1. *The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.UNO
      _Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us_ 💗💗💗

  1. This is what happens when a bunch of not smart people get together and follow another old rich man🤣 this guy is acting like he did nothing wrong trying to get those book sales I see

    1. He’s old but not rich. He’s still asking for donations for his not running ever again campaign and 7 bankruptcies don’t make you rich, it makes you a thief and liar

    1. @thatmanfromcleveland You must have me confused with some Maga Turd… I can’t stand the clown and hope he goes to prison and comes out walking funny. But what he was very good at is manipulating the weak mind and inner racial and cultural hate in this country for his own gain. As Trumpolini was failing, he added in politics which for some reason folks with a non functioning brain stem obey on the fly. No there is no love lost………Hahahahahahahaha… Yawwwwnnnnnnn

    2. Luc Montagnie is dead on Feb 8, right when Reiner Fuellmich are conducting to file for crimes against humanity, meaning Luc can’t testify for the trail. Another coincidence, just like the death of kary Mullis (a fierce proponent of Fauci)

    3. *The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.UNO
      _Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us_ 💗💗💗

  2. Keith – there’s no way all those black people could have voted for Biden.
    Also Keith – I’m not going to discuss the racial aspect of this. You won’t make me!
    Really Keith?

    1. @Sean Knisley But at the same time, the amount of Black people with medical cover fell under Trump. His continued attack on ACA resulted in cover for Black and all low income people falling, and that manifested itself when COVID hit. The numbers of people infected and those that died trend with the fall in access to medical treatment. Also, Trump very vocally tried to red line “the suburbs” to save them from those “awful minorities” from moving close to the “housewives” h was saving in his campaign. When black people showed their concerns about being brutalized by police, what was his response to peaceful protest? By demanding that the NFL owners tell those “sons of bitches” (nice insult to the black men and their mothers) to get the hell of the field, they’re fired! After Floyd’s murder, how did he reacted to civil unrest? Try to get protesters shot. Gas and beat them to hold up a bible upside down? What policies did he suggest in the wake of Floyd’s murder to try to prevent such things happening again? More for the black community? You just parroting his empty boasts. Next you’ll be saying he won the 2020 election….. by a lot.

      Please miss me with trying to credit Trump with a 1.3% cut in all unemployment which was a slower trend the Obama and his over 4% cut. As usual, Trump left the country in a worse state than he found it, for all people. Like every Republican president from Nixon. Lost more jobs than Hoover and raised national debt nearly 9% in four years, which is the third highest hike in American history- with no war to fight. Trump’s final parting gift was totally destroying the institution of elections by refusing to accept the possibility of defeat, then refusing to transfer power peacefully. The result? More legislation passed to try and stifle the vote of black people in over 20 states. The black community should be sooooo grateful. LOL

    2. @Eric H sean is one of these fake intellectual windbags that can only think in the binary. nuance like party realignment baffle him.

    3. @Sean Knisley You need to go back 50 years to find something in order to call Biden a racist and almost 70 years to call the democrats racist. You even look at what happened between then and now? I guess this is where you go cherry picking some more.
      Furthermore, Biden wasn’t against integration. He was against busing as a means to desegregate, his position was that housing initiatives was a better long term plan. Agree or disagree with his opinion but to call him racist because he wanted one way to desegregate over another is just stupid. It would appear that you need to research more than facebook, fox news or twitter.
      Your entire argument is cherry picked whataboutism and weak whataboutism at that. You are not interested in facts, just a way to muddy the waters so that the current actions of Trump, members of the republican party and their supporters don’t seem so bad in comparison.
      You claim to be a libertarian and that you don’t support Trump yet are parroting the easily debunked talking points of Trump and the republican party. Sounds like a crafted lie to lend validity through the illusion of distance.
      You are transparent and have no credibility.

    4. *The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.UNO
      _Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us_ 💗💗

    5. @Eric H The party that talks about the black community as if they can’t figure things out on their own without the help of a certain party? How else will the black community vote without being able to obtain those IDs Democrats believe they are incapable of obtaining? Democrats believe the black community can’t adapt and overcome to take care of themselves. I know you refer to white republicans as racist, nazis, blah blah blah. What do you refer black Republicans as?

  3. Believing your own lies is the first step down the forever rabbit hole of no return.

    1. HI, I don’t know how it’s possible to believe in your own lies. I’ve been brain washed in the Marine Corps. But, I always knew to be aware I had other choices… But to lie to yourself I can’t say it’s possible. ?

    2. The more difficult problem is when your self starts lying to you.
      And yes its possible. It happpens when you simply “trust yourself” and don’t check (i.e. reality test)
      It is in fact the foundation of mpst religious belief. That is not necessarily in itself a problem, because most people’s unconscious minds have the sense to only pretend to knowledge that is personally or socially useful; few people simply have faith that their home won’t be foreclosed in response to not paying the mortgage.
      What we see instead when people are willing to speak and think gobbledgook like this is that they are using it to define and to assert a tribal identity, and thus to acquire “friends”. They feel safe doing this in a crowd of others of their own tribe, and then feel disconcerted when the legal system pursues them nonetheless when they actually commit crimes.

