How ’80s Economic Policies Impacted The U.S. | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Writer Kurt Andersen joins Morning Joe to continue his week long residency discussing his book 'Evil Geniuses.' Aired on 01/15/2021.
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#KurtAndersen #EconomicPolicies #MSNBC

How '80s Economic Policies Impacted The U.S. | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. In a century every single Republican President crashed the economy, the Reliable Republican Recessions have killed America…

  1. Can we FINALLY all agree that Reagan started this and we are now seeing the inevitable sunset to his morning? Greed is NOT good and the stock market means nothing when you can’t afford to go to the grocery market.

    1. @Todd C I can’t, not without food share. Here’s the thing, the keeping up with the Joneses mentality has created a society that only searches for the one-upmanship of idols. Most aren’t even aware their behavior is an outright sin in biblical terms, a lot of them being devout “Christians”.
      Sickening to witness, but I laugh from inside when I watch them trudge through life hating their neighbors success and angry for their own choices.

    2. @Todd C Well, if you’re in a war torn or failing country with nothing left to lose the US probably still looks appealing. If you’re in a wealth western country the US is probably the last place you’d consider moving to. This notion many American have that everyone wants to be an American is far, far from the reality. Look at the reaction that the Greenlanders had when Trump wanted to buy Greenland – they thought it was a laughable idea.

    3. @Claressa Lucas Not just about foreign affairs, about everything, including who to meet, and when to schedule meetings.

    4. @Todd C The millions of seniors and families on SNAP can’t afford to go to the grocery store without it. Millions of poor folks who don’t have television risk their lives to come to the US. If they saw any of this nonsense that goes on here, they would not want to come.

    1. @apaul s Economically. Musically, culturally, it was a great decade… but it came w/ a heavy price in the early 90’s.

    2. @Fahim Ahmad I could remember the social change in the 90s. It was the beginning of the “me” era and the end of the “we” era. People became much more materialistic and self centered. Life was becoming less affordable. It’s been downhill ever since.

    1. Not only that, but also the rampant deregulation and union-busting during the Reagan years. Ronald Reagan did enormous damage to our economy, but it took 35 years for that damage to become fully realized. Maybe now, people on the right will stop lionizing Reagan and wake up to the fact that he was one of the worst presidents of the 20th century.

  2. Steve Schmidt: Before we talk about reconciliation, we must talk about accountability and we must talk about justice and we must talk about the punishment for the violence
    done to the government of the United States.

    1. @Todd C Things DID happen to rioters and looters last summer. Thousands were arrested. Some were shoved into unmarked vans by people with no identity. Trump sent in an army of his goons to stir up trouble. It wasn’t that long ago. Your memory CAN’T be that bad.

    2. @Todd C Lmao are you freaking kidding me? Cops were beating them, grabbing people off the streets and putting them into unmarked cars, running them over with cars. Were you asleep this entire past summer? The ones who got light treatment from the police were the Capitol rioters. They were handling these rioters with kids gloves and taking selfies with them. The summer riots were because a man died. These riots happened because entitled people didn’t get their way. To your comment if the justice system treated white conservative protesters the way they treat black protesters and progressive protesters you all would not be able to handle it.

  3. The republicans are gonna have to repudiate Reagan or they will never be a governing party again….Their continued adulation for that man is far too cynical.

    1. I am amazed how swiftly he learned. You can always count on him to be a decade or more late to learning the truth about anything.

    1. I could be mistaken, but I think Clinton was the last to balance it, but the last time it was paid off was eith Andrew Jackson. But I heartedly agree the Republicans are fiscally irresponsible.

    2. Clinton didn’t have it paid off, he had a yearly surplus that would have paid off the debt by 2009 if Bush didn’t slash taxes and start 2 wars…


    2. @André Verwoerd Reaganomics was essentially a big pyramid scheme. They sold it to the public on the promise that, if we would just allow big corporations to become disgustingly wealthy, then those companies would return the favor by hiring more people and paying better wages and benefits. “Trickle down,” as Reagan called it.

      What happened instead should be well-known to all: those companies made tons of money, put their money in offshore banks to tax shelter it and then, they moved all of their production facilities to China, where they could take advantage of virtual slave labor. Today, the American people are being bled dry, by a bunch of amoral corporate leeches. The middle class is disappearing and wealth inequality is going to drive this country into a violent revolution some day.

      Bernie was right. More of you should have supported him. Maybe next time, you will.

    3. Trickle trickle down.🎵🎶🎵🎶
      That was being ignorant of people’s greed. Why would they let go of any of the money they earned, that would be socialism, wouldn’t it?

    1. It is all about the ratings. No ratings in hating Trump anymore. Plus they got of the old president of msnbc and he must have been a Hillary neocon. So they changed direction now because Joe has basically been a Florida conservative form Tallahassee which he is not now.

    2. @Fred Frond I don’t know how much it is about the ratings. I think its about time to not care about the ratings. I hope that’s that’s case.

    3. @Fred Frond Not true, there are lots of ratings discussing Trump’s dishonesty and treasonous behavior. And more ratings finally discussing the out of control GOP party and their fondness for conspiracy theories and rage inciting speeches. Not to mention their brown shirt militias.

    4. @myyou tubeacct I agree that MSNBC plays a lot of Trump is bad stuff. What I am saying is that I am suspicious of Joe Scarborough suddenly becoming progressive now that Trump 🙏 hopefully will out of the news. I think he is cynically saying I am for the left and will eventually go back to his conservative ways.

    5. @Fred Frond I gave you a thumbs up by the way. Yes he’s not very trustworthy, but then he did run as a Republican during the Newt era. I actually suspect he and Mika hooking up, they’re married now but I’d guess their first time in the sack was not after a wedding, had a great deal to do with his change and Mika will cut his thingy off if he tries to reverse course. But I don’t like Joe very much and see him as the dimwit Republican he was previously. His comments are usually shallow and involve the great gift of being handsome to some – though I don’t lean that way. Shallower than a rain puddle.

    1. I agree, I have thought for some time that the 80’s were when this greed for wealth and the blaming of the poor really took off. Tax cuts for the rich, that do not trickle down. Blaming the poor for their poverty, like they were lazy or like Regan’s lie about the welfare queen all contributed to the widening of the wealth gap. The mega churches preaching that God would bless you with wealth if you tithed enough and were worthy. And, as usual, the same old horrible racism that has never left us. I just hope we can learn and come up with a way that is more equitable for all.

  4. *”‘wealth'” trickles down a funnel . . . $1000 at the top . . . and just Pennies drop out the bottom spout*

  5. Reagan defunded and closed mental health asylums. Today we have generations of mentally disturbed citizens.

    1. I have a schizophrenic mother and I fear she may end up on the streets because Florida is one of the worst places when it comes to mental health support.

    2. I am so sorry for you and your mother , it’s so sad most of our citizens with mental health issues end up homeless or incarcerated . We are the richest Nation on Earth and we can do better , my mom had extreme bi- polar , I had her committed in North Carolina , she was released and I left NC to work someone had her put in a nursing home . Mom remained in nursing facilities until she died Dec.7 ,2020 . I know somebody whos mom had schizophrenia and his mom lived in nursing facilities until her death recently in Mississippi . I wish I could give you a better suggestion . But as I said mental health has been on the back burner since Reagan closed all facilities and turned the mental health patients on the streets. If your mom goes into a nursing facility keep a check on her , I did .

  6. Listen closely conservatives–this info here–not BLM or “antifa”–are the reason a lot of us will NEVER vote Republican. You’ve been focusing on the wrong things to try to persuade us!

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