Is The President Losing Support Among Older Voters? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The panel considers new Florida polling that shows the president trailing Joe Biden among voters 65 and older. Aired on 05/19/2020.
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Is The President Losing Support Among Older Voters? | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Peter B. Take Trump out of the equation and whether you like him personally. Tell us what you now like about the democratic platform. Where do you stand on immigration and sanctuary cities? What dont you like about our current trade policies and job growth? How should we deal with Iran and Islamic terrorism. How should we deal with China when they tariff our goods and steal our intellectual property. Does it bother you after the recent release of documents that proves that Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Schiff, Mueller and even Obama knew there was absolutely nothing to Russian collusion and the Trump campaign. We wasted 3 years with that because of dirty politics by democrats. Not liking Trump personally is not good enough reason to abandon your values.

    2. Kenny dark2light – An economy propped up solely on tax cuts for the wealthy is not sustainable unless you keep going down that same rabbit hole. That was his trick. With each wealthy tax cut, the burden on the middle class is increased. We were headed for a recession pandemic or not. Wealthy tax cuts combined with the GOP classic “trickle down” BS. It’s like the rocket boosters on the space shuttle. Impressive at first, but will eventually run out of fuel.

    3. @Dinald Curchod do you stop and wonder why it matters that other people have more than others. I will never have as much money as Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos but I dont care. I did not start Microsoft and I did not start Amazon. But in America if I were to invent something or start a big company then I can reap the rewards of that hard work. How much I make is not dependent on how much my neighbor makes. My income and prosperity is solely in my hands. If I want to make more money then I acquire skills and education that allows me to get a better job. I then work hard save my money and invest. In the end I will lead a good life and have a great retirement and I will never have 1,000th what Bezos has and I don’t care. And neither should you. When I hear people complain about income inequality all I keep thinking is people want the same as their neighbor without putting in the same amount of work or effort to save as the neighbor. Nowhere else in the world is there the same opportunity for success as in America.

    4. @Katherine Coles obamagate was the weaponizing of the FBI to spy on a political opponent. Hillary and the DNC paid for the Steele dossier which was used to get a fisa warrant by Obama. He spied on the Trump campaign and push the false Narrative of Russian collusion. Recent released documents now prove that Comey Clapper and Brennan and even Obama knew there was no basis to Russian collusion. Instead they entrapped Michael Flynn to be able to pressure him to say things against Trump that weren’t true. That was the basis for pushing the false Russian collusion. The weaponizing of the of the FBI for political gain is worse than Watergate. Does it help you to understand?

    1. @Mark Wilson Hillary is not our president, regardless of who voted for her. Let’s address the criminal that’s in the White House.

    1. @Big Smoke Guitar tell me what seems more incestuous, trumps words or biden kissing his granddaughter on the mouth?

    2. @Algo Rhythm Don’t forget rump likes them young like his friend Epstein and lest you forgot his 25+ sexual assault allegations!

  1. Don’t Forget Our Vote!! Black Women 55 yrs young in two weeks 🙌🏾💃🏿 Joe all the way!! ✌🏽2020 Orange guy 🤥🤥🤥🤦🏾‍♀️😡

    1. @Eyehayt Apricots You are right he isn’t. He was a terrible VP that spent all his time lining the pockets of his family members in Iraq, China and Ukraine. Now he is just an old man with dementia. I care about policies and not whether I like the candidate. I liked Obama personally but he was terrible on trade, Iran, foreign policy and immigration. He also raised my medical premiums 300% so I could help pay for health coverage for illegals. Be careful what you wish for.

    2. Malechi Turner I’ll start with this is My Opinion.. & if You want me to refer to his heart..Then its Dark!! Takes No responsible for anything! Pathological liar!! Must I continue on Character!!

  2. Bout time he talking bout yall when he say some will die ..I loved my grandmother and I wouldn’t want her to be sacrificed!

    1. Nonya. You will do our will. Your grandma must be sacrificed during the next red moon to bring back the old dark gods.Hail Satan!

  3. Let me get this straight: after all this, he still has the approval of 47%. No wonder the rest of the world has given up on America.

    1. @Troy Fall right now, what we need is a normal, corrupt, slimy politician from the establishment, who will make the trains come on time and ensure 100,000 people dont perish needlessly from containable disease outbreaks. The whole outsider theory has been debunked. Fact is nobody makes it to the white house if your not ambitious and corrupt, so we might as well have the sane variety who can at least be trusted not to burn down the place.

    2. @Analogy Accepted “I suspect many will, in fact, die.” We can only hope. The world would be a better place if they “drank the kool aid” in the literal sense as well as figuratively.

    1. @Brian Matzen – Let’s just stick with the Bonespurs comment then, the Moron in Chief has the best words, the best comments, the best hair..

  4. When he cuts foodstamps and the seniors starve,, cant have soup and a sandwich anymore., its either the soup or a sandwich and there aint mych on the sandwich theses day either. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🤔

    1. He IS!!! He only cares about one thing, himself! He doesn’t care about you, your parents, your children….or his own! Bottom line, no emphathy, no intelligence, thin skinned narcissist! Forgot racist. How can you trust anything about this sad little man.

    2. @andrea graziano how does name calling Trump and irrational emotion help you make decisions? All I hear are people getting worked up but they never once actually discuss policy. It is like high school where they dont like a candidate because he is fat, orange hair, not a good speaker etc. Do you ever stop and think about the difference in policies and how terrible democratic policies will be for American workers and taxpayers. I would rather have a president that i hate but still love his policies. What does Biden stand for and is he what you want when dealing with immigration, trade, the economy. Foreign policy. He will be teriible on immigration and when dealing with China. He will be soft on Iran. Heck he wont even know what day it is.

  5. Mugger: your money or your life.
    Normal human being: take my money.

    COVID19: your money or your life.
    Trump supporter: take my life.

    1. @michelle michelle ok – here’s my take: Satan to Trump – your money or your life. Harrump: take my life

    2. So I was right. Trump is not that bad. Out of a whole 3 months there was only 92,000 casualties.
      I can work with that 🙂

  6. He also owns stock in the drug that he’s pushing for everybody. Why is nobody talking about that? That is his driving force. That is who he is. He looks out for himself and himself only.

    1. Thanks for the info Angela. I had not heard that.I am way to involved in this nonsense, but I like to know what’s true and what his people are spreading. I love my country this guy is killing me, but, I refuse to stop busting these brainless idiots in their quest to clog this source.

    1. @Troy Fall You are a horrible person to make fun a person with a stuttering problem! Just like yor god rump making fun of a handicapped person at one of his rallies…way to go!

    2. Please take names and numbers so they do not get a chance to have health care regardless if they have health insurance! Because they’ve in danger themselves! And then danger to their loved ones family and friends

    3. Curtis Ray , all right will you go contact Trump and tell him to open the White House for tours again and you want A selfie with him and see what he says! Oh wait he’s taking hydroxychloroquine to prevent himself from getting this hoax of a virus

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