1. @Gary R Well said! Shifty’s pres was full of beautiful words but wasn’t getting to the facts which bored the F out of me. This was direct to the point and really exposing that the democrats really don’t have a case

    2. The stupid 30% in this country have been fallin over themselves ever since trump (IMPOTUS) announced his candidacy. The rest of the world has watched in awe as the trump petrie dish grew. Now the trump cult looks very much like a 6 week old science project growing in my fridge. Eeeww…..all dirty looking white bacteria.

    1. @John Underwood yes. You have a very good question there. There was a book released last year that is in the court now because Trump & WHsue the author & publisher. They argued that the book did not go through proof reading of the lawyers of the WH.

    2. @Suresh.M Chanmugam ” are illegitimate because the house never voted for an inquiry”
      there’s no rule or law says they have to, you silly person.

    1. You didn’t watch it obviously. Nobody who watched it thinks the Democrats are winning, bro. They got BODIED today, slowly and methodically.

  1. So sad that the only time senators really work for their pay is when theyre up for reelection or impeachments.

    1. Working? Are you kidding? They all have made a mockery of our system. This process just proves our government is in complete chaos.

    2. Lately the Democratic ones you are correct if you think about it though the media hasn’t done a very good job and they have common tools to help with their brainwashing I know it sounds extreme but it’s a very true especially when you walk up to somebody you eaten you ask them why they hate Donald Trump and they cannot tell you kind of like the guy that you brainwashed to go shoot your neighbor’s dog why did you do that sir I don’t know

    1. Agreed. I think Toobin speaks mostly nonsense anyways, but man that was a new low. It was a very desperate attempt at trying to create an issue out of nothing

    1. We aren’t really fighting so much Black and White anymore, seemingly. We have evolved to a different type of hate, Democrats and Republicans. I am not sure why you would bring that trash up as who is representing who.
      Guys our country will fail if we keep going like this. The Russians and Chinese are sitting back watching us kill each other.

    2. @Leon Anthony the point I think was to say the LIBERAL democrats always call people out !! And as you see they’re policy standards are… Do as I say .. Not as I do ..

    3. @T G actually the Chinese kill their own people or exploit them and the Russians will kill the former people.

  2. You know you’ve sunk low when you have to say – “But look, we have more people of color than they do!” 😅

    1. @SsgKevin USA Ret they see it, one Nation is a threat, this country hasn’t been this divided since the civil war, than you have ignorant people like Grace here who unfortunately have a voice and is allowed to speak.

    2. @Grace Munich you should not be allowed anywhere near the comments if you are going to use the “R” word every time someone points out lame diversity arguments!! I pity your snowflake soul.

  3. “Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching.” Thomas Jefferson
    “It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.” ― George Washington

    1. @Jim Skarw lol. he did it,urfunny, he did what no man has done before, lol the world is watching at least make that comment on a comedy news channel, lol would be more fitting, yes he has lied tp everyone and kept a straight face, ask Rex Tillerson, Comey. lol, ur to much, your kidding me? you never know? don’t laugh

    2. Referring to the founding fathers? Much like the dems referring to the bible..The dems are famous for using both to act as though they have some belief outside of personal gain and destruction of the Constitution and this Country..

  4. If the people want Bernie the people will get Bernie ☺ Vote for Bernie 2020 ☺ Bernie works for the people ☺

    1. For what its worth, who cares what they say? Did you really think they weren’t going to lie or that anybody with half a brain is going to care if they cry racism?
      I’m a Black woman and those White House White Men GOT BUSY today!!!! I watched the whole thing like damn, damn, damn…that was bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutal 🔥🔥🔥 s 🔥🔥🔥 s 🔥🔥🔥 . As soon as it was over I was like let me see how CNN spins this. They couldn’t even show a straight minute of it without interruption, that’s how bad it was for them. Who cares what they say. NOBODY who watched this thinks the Democrats are winning.

  5. 3:35 The body language of “beaker” (guy with the two CNN cups conveniently placed in front of him) tells all you need to know about his “impartiality”. And you don’t need to be a “body language expert” to see that.

  6. The president’s team does NOT want to walk into the TRAP of appearing to smear Joe Biden. Joe’s son Hunter has that job.

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