Homegrown coronavirus variants: What you need to know

CNN's senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen reports on a batch of similar troubling mutations in coronavirus samples circulating in the United States. They've not only drawn attention to them; they've come up with a better shorthand for referring to them. They've named them after birds.
The mutations all affect the same stretch of the spike protein — the knob-like extension on the outside of the virus that it uses to dock onto the cells it infects, the researchers wrote in a pre-print report. It's not peer reviewed yet, but researchers are rushing such findings online to share them quickly with other experts.
The genetic stretch that is mutated, or changed, is called 677. The various changes are so similar that the researchers think evolution favors these particular variants. And it's in a troubling place, said Vaughn Cooper, director of the Center for Evolutionary Biology and Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, who worked on the study.
"This stretch of Spike is important because of its proximity to a region key for virulence," Cooper told CNN via email.
#ElizabethCohen #CNN #News


    1. @Jogn before you repeat those kind of fabrications unchallenged. How about you prove up. I will wait for the link. Unless it’s from the National Enquirer or Ny Times. (Same thing) TBH I imagine I will get old and die first but I’m patient.😉

    2. @Jey Frye search on YouTube “Trump daughters legs” and click the first video. He also talks about his new born daughter’s Breasts in that video. If you want information on the other tape I was referring to, search “trump naked contestants” and click any of the videos that show up.

  1. “Hopefully the birds won’t mind”

    Nice joke, dipstick. Notice how the logic went with Corona beer? Do you think there’s a single chance that people won’t be thinking, “Oh no! THe Robin-1 variant! Gramma! Get away from the birds!!!”? What a stupid idea.

  2. This is the most stupid idea I’ve ever heard about. Seriously? Quail? Mockingbird? NOBODY is EVER going to use those names.

  3. And just like that, when I say I’ve caught the damn thing at least 3 times I no longer look like I’m lying…

  4. Lol they say the bird variant name and then they immediately say where it’s located 😂😂😂 – which would previously have been the name

  5. Half of America will actually believe the different types come from different birds. Just like Kelley Conway thought Covid-19 was the 19th covid type. And it begins😆

  6. “Homegrown” makes it sound like someone made them in a lab. Just call them American variants. Even if you clearly don’t want to have the name of your “glorious” nation associated with the “kung flu”.

    1. Made in China Bioweapon. The Chinese made COVID19 via gain of function gene editing in the Wuhan Biowarfare lab

    2. @Shiro Ishii you realize this makes no sense, right ? Let’s skip the fact that you don’t know anything about bioweapons. China had lost far more than anything it has gained in this whole fiasco. Does that sound to you like the military planning of the 5,000-year old nation that gave us Sun Tsu and the Art of War ?

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