    3. @Cade Britt Delusional people believe their own lies, and the lies of those that they admire. Trump and his Cult believe the lies perpetuated by Fox Propaganda channel and others in power. When presented with actual video or audio evidence or evidence in Tweets by the Former guy, they ignore that or call it fake news.

    4. @Cade Britt I think it is not believing in their own lies, it’s believing in the lies of their leaders. The leaders who use fear tactics, manipulation, and unfortunately, a lot of times God…just think about Jim Jones, Heaven’s gate etc…

    1. The inconvenience of being confronted with his deep inset racism… Yeah he was done with all that.
      How wyt privileged of him.

    2. @Renegadeproject
      Certainly. I wish I could take credit for it, but I was also given a blessing to use it from the creator whose account has since disappeared, unfortunately.

    3. @alternative reality
      A fake troll account created 11 months ago that literally just parrots right wing talking points.

    1. @reality Good heavens! When Donald´s cult members know they have zero defense for him and his insane lies and conspiracies they resort to sex. They are obviously obsessed with sex. Sex is not what is discussed in this video. Why did you post this childish comment? 😁

    2. *The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.UNO
      _Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us_ 💗💗💗

    3. Much ado about nothing, methinks. Project much?Psychology says you’re the closet homosexual if you’re so worried about it. Embrace the real you big boy.

    1. @Shawn Sdr Sorry Sonny Boy. Trump’s MAGA 30-percent ISN’T Growing. More Republicans Are Jumping His Sinking Ship, And His Minions Like You Are Being Profiled And Listed By The FBI, If Not Arrested For Insurrection. I Hope That Gave You Greater Confidence In YOUR OWN CULT Misguided Beliefs.

    2. @Shawn Sdr And Buy the way, Learn how to Spell Correctly. It’s A Sign Of Intelligence, that you’ve Shown Is LACKING.

    1. And yet racist American Democrats will say that the elections in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Venezuela were not free and fair, even though the courts in those countries have found NO EVIDENCE of any wrongdoing in their elections.

    1. @David V, the sad thing about Braveheart was not historically accurate, i blame Hollywood for giving these idiots false knowledge of history.

  4. This is a mini documentary that defines what a tool is. This is a tool, and the scary part is how many permeate this country.

    1. @Sue Parras I Have To Apologize For The Demented Portion Of my fellow Citizens down here. I Believe the news said that 90-percent of the Canadians were Already Vaccinated. But Our Truckers that are Mentally Trump Diseased, have Spilled Over their ideas, that have Now Infected YOUR Drivers Too. With the Anti-Government notion of NOT Wanting To Be Told What TO DO, Even Though They Follow Government Mandated “Rules Of The Road” Every Time They Move Their Rigs. A 100-percent Quirked and Trump Based Disease.. Trump Has Become AN EVIL THREAT TO THE STABILITY Of THE ENTIRE WORLD

    2. @Sue Parras Buy The Way, If Most of those Truckers that are Plugging Up The Streets Of Your Capitol Are American Truckers, Then The Mounties Should Be Issuing PROPERTY Usage Tax Charges for Squatting On The City Streets. Say, $50.00 Per Hour???

    3. Luc Montagnie is dead on Feb 8, right when Reiner Fuellmich are conducting to file for crimes against humanity, meaning Luc can’t testify for the trail. Another coincidence, just like the death of kary Mullis (a fierce proponent of Fauci)

    4. You’re the tool, woke boy. It’s a fake interview. CNN is dying right now, so this is what they’re resorting to.

    5. *The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.UNO
      _Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us_ 💗💗💗

  5. “That’s the problem with a mob, it absolves people of their moral culpability.” She said that on the fly. This girl is amazing!!!

    1. @AdodgerWho Trump isn’t above the law. Justice just hasn’t gotten him yet. Hopefully, he gets an orange jump suit before he goes to hell……

    2. @reality what the he’ll is wrong with that you need to get a grip life is more dynamic than what you believe you are a true Trump fan very delusional

    3. Luc Montagnie is dead on Feb 8, right when Reiner Fuellmich are conducting to file for crimes against humanity, meaning Luc can’t testify for the trail. Another coincidence, just like the death of kary Mullis (a fierce proponent of Fauci)

    4. *The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.UNO
      _Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us_ 💗💗💗

  6. I like how they always hit a breaking point and won’t talk about something once they’re cornered. If they had a GOOD argument you’d never see them do that.

    1. @Lawrence Chatfield hopefully the judge is reading the comment section here and isn’t going to be that gullible. It’s obvious what this guy is trying to do. I saw someone else who at least seemed genuine about the whole thing.

    2. *The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.UNO
      _Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us_ 💗💗

    1. *The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.UNO
      _Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us_ 💗💗💗

  7. I think this man is a liar. He seems as if he is just trying to save face in the hopes he can make a deal to not do prison time. I don’t trust his answers as he wasn’t really even trying to answer them.

    1. *The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.UNO
      _Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us_ 💗💗💗!

    2. And yet, if he were to realign himself with some other cause, like homelessness or getting rid of some other scourge like guinea worm he would find like minded people who might embrace him.

  8. I keep hearing about how it’s impossible for Biden to get that many votes he isn’t that popular but the problem is most of us that voted for him voted against Donald Trump not for Joe Biden

    1. *The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.UNO
      _Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us_ 💗💗

    1. *The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.UNO
      _Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us_ 💗💗

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