Jamaica Cannot Afford This – Govt. | Forced to Strike – JCSA | TVJ Midday News – May 16 2022

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  1. Neither should it be affording the fringe benefits and suvs u all parade in so that you can “visit your constituents” …… how about government officials paying for their own stuf and not ride the back of taxpayers ….are all these allowances necessary which is more than what many of the public sector workers earn…..what interests have you looked after other than yourselves and rich frens 🤔…..

  2. And I never see or heard of politicians striking. A wonder if they get automatic raises? Or they help themselves when them feel like???

  3. I agree with her! Why isn’t gas prices regulated in Jamaica? It sad that even when the gas prices decrease world wide, it does not reflect at the Jamaican pumps. This is serious slackness. You very rarely hear or see gas price reducing. Most times its on a wild exit UP!

    1. Gas price is a worldwide problem. How you think Jamaica can decrease it. You all have to tighten belt, cut to only do things that is needed and necessary. This inflation is worldwide and the leaders are trying to prevent world war 3. Unoo better learn to appreciate what is being done on your behalf. This is not a political problem. Learn to do your part in the process. It hard but it can get worst in a hot minute.

  4. That serves them right, they loves free nish so that’s what they r getting, we have 2 work 4 what we want

  5. Jamaican people love to bow down too fast too quick keep up the pressure keep the strike going

  6. Of course the workers have a choice. They can try to get a job in the private sector and see the outcome.

  7. People need to feed their families so come up with something fast because the bills is getting higher each and every day our families have to eat too

  8. these are the problem the wrong people come on our device then how you expect the country to move forward

  9. It’s a shame when you do so much work….tired….don’t see your family….tek disrespect and then when we go supermarket cyah buy a ting….this is why I trust God and not man

  10. The government is not looking out for the people of Jamaica because can have a inland wide road fixing many Jamaican will work and fix the roads and pay their taxes every pm should see that the roads and bridges in good condition that is why we the people’s vote you to take care of the nation not your pockets every workers should joint a union

  11. I personally believe that the Jamaican ppl have been ntn but patiently waiting for a reasonable financial change, decades have pass and if the ppl don’t start talk up then they might have to wait another decade.

    1. Come like you nuh see that them wa carry out a $2000 dollar note the higher the note the weaker the country’s money on value

  12. People can’t not eat for 6 month. We are asked to wait but getting 4 percent of which 1percent goes to pension, 1 percent to income tax, $41.92 for union, 167.72 for education tax, 125.72. That turn 4192 to about 1900 per month so mr Nigel Clarke wake the hell up

  13. Can’t afford it? but we still paying the former governor of BOJ; Politicians although not the smartest in the pond, are getting millions; people sitting on the boards of some of these companies, getting millions; JAMAICA IS A LOST CAUSE – and if Jamaicans don’t see it, they are blind af. The answer is to leave this country and find ways to save yourself and your family. You don’t believe me? ok – stick around and I will ask you about it in the next 5 years.

  14. industrial shock laughable. For years public sector employees have been tied to MOU’s and increases at between 2 to 4% yet the Ministers during all these wage negotiations have gotten double digits increases. Inequality. With their present proposals a large part of the Public Sector workers will be worse of between $10,000 and $20,000 per month in times like now!!! We pay for the Politicians gas, their repairs to their vehicles, their housing allowances, their electricity, need I go on all in the form of taxes. It is so clear that the Government does not care, they live by the Motto look after the Member of Parliament and our families first, take, take, take. Gas goes up $4 per week and down by .25 cents it is an insult to the intelligence of Public Sector Workers who are overworked and underpaid. JPS bills are a shame. More in Tax and IPP and fuel than useage, guess we are still paying for Ivan. A prime example is the St Thomas road. The money allocated has been nyam out by Jamaican Contractors and others and its the vehicle users who are paying the price of the constant repairs caused by the damage on the only main road into the Parish. One cannot even traverse without the vehicles being beaten up. A 15 minute journey takes 45 mins to an hour. However if the PM comes he takes a helicopter. Offensive selfish and utterly disgusting with no regard to the people who they claim are important. Actions speak louder than words. Enough lies and deception. He who exalts himself WILL be abated. GOD will judge all. I could continue but wont.

  15. The tax needs to be removed from gas… The price is already so high. Dem fe tek salary cut. Are they for the people? Are they for the people.. TEK SALARY CUT!!!!! find solutions if the people are cared for

  16. Govt think they can live large and leave very little for everyone else. Are they gonna get down there in the dirt and do the work? Pay people so they can live.

  17. Jamaica is facing global economic shock, we can’t afford anymore internal shock. We’re in the middle of perfect storm of economic tragedy.

  18. It is a shame about roads in Jamaica! All the district roads in most parishes is very costly to taxi drivers! The people need to vote for people who will fix their roads and forget about party.

  19. Stopping the economy while it’s recovery after the pandemic is not a smart move, Jamaicans have to be a little patient with the Gov.
    Foreign Governments not raising pay now, the economy will collapse.

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