How Dem Beshear Beat Bevin (And Trump) In KY | The Last Word | MSNBC

Steve Kornacki takes Lawrence O’Donnell through Andy Beshear’s victory in Kentucky. Aired on 11/05/19.
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How Dem Beshear Beat Bevin (And Trump) In KY | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. @Aviix , if its nothing then why want cry baby Bevins concede….Governor Beshear is the first step in the right direction…Next is to get rid of Moscow Mitch!!!!!!

    2. @Dana Maupin Bashear only won because Bevin was a bad candidate. He should have resign. If Republicans had a fresh new candidate, they would have won. Bet me. Also Republicans gain the Attorney General and Secretary of State offices which something the MSM is not reporting about.

    1. Don’t hold your breath, they will still vote Republikkklans in the majority in the state legislature, canceling any hope you have that somehow these folks have a remaining brain cell

    2. @Aramakie98 by all accounts, their patronage doesn’t support the money they’ve declared as their income recently. someone’s injecting money into that fiasco, i just don’t know who… or why, since most Kentuckians think it’s a waste of public money and an affront to their beliefs…

    1. This whole column of comments are really up-lifting, its really grand Americans can see what is really going on. trump is a con, cannot be trusted.

    1. @Ghost Note good overview. Bevin is just a carpetbagger from up north. People didn’t appreciate that. Beshear even fan pro-trump ads because he knew that he had to make it a battle between him and Bevin, bashing Trump would have lost the election.

    1. Indeed. What’s more: “If you lose, they will say Trump suffered the greatest defeat in the history of the world,” said Trump, pointing at a bank of news cameras. “You can’t let that happen to me, and you can’t let that happen to your incredible state.”
      Well, they did, and he will. Not perhaps the greatest defeat in the history of the world, but certainly the most overdue.

    1. Gail I wonder if someone said the same thing to the people who made carriages in the horse n carriage era or the people who made pay phones or the people who made news paper printers etc
      Times be a changing, we as a people have to keep up with technology. Let’s also ask they coal miners (who I have much respect for!) if they want their kids to work in the same mines?
      Would you like your children to work there??
      Seriously, I’m curious.

    2. @Francisco Nz times are a changing you say? I’ve seen coal miners children become miners and I’ve also heard from them in interviews that they are a proud bunch of people. Just like truck drivers their children are proud of their father being a truck driver and they become one as to follow in a traditional form of pride. Doctors & lawyers alike. The difference today is the choice of labor and most in rural areas- if you know anything about that still dont have the education or desire to go to school or money! Why do you think most miners voted for President Trump? Think about that. Just because you think something isnt fitting for the times we live in doesnt change the minds of families who work in tradirional rural jobs, jobs that have been taken away. Coal is more functional than those worthless wind power machines destroying the countryside of beauty and scores of birds dead on the ground. Not to mention the low % of actual output it gives out.

  1. *CONGRATULATIONS* Kentucky!. Democracy must be saved & all those who oppose it – MUST GO!. All the way from New Zealand.

    1. I used to live in Wellington but now live in Kentucky, thanks for your wishes. We are turning this place around little by little.

    1. @Fabiola Dereppe sure fake profile afraid? I bet you are! Ha ha I’m not a troll I have my info out front. Transparency something the democrats no nothing about. Keep watching the hole on CNN.

    1. @mg8383ffdryhh I realize you have no ability at thinking independently it’s okay, you must be from the lost generation. You have no pride in the structuring of this great nation its rich history. Not to be destroyed by a bunch of hateful democrats.

  2. ::sigh:: This makes me so happy– gives me hope that we’ll get our democracy back. Kentucky– you did a good thing for yourselves.

    1. Indeed. What’s more: “If you lose, they will say Trump suffered the greatest defeat in the history of the world,” said Trump, pointing at a bank of news cameras. “You can’t let that happen to me, and you can’t let that happen to your incredible state.”
      Well, they did, and he will. Not perhaps the greatest defeat in the history of the world, but certainly the most overdue.

    1. @pr0xZen that’s why it’s time for him to go. People like Moscow Mitch become comfortable with their position because they have been in office for so long they think they’re indispensable. Good riddance to MM.

  3. *Kentucky goes blue. Now you guys gotta keep the momentum and take the head of Moscow Mitch next year.*

  4. Looks like some Americans are starting to wake up. Let’s just hope the rest of the country keeps it going.

    1. VOTER FRAUD does not equal WOKE… Bevin has contested and they will prove ILLEGAL ALIEN VOTES, FAKE-VOTES, DEAD PEOPLE VOTES and VOTES THROWN IN TRASH, you Useful Idiots of the Marxist kind…

    2. I’m sorry to say, as a Kentuckian, this is not indicative of a blue wave or anything like that. Bevin was hated in the state for his bills against teachers, state employee, unions, and his laws banning prevailing wage and promoting right-to-work.

      The Republicans swept the ballot, except for Bevin, who lost.

  5. GET OVER IT, BEVIN! YOU’RE OUT! This Kentuckian has renewed hope. We’re coming for you next, McConnell!

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