Intel chief tells Congress it will no longer brief them on election security

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has informed the House and Senate Select Committees on Intelligence that it'll no longer be briefing on election security issues, according to letters obtained by CNN and a senior administration official. Instead, as CNN's Jeremy Diamond reports, ODNI will primarily provide written updates to the congressional panels, the official said. Meanwhile former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper explains to CNN's Bianna Golodryga why he finds it "amazing and disturbing" that President Donald Trump's intelligence chief would do this ahead of the 2020 election. #CNN #News


    1. Daniel Law if you do not see the issue with voting for the wannabe king then you your family is beyond saving.

    2. @Boho in Mexico Name one policy he has enacted to help minorities. I can name several that has held them back. Or put them in prison. I will be right here waiting for your response.

    3. If you vote in person use the paper forms instead, being that the polling machines are most likely rigged; spread the message.

      Biden/Harris 2020 👍🏾🇺🇸💪🏾

    1. @Bero Smith I want a state led by someone who is not beholden to corporations or separate branches of government.

    2. I’m just waiting for the Democrats to stop this. But we all know that the Lobbyists are running this country. Nancy Pelosi slipped out that she is ecstatic about how many millions they are making since Trump was elected. That’s why they having sitting back and watching the illegal things he has done with no consequences. This is the end of American Democracy. Voter Suppression, our Freedom of Speech being taken away, Militia Rule and curfews to name a few. This is the Dawning of Fascism. May not even matter if we vote if they rig the election.

    3. @100,000 feet It was better in the 50s before Lobbying started. Better in the 60s and 70s where a family of 4 could live comfortably on minimum wage. Our jobs were better in the 80s and 90s and 50% of Americans weren’t living paycheck to paycheck with no health insurance. Minimum Wage should be $36.41 in order to keep up with the rate of inflation. I have never lived through a decade where I was afraid to talk about Politics, Religion or immigrants in public. This is it. The end of democracy as we know it. We will become a Fascist third world country whenever they are finished.

    4. I can’t believe this is happening. It’s Terrifying to watch this happening. Don’t have much hope that Democrats will step in and stop him.
      There have given him no consequences throughout his election. That’s because they are making millions with cushy jobs and lifestyles. It’s all about the money with most of our politicians.

    1. The moment people started pushing mail-in voting on the citizenry the entire idea of a fair election was thrown out the window
      There’s going to be lawsuits, demands for recounting, and uncertainty forever about this election… but it’s not the “Nazi Party” demanding the mail-in ballots be sent out despite in-person voting being perfectly safe :p

    1. Translation: Congress proved wildly incapable of keeping their mouths shut and not leaking any secret ever given to them during investigations.

  1. Where’s the Congress while this intelligence non transparency debacle is announced
    Get a grip Congress!!! NOW!

    1. #youtube is the propiganda problem on youtube, same goes for #twitter and #facebook. Join me in suing them out of existence

    2. Congress cannot do what the people must do it is in our constitution that government plays a limited roll we need to join and take charge.

    3. That’s how I feel why are the people in positions to really make a difference looking more confused than the everyday person why do they have that job if they’re not doing it and why complain when people get frustrated and have to act out or no one will say anything

  2. Have things so grotesque like this EVER HAPPENED under ANY OTHER PRESIDENT?!!
    This President must be removed NOW, or America as we know it is done.

    1. @Jessica Edlen I assume you watched 7 minute video I linked, the dems need to hold the house and take the senate enough to impeach and then remove

    1. If you vote in person use the paper forms instead, being that the polling machines are most likely rigged; spread the message.

      Biden/Harris 2020 👍🏾🇺🇸💪🏾

    2. This is your emotional hatred controlling your life
      This is you buying cnn opinion pieces as if they are fact
      This is you hating that Americans were actually doing better prior to the virus
      Your a disgrace truly a disgrace to all true Americans

    3. Lynne Brannon
      Sure of course Lyme
      Looking back at all your previous comments (easy to do by the way) you have been wrong so much it’s ridiculous
      Just saying

    1. they should have a probe and subpoena the Election Security officer and demand answers. this level of secrecy is tantamount to a cover-up of some kind. we cannot stand for this.

    2. Congress doesn’t do anything but virtue signal. What would they do? They can’t even get relief to their own citizens.

    3. @leon parham I stopped reading and taking what you said seriously when you said “Amy Klobuchar quoted” I’m sorry but I don’t listen to Democrats or Republicans because they will lie to you, and the same reason why I don’t get my news from any left or right leaning media sources like CNN and Fox who will just put out quotes without context and try hard to sell you a narrative that is in line with their political views. I stick to the generally unbiased sources like NPR, AP that still have journalists that stick to the principles of the job and provide actual context when they cover, investigate and fact check a story properly. I like to make up my own mind after reading all the facts.

