How Trump jeopardized Ukraine’s national security for political gain

The United States is Ukraine's most important ally. But if the US doesn't maintain its support, that could leave Ukraine, and other nations, vulnerable to future acts of Russian aggression.


    1. XKOOLIE FREESTYLE, don’t worry, Trump won’t be president after January 20, 2021, maybe even sooner than that!!

    1. “James O’Keefe, a conservative provocateur, failed to uncover bias at The Washington Post after one of his undercover journalists pretended to be a sexual harassment victim of Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.”

      -Business Insider

    2. “O’Keefe is charged and convicted of a misdemeanor for tampering with the phones of a former US senator.”

      -Business Insider

    1. Actually Trump’s impeachment investigation will help Russia as Ukraine will be destabilised all just for Biden.

  1. Not “jeopardize national security”… Call it what it is… He MURDERED Ukrainians for political gain. He is a murderer with blood on his hands.

  2. It’s perfectly fine to liquidate a worthless treasonous and insane Drumpftard cultist. These are not human beings.

  3. Democrats are so fueled up on TDS they are ignoring their “core belief” system.
    What happened to the hippie, peace loving Democrats of old?
    Democrats would rather be war mongers than agree with Trump.

    1. Lou Hayhurst Trump is a corrupt dishonest lawless pathological liar criminal Lou. Trump is an incompetent unstable buffoon. Like you are Lou

    2. Distracting to some mysterious past. What you are seeing and what you are hearing isn’t happening. The GOP are the most dangerous organization in today’s America.

  4. Freezes the weapons of war he gave them, unlike Hussein O. who sent blanks. The freeze was for two months, long enough for the new president to bring in check corruption. The corruption that, by the way, includes Biden.

  5. Remember to ignore the paid by trumps reelection campaign CNN trolls like Nothing Burger/Janet Airlines/ all his other YouTube accounts and all the others

  6. A secret hearing and the Shiffty editing and leaking only bits and pieces of testimony, the Republican are in the room but are powerless to do anything and report on it. A gag rule is enforced. This is a lynching.

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