1. Those in the “establishment” are not loyalists and do not punish their enemies? Jake Tapper is peddling ill-formed logic and is a fool.

    2. You got it. You think in three dimensions. Not the one dimensional Lemmings of Dementia 45. Hitler loaded the Judicial branch too. See the pattern. Lets see if he goes after the 1st Amendment? Soon?

    3. @october71777 Your psychotic departure from reality is evidenced in your comments. Please go deeper into your delusion. Laughing at you kooks.

    4. @Major Minor Lets see who is laughing later on this year. It won’t get any worse. Worked back in Germany in 1930’s. Read some history. Don’t be like Dementia 45 who can read but not comprehend. Just because you support a mucking fool, you don’t have to be one too. Or do you?

    1. @Michael Hello Russia! Nice picture there. And nice to see your smart enough to see that YES Obama is black. What is your point troll? Obama was/is/will be an American patriot. Unlike Trump who is a Russian patriot. Keep shoveling snow hun.

    2. @Chadillac Oh hello sweetie, read what Goya just sent you hun. It’s real and with PICTURES for you to SEE. Just like your king Trump. Bye sweetie.🤷.

  1. Trump represents himself and is an autocrat working for the plutocrats. They are going to frame Bernie as the Manchurian candidate and not Trump. They have even seeded the judiciary in anticipation of this season.

    1. @soylentdean Repubs love Socialism when it’s for them. Examples: 800,000,000.00 for Chump in corporate welfare, Bank Bailout, Wall Street Bailout, the Wall Mexico was paying for, Subsidizing Fossil Fuel and Big Pharma. Supporting that is Crazy. Most People of Hebrew descent, including Bernie, fight against Communism and for the actual public. Go to school and get an education.

    2. @BeachBum Socialism makes everybody equal. Equally poor. Go to school and study some actual history this time.

    3. @Real Talk76 Bernie has supported every Communist dictatorship on the planet since he’s been 5 years old. Wake up dummy!

    4. @soylentdean They don’t need to frame Bernie as a Socialist Marxist Communist, he openly admits it. It is just Bernie’s form of communism on paper is Bernie playing Robinhood. If he got his way and was able to set up everything how he wants with no interference or obstruction, America in a short time would be dead broke.

    1. @Anthony S2K04 Are you saying Obama was corrupt and will be hung??? WTF is wrong with you? And if you’re saying our current president will suffer that fate… WTF is wrong with you? Yes he is corrupt, and an awful lying racist, and incredibly corrupt xenophobe. But this is still America! We don’t advocate for the death of our politicians, no matter who they are. We are not (yet) a banana republic. And turn on you spell check. Idiot.

    2. @weston lemonte I’m with ya on that! There’s nothing wrong with making jokes or criticizing our leaders, but advocating for hangings is way over the top. I’d like to think we’re better than that. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    1. @Mike LOL Trump the who was CONVICTED of defrauding a charity that was helping Vets and children with cancer. Case-SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK Index number 451130/2018. If Trump is as rich as he says he is then why would he be dipping into the charity’s funds? That’s just greedy and evil and makes his supporters ether STUPID or EVIL. Trump has been a lying conman all his life telling GULLIBLE people what they want to hear (TRUMP UNIVERSITY, MEXICO WILL PAY FOR IT, I’M THE CHOSEN ONE) So stop watching no lie is too big for us Fox and being a mindless follower of a HUGE LIAR. PS Nero was a narcissist who rewarded or punished based on loyalty not on qualifications Sound familiar?

    2. Don’t waste your energy on Mike. He drank the orange koolaid. I like the Nero comparison, but I don’t think The Donald’s tiny hands could have worked a harp.

    3. @weston lemonte Maybe but like Nero, Trump thinks he’s a god and a great talent. Just a matter or time before he sets the capital on fire.

    1. @Young God Maybe Antarctica is cold, the moon is probably dusty and I bet the bottom of the ocean is wet. Are you a “stable genius”?

    1. @Heather11268 Yeah all u idiots that listen to the fake media. Just listen to Trump. He, knows all, does all, and is all. We Trump lovers, don’t wanna hear any of those darn ole facts. Trump tells us all we need to know. Yey,,, Space Force!!

  2. It bet that government or special force Trump doesn’t know make him disappear and cover it up like food poisoning or jet crash.

  3. He won’t reward any of the loyal sheep that attend his rallys . That would mean spending money on the people and actually passing some of those bills on Mitch McConnells desk.

    1. @Trey Horton
      You do not understand, this is the basis for what would enter a person into self-preservation mode. It is tightly connected to you, at the level of the subconscious. This is all the base of the worldview impasse that you should be in. So they control you.

  4. Quite simply, he learned that the repugs won’t get in his way and won’t allow him to be removed regardless of his actions so he will do whatever he wants, when he wants.

    1. Sample Gee – get your popcorn bro….! I’m Australian…..! 😂 our PM sucks too… but not as much as trumps clown show… very entertaining…

  5. “Well, Tommy, did you learn anything new today?”
    “Yeah, Mom!  I learned you can’t trust Republicans in government!”
    “So, THAT explains why your Dad just burned all those silly red hats!”

  6. Anyone being this “obvious” for all to witness and see, means there is a true “Sociopath” and Malignant narcissus in the white house as our president.

    1. Barbara sorry to tell you doesn’t mean that he’s a psychopath and a narcissist and every other armchair psychological name we can give this crazy crook. What it means is he knows he has nothing to fear. Our government has become so immoral that he could get away with anything and so can they. Damn shame isn’t it?

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