If You Accuse Your Predecessor Of Crime, You Darn Well Specify What That Crime Is | Deadline | MSNBC

President Trump repeatedly calls out former President Barack Obama but won’t say what he thinks he’s done. Aired on 05/12/2020.
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If You Accuse Your Predecessor Of Crime, You Darn Well Specify What That Crime Is | Deadline | MSNBC


  1. trump: “some terrible things have happened.” yeah you got elected and a dark black cloud of deception has covered America ever since.

    1. I totally agree with you on this… i made a music video called ‘Putins Toy’… i think you would appreciate. Its on my channel. It’s a satirical punk rock anti Trump song, featuring top Winnipeg musicians. I wrote the song, and do the lead vocals. I hope you find it to be a humorous diversion to break up your day Feel free to leave a comment douglas steele, I value your opinion.

    1. Daveed da sick No, Obamagate isn’t real but Trump’s wall is- it’s just small, like his 🍄. 🤣🤣🤣

    2. No. Obama’s gate opens closes and can be locked if need be. Trumps wall imprisons on both sides permanently.

    1. Linda Bourke There’s not enough room for all the democrats to stand in front of a mirror. They can’t see theirselves. That’s their vampire ways. The biggest hypocrites ! Do as I say but don’t do what I do.

    2. @Southern Man … Unfortunately, you have been misinformed by the person you trust. Get a hand mirror.

  2. If Trump thinks he has it rough now, just wait till he isn’t protected by being president LOL

    1. He had it rough for the last 3 years, moron.
      The previous administration started an investigation on an incoming administration with no evidences. Wait until Schiff releases all of the records on the witness interrogations during the Russia collusion investigation. None of them admitted under oath to have any knowledge on anything that would indicate a collusion between Trump and Russia. The Wall Street Journal, not exactly a conservative outfit, published a whole article on how Obama should be nervous.

  3. Yeah right the pandemic is now and he blamed the person before him 5 years ago. No responsibility at all

    1. Orange man may have coronavirus.
      The vice president’s press secretary is married to the president’s top adviser Stephen [put kids in cages] Miller.
      That guy has daily contact with the president

    1. James Van Loan
      An outgoing administration investigating an incoming administration on trumped up charges is serous?
      Why do you think Schiff is refusing to release all the transcripts of the witnesses’ interrogations during the Mueller investigation? Because under oath, they all sang a different tune. I don’t care which side you’re on, you can’t be too stupid to see this kind of thing is going to destroy our government because the peaceful transition of power was grossly violated.

  4. Birtherism all over again. He’s just trying to divert attention from his utter incompetence.

    1. Funny thing, he’s trying to argue that a president has complete immunity from prosecution. If that ends up happening? Obama can’t be prosecuted on actions while in office, which means the entire Obamagate thing has no meaning.

    2. Woo Ha – do you get paid by the hour, or for each propagandist post you make? And is is brad parscale or Putin that signs the check? You are way too obvious

  5. Donnie: “You know what the crime is”
    Everyone else: “Uh, no we don’t, that’s why you’re being asked…”

    1. @Barb Ebersole Careful your racism is showing and you people don’t like when we call you RACIST

    2. @Cynthia Sala That’s because they aren’t used to the truth. Lies upon lies all day everyday from the lying racist-in-chief.

  6. Blame is the game! Keep eyes on others while he’s running the Country to the ground! Sound familiar?

  7. Here goes President Mr.Marbles again, just like his delusion about Obama’s birth certificate.


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