pale glow of his screen as he angrily, violently voids his bowels of the closest thing he’ll ever have for brains.


    1. the happy clam Dr. Falci stood on the podium beside this moronic so-called prez and confirmed we do not have the testing kits, the hospital supplies such as masks, gowns, ventilators. The list is long, America is unprepared and Trump is responsible. Why don’t you educate yourself? This is a global crisis, a PANDEMIC, and we do not have a decisive leader, we instead have a moron in power whose only interest IS making money and getting re-eLected BY SPEWING LIES TO America. Can you not see this?

      People like you, with your Cult45 glasses and drooling praise for Trump, the loser, truly make me sick. Trump is not fit for office, Bucko. Self-isolate until the Governors and Mayors get this virus under control. Do not respond. I am busy sewing hospital masks for our front line workers. Got it?

    2. The reason to have the German vaccine work here was to garner exclusive bragging rights for little donnie and some claim to the income as well.

    3. k Gio I offered the proof that there was extreme failed leadership by Trump and his Administration. You are either a Cult45 troll or an imbecile (or both) to reply in such a childish, moronic way. “Get Bent”??? Seriously? Are you trying to be hip? Lmfao.

    1. @Penny Liqueur You are correct about Ptoject Paperclip and ANTIFA…T-Rump is definitely a white supremacist…

    2. Awww
      Poor boomer has lost her glasses and, can’t see the cap lock is stuck.
      His typical response

      Sorry, swing and a miss comrade.

      Adelson is going to want his money back.
      You must be profiteering off the trumplague like certain senators.
      Wanna know why insurance is so expensive?
      “Look in the mirror”
      His 6 bedbug and breakfasts are losing money.
      So, public be damned, let’s open for business.
      Go to a MAGAt rally and hug it out.

  5. Three people in the US hold more wealth than the bottom half of the entire population. It’s time for THEM to step up – or, be taken out!

    1. Gates has stepped up, 5 years ago saying all he could to be prepared for this very epidemic. He has donated and is donating millions. Blame the Koch Brothers. Don’t blame Gates.

    2. @Wendy’s Garden It’s not enough. There is no excuse for the level of wealth disparity in this country. In this time of crisis, ALL billionaires need to be coughing up BILLIONS of dollars!

    3. @Richard Owens It would be a little bit helpful if we did not have a joker in The WH, don’t you think so?

  6. Now more than ever, it’s officially a sh*tshow 🤢🥴 we have to vote him out in Nov…(masks and gloves and all lol)

  7. “This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA……We cannot make masks????? Really???? With this concentration of wealth..?????” Thank you John Meachm for putting this in a simple yet completely understandable point. It is not JUST this President….this is the Republican Party. The focus on judges, on limiting healthcare, on individual profiting and profiteering…..this is the current Repulican Party. Shame on those of us who voted for these morons. History tells us they would do this. Those who vote Republican choose not to listen. Because of that…….this country is diminished.

    1. @marcus aurellius As a european my heart has always been with the dems and bernie. I don’t like the GOP at all and i can’t wait to see them loose the senat again. But there are republicans of reason too, but they seldom speak out.

    2. @Ruud de Koff There are good people EVERYWHERE. That is not my intention to paint those people through this lens. I only point the facts. As an American, as the son of an immigrant father who came to this country for the prospect of a better life I am sorrowful that we have abandoned our sense of objectivity and ‘fair play’ as members of our society, who are entitled to their opinion, back the actions of a corrupt and criminal organization.

    3. @marcus aurellius I only can agree to that. The US is too much in the grip of the big and corrupt companies. As long as even some dems see Bernie as a communist the US is going to be on the far right side for a decade to come. What Bernie wants is what we in europe mostly have achieved for the people and we want the americans to achieve that too.

    4. @Ruud de Koff I am not a Bernie fan. But I am a history reader. The biggest advances in protection of the American people have been socialist programs in nature. Social Security, Federal Deposit Insurance, Medicare, Equal Rights, Civil Liberties, school lunch programs, clean air standards, clean water standards all of these mentioned are GOVERNMENT programs funded and paid for by the American taxpayer for our own benefit. They are arguably socialist in nature. The American people have been lied to through the years to believe social good…..is communism. Prior to this I would have never thought that America would entertain communism, but as the government continues to fail……who knows?

  8. We don’t have a leader, we have someone in the Whitehouse that wants to be pampered. Doesn’t want to get his hands dirty for the common good. The only ‘good’ he is concerned with is what’s good for him. 💥

  9. They need to STOP praising Trump before telling America what’s going on!!!!   
    We Need action not words this administration DROPPED the Ball!!!!

    1. @John Barleycorn his cabinet and faux news. And of course, the evangelical end-times cult members so hopefully getting him to base his foreign policy on their check off list.

    2. @John Barleycorn sorry, though I thought about today’s comic *Family Circus* and how tantrums only are prolonged by attention given to the child.


  11. We need Bush, Obama, and Carter to speak to the American public and to help straighten things out… Trump is a mess.

    1. what we need is offensive racist liberals such as yourself to keep your opinions to yourself you racist uneducated idiots

    2. @k Gio Come November, it will be a delight to kick him out of office. Any decent American will vote him out. Can’t you figure that out, you “genius?”

    3. @Matthew McMillian And what about yourself? Don’t Americans have the constitutional right to free speech? Why do you think that you have rights and others don’t? Aren’t you trying to abuse other’s rights?

  12. The American people are going to have to step up, due to the fact that we have a worthless president who is incapable of doing anything other than lying.

    1. David J, and he takes no responsibility for the chaos when he allowed Americans to come home from wherever. They were totally confused on when do they leave, then many of the seats were booked. The spaces between them were unhealthy and dangerous, and when they arrived at the airports, they were packed like sardines just trying to get to get to their American homes. The sickening part is when he’s on his reality tv only to try and boost the stock market- and so many of the brokers, holders and sellers know how he lies. The bottom line is he doesn’t know how to solve problems and how to reassure and calm Americans-the worse president ever.

    2. no its because we have far too many lazy uneducated worthless liberal democrats who do nothing but offend the rest of the world and sit around begging all day for a hand out because ogf how sorry a human being they all are

    3. Matthew McMillian There is no “ both sides” in a pandemic, We’re ALL in this together , if it’s a War, then Mother Nature Will Win, With or Without us 🌏💕🇺🇸

  13. These senators should be removed from office and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

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