1. Nah they killed him. He had too much dirt on too many people. They only let you ride high for so long before they take you down

  2. But let’s be real, you think he didn’t have insurance in case he would be murdered…this is far from over yaaaall. Somewhere he has a little black book of all his elite clients just waiting to be released. But hey I’m just a conspiracy theorist 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. well there is still Ghislane Maxwell, Epstein’s partner in crime. i think she’s hiding out somewhere. won’t be surprised is she ends up dead as well

    1. I think some of those guards could easily be paid off. How do guards not become corrupted working in places filled with evil.

  3. If I’m correct prison or holding cells are specifically built to avoid these kinds of things from happening. There are incarcerated criminals who attempt to commit suicide with conviction and are unable to do so due to precaution made by correction officers and some how this guy was able to be successful, not at all suspicious CNN.

    1. false, people kill themselves in prison all the time and suicides among inmates has been on the rise in recent years.

    2. *” By way of deception thou shall do war. “* Mossad. Fake, fake, fake, like all the 90s bus bombing in israel,, 😈😈😈

  4. It’s time to get your pitchforks ready, and take things into our own hands, the system favors the corrupt Elite. And they run everything.

  5. Inside job! 🇺🇸

    Jeffery Epstein was getting to the truth and somebody from “The Inside” killed Epstein.

  6. Sounds very suspicious to me, far to many high powered people involved and should be investigated by the FBI

  7. This is exactly what people knew would happen. Too many powerful people were on the line if Epstein would have talked

  8. So, Epstein was unsuccessful at suicide while NOT on suicide watch, yet was successful while ON suicide watch?

  9. “Officials say.” Officials say.

    Officials say. Authorities say. I guess adding “officials say” makes things true?

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