    4. @Alexander Caine I much prefer independent media, but from all over the political spectrum. I know all of the msm take thing out of context and twist things to fit their own narrative. I agree that you get a better picture of things when you look at the facts of a situation, do some research, and come to your own conclusion.

  3. It’s not just China and Iran who would “prefer” the non-election of Trump. Every civilised non-dictatorship on earth feels the same way.

    1. 🇨🇦 The vast majority in Canada would definitely prefer you guys vote 🍊💩 out! He’s a danger to most of the world and his bs narratives are being spewed as fact by people in other countries too. Unfortunately we have our fair share of Trumpers here as well. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

  4. In February 2017 before a CPAC crowd Bannon bluntly said “we’re going to deconstruct the Institutions”. We’ve seen it unfold almost daily. Trump could not do this alone. A front of fascists was facilitated by the GOP legislators. Tick-tock tick-tock. It’s either chaos or democracy after November 3rd. And then there’s still the hurdle till January
    Meanwhile: 186.000 individuals died of Covid.

    1. @Cartell Jenkins 3.01 minute excerpts ‘Bannon on record’ CBS This morning via YouTube – excerpts.

      3 points on his agenda:
      1. National Security and sovereignty (sic)
      2. Economic Nationalism
      3. Deconstruction of the administrative state
      i.e. the Institutions.

      I was astonished that this was not picked up broadly and scrutinized to this very day. It has brought destruction only.

      Nationalism is at the root of fascism.

    1. trump IS actually the most transparent. His corruption is so extremely blatant. In a way this is good. We’ve put up with corruption all along, since the beginning of whoever’s in power. Now – with such extremity, i pray that enough is enough, and we won’t allow him or any party to continue in this way. Perhaps Biden isn’t perfect – but also, perhaps he sees clearly enough now TO DO NO MORE HARM to this country ! NO MORE GREED / CORRUPTION TO BE TOLERATED !!! NONE ! ! !

    2. If you vote in person use the paper forms instead, being that the polling machines are most likely rigged; spread the message.

      Biden/Harris 2020 👍🏾🇺🇸💪🏾

    3. @Mr P OLLEY but we do spy on Americans who collude with a foreign country, together, to cheat an election! Get over it! You been conned, played and duped. And when allow that to happen….well that just makes you a dumbass!

  5. It’s called “ the silent takeover”. The Republican Party has sold us out! It’s time we bring our two parties together, and rid of this dictator-wanna-be!

      TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Next step for Trump: he will fill in as the National Intelligence and start making up “facts” that Biden is cheating by getting help from China.

  7. Trump has his cult choosing Russians over Democrats…. when in reality, theyre all just dummies who have duped by a conman

    1. If you vote in person use the paper forms instead, being that the polling machines are most likely rigged; spread the message.

      Biden/Harris 2020 👍🏾🇺🇸💪🏾

    2. # hamdale “Tell Putin I will have more flexibility after the next election “ Obama caught colluding with Russian agent on hot mike and video.

    3. @rolback that’s true… but there’s several glaring differences: Obama was already president. Unlike when Mike Flynn made promises to Russia. Obama didn’t ask for Russian interference in the election and he didn’t change his political party’s platform with its stance on Russia as did Trump. Nor did Obama promise to lessen sanctions on Russia for any favors as did Flynn for Trump. And Russia was never found to assist Obama in an election as they did for Trump. Oh… and by the way, the whole GOP has since refused to secure our elections after all intelligence agencies… even the ones with Trump appointees have said Russia helped Trump and will again.
      Do I need to throw in how Trump kept pleading with the press in his daily rants that there was no contacts with Russia while he was literally in regular contact with Russia… all while he called them fake news and enemy of the people?
      Obama was in process of wrapping up plans for missle defense with NATO. Trump was looking to cheat our republic. As every other comparison Trump and his cult followers use, this is a feeble attempt to compare a flawed politician with a vile cantankerous racist traitor. Lol… dont do it. We all know which is which.
      You realize the GOP run Senate just released a bipartisan report confirming everything in the Mueller Report and then some, right? I mean… ??? Lol ok.

  8. Your “democracy” is now officially stone dead.Welcome to the world of authoritarians. And you let it happen.

  9. For someone complaining a lot about election fraud, Trump is doing everything to kill transparency and legitimacy of our principal constitutional right.

    1. If you vote in person use the paper forms instead, being that the polling machines are most likely rigged; spread the message.

      Biden/Harris 2020 👍🏾🇺🇸💪🏾

    2. @AfroSamurai215 This is great advice. I remember hearing about the machines in Mississippi that were changing votes.

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