In Stunning Upset, Democrat Beshear Is Apparent Winner In KY Governor Race – Day That Was | MSNBC

Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear pulled off an upset Tuesday night in an apparent victory over Republican Gov. Matt Bevin, NBC News projects. This deals a blow to President Donald Trump, who campaigned with Bevin the night before the election. At that rally, the president told supporters that a loss by the GOP governor would be portrayed as Trump's having suffered "the greatest defeat in the history of the world." Aired on 11/06/19.
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Democrat Beshear Is Apparent Winner In Kentucky Governor Race – The Day That Was | MSNBC


  1. Any politician who tells you how people are thinking… He’s lying… He doesn’t have a clue…

    1. Patricia Wilson Yeah, because Trump was the only guy taking a literal wrecking ball, everything that is happening is simply an outlast from said establishment. There is a global hegemony that is trying to control the US, Ukrainian ambassador admitted to helping Hillary, for she would help the hegemony. Bill did this as well. They also said Trump was good for the US, but they helped Hillary and she lost because of Comey. Which makes actual sense. Get out of your bubble.

    2. @DK x Mace Oh I’m afraid YOU are in the bubble. It’s just begun. American citizens are taking back our country from this lying corrupt compromised Administration.

  2. The message is clear however the Republicans will try to steal this election. Notice there hasn’t been a concession.

    1. And how long did it take for Bill Nelson in Florida to concede like weeks? And he lost by 3 times as many votes. You Democrats are such hypocrites you never call your own people out as sore losers when they don’t concede right away.

  3. we need to start removing these un-American squatters from office with a hay-hook when they refuse to vacate their posts after election…

    1. myko freder Trump is definitely losing Florida. We absolutely hate the man. This is a BERNIE SANDERS state now!

    1. Trek1960 John Doe trump will win Kentucky by over 25pts again. Dont letthis race fool you. Bevin was the 2nd most hated govenor in the country. All the other voting in that state still went red. Bevin was attacking the teachers union and they were having none of that

    2. @Anthony Geiger Your statistical inference is off. The Governor’s race was much closer and the general election will be too.

    3. Roald Shakleton only idiots would vote for socialism in a national election. Why do you think their going the impeachment route instead of waiting to vote him out. Tjeu know they cant win. Yougot 5 more yrs to go. Dont get your hopes up

    1. Isn’t it great! A fantastic win for the Corporate Socialist Globalists. A new world order starts in Kentucky.

  4. A big switch in Kentucky, obvious they do care about the impeachment, and Bevin is a creep didn’t help.

    1. @Joseph Vu did you not read my post before responding? I can sum up very quickly why I mean the words, doings and rhetoric by Trump and Reps in the federal govt, had a negative effect on this election:

      Sh*t rolls downhill. It cements and intensifies bad connotations and optics all the way down the chain, spreading outwards throughout the party branches and leaves like a toxin. Especially in these highly polarized times (we’ve “always” been a polarized, with me or against me, simply-to-binary society – but the last 3-5 years have gotten extreme).

    2. pr0xZen Kentucky loves Trump. He won that state by 30 points and will win it again easily. Bevin was just that bad

    3. @Anthony Geiger No disagreement from me as to Bevin being about as amazing and great as twin back-to-back gonorrhea infections. But Trump didn’t make things any better. More and more Kentuckians are coming to the realization that he’s just full of it. He’s screwed almost every single one of them in more ways than not. He came into town and took advantage of their frustrations, of people teetering on the edges of desperation because their ways of life, their communities, their long-term failing industry workplaces, their homes and jobs were falling apart. Now there are some real injustices to deal with, but most of this was and still is, caused by some old industries going the way of the Dodo, exacerbated by vulture capitalists (whom Trump *truly* serves, in actual executed policy), coming in for the assets – to pump n dump those industry businesses. And with their communities being built around those industries – once those fail, everything else starts to unravel, too.

      And Trump came in, took advantage of that and them. Spoke nicely tailored and targeted lies to them; Saying he’d save them from the inevitable by “bringing it back”. And gsve them easy-target boogymen to keep their wraths preoccupied. But it was all lies.

      If Trump actually cared about these people, their communities, and actually had any intent to provide terra firma under their lives again – he would have been honest about their dying industry, _promised _*_and delivered_* stimuli to establish new and sustainable industries there – provided effective and targeted reeducation to workers of those dying industries, to facilitate a healthy and expedited transition. But what he *actually* did – was *knowingly and intentionally* give them false hope, to keep them from moving to where there is better and more stable work and lives to be had – so that those industries would be on life support long enough for his vulture capitalist buddies to come in and drain those businesses of their company assets, their worker’s pensions and everything else.

      Even among those that still kinda like him as a character – most of them are coming to the realization that he’ll serve them best by going back to “just being on TV”.

    1. SuperFreddy1965 I agree. In fact the tides started turning in 2018 with the *BLUE WAVE* and are going to continue to turn! Americans want this country back on the right track, or should I say the LEFT track! 😉👍

    2. @BlueTalulips What if I told you, that the left wing and the right wing belong to the one and same bird?

    3. @BlueTalulips The sooner we get past Trump and back to serious politics, the better for the country. The people of America deserve better!

    1. Lol. 5 out of the 6 = Republicans. Only Bevin lost. He should have lost by double digits. Kentucky is still a red state. Sorry. Lol

    2. @Kelly Fehr people who tuck their heads between their legs during the national anthem is a disgrace to our country.period

    3. @Robrony Hoodlum I grew up on “if you don’t love it, leave it”. Every time I thought ” wrong. If you think it’s broken then you are obligated to fix it. That’s courage. That’s a good American.”. Find out what that American’s trying to fix about his country. I hate it when the other guts right because I hve to admit that I’m wrong or lose his respect.

  5. Trump really means that. “Can’t let that happen to him” he actually mean him, not the country and certainly not the people. Him.

    1. Keep Your eyes open America and be on gaurd , there is no telling what this piece of trash will do to remain President .

  6. Kentucky is a great state with great history. Strong people who stand on their own and are not told what to think. And they proved it

  7. Made my day. Get those miners clean energy jobs so for once before they die, they and their families can live a decent, clean, healthy life .

    1. Lindalee Law You need to take a class in economics. Let businesses succeed if they can and let them fail if they dont.

    2. @Ludvig Maxis have you ever met someone with black lung disease? It’s a horrible slow death where you eventually drowned bc your lungs fill with fluid.. these ppl work beyond hard a mile underground for little pay and at risk to their lives bc their arent sny other options besides starve to death..

    3. Amber Reynolds Literally almost impossible to starve in the United States. There are many people suffering in this world. Some had a choice and some didn’t. Everyone deserves the same opportunity, but those who’ve failed to take those opportunities should not receive the same outcome as those who’ve did take it.

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