Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders Statistically Tied In Iowa, Polling Shows | Morning Joe | MSNBC

New Iowa polling ahead of the caucuses shows former VP Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders leading the Democratic field. The panel discusses. Aired on 1/30/20.
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Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders Statistically Tied In Iowa, Polling Shows| Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Don’t let Corporate media tell you who to vote for. Vote for your best interests. Not theirs. They are millionaires protecting billionaires.

    1. Well said! Joe Biden has been video footage that exposed him for wanting to cut Social Security! I believe Bernie Sanders! Bernie2020!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  2. Trump’s actual words: ”Bernie is only one I didn’t want to run against, he is too tough for me, Biden would be a piece of cake.”

    1. @Debbie Martini This was a secret recording Lev Parnas made. Trump said this to his inner circle not knowing it was being recorded.

    2. @Debbie Martini so does Bloomberg, using dirty tactics to rumor Yang out of the race. I want to follow Yang to make the changes we need, even if that’s in someone’s staff. But it should be a fair fight. Not using ownership of a media company to rumor Yang out.

    3. @User Why am I not suprised? He really did a horrible job of protecting our national security. The most powerful man in the world is so vulnerable to being taped…freaking crazy.

  3. The establishment is losing their minds over the prospect of Bernie winning the nomination. It’s apparent. These leeches in the mainstream media will try anything to shove their corrupt centrists down our throats but it won’t work.

    1. You people are too stupid to see that it’s all on purpose. Bernie will never be president of the USA. Period. You losers can just go ahead and plan on throwing your stupid fits in November.

    2. You’ve gotta be stupid!! Don’t you remember what they did to Bernie in 2016??? You really think the dem machine is going to let Bernie get the nomination??? That’s why Bloomberg is running. A brokered convention will assure Sanders does not get in!! I’ll fell for the nonsense in 16 but this time I will vote for Trump if Bernie gets hammered again! Bernie knows this but since he walked away in 16 with consolation money (1 million $ in book sales) He will still get the cash in 2020 as another consolation!

  4. lol ya you mean Biden is losing by 3 points in 1 poll while 10 other polls have him in 4th. I guess you guys have a job to do tho huh? Gotta protect power

    1. Maybe Biden and his son are guilty of nepotism but what has that to do with this trial?
      Trump used his private lawyer and 2 other guys who are not government officials to start his own ”investigation”, and use military aid in exchange for dirt on a fellow American politician.
      We have official channels and mechanisms for that type of thing but Trump decided to pursuit the illegal way.

      I’m far from a biden fan but let’s deal with him on another trial – these are separate cases.
      If that’s the deflection game we’re going to play now, then we want Ivanka and the rest of the Trump kids to testify.
      Just last year Ivanka received 5 trademarks from China. I wonder if the trade war and some of the concessions Trump made had something to do with it. And don’t get me started on Saudi Arabia, Israel and Turkey.
      Yet you don’t see democrats bringing that up during the trial do you? Because they know these are separate issues.
      Democrats need to stop accepting playing by two different set of rules.

    2. @pedro almeida Lol, no one cares about Trump, he’s on his way out the door. Biden poses a threat to real progress and democracy.

    1. #No Policy Joe, makes a honest Republican… but a very dishonest corrupt Democrat! Bernie2020!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    1. Buddy Mckimmey .. Contradicting yourself? Whatever. I forgot to throw msm in the cauldron. Now it smells to high heaven.

    2. Cathy90 .. Took donations from millions of supporters then let crooked Hillary off the hook- he took the DNC bribe and faded away rich- 2016 dem primary

    1. UBI game changer for millions of Americans TAX ON AI DATA ROBOTS MACHINE DRIVERLESS TRUCK 10% value add tax. Democracy dollars will flush out Washington DC lobbyists.

    2. Lobsang Palden lmao this is a joke and scaring people as a Corp management I can tell you robots will never ever replace the work force the cost is no where close.

    3. #No Policy Joe, makes a honest Republican…. but he makes a corrupt untrustworthy Centrist Democrat! Bernie2020!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    1. @Gooey 911 BREAKING NEWS!!! 175 thousand people request tickets for trump rally in democratic stronghold New Jersey!!!! Massive rally causes immense traffic jam in southern NJ!!! Meanwhile Democratic senators are very concerned impeachment will interfere with their political campaigns if witnesses are called. Poltaco reports Bernie Sanders may lose to Biden in Iowa if the trial drags on!! Stay tuned!!

    1. Beau Littzen Do you have some money to put on your bet Bernie is 15 points ahead in Iowa that is a fact biting is a neoliberal like Hillary

    1. You’ve gotta be stupid!! Don’t you remember what they did to Bernie in 2016??? You really think the dem machine is going to let Bernie get the nomination??? That’s why Bloomberg is running. A brokered convention will assure Sanders does not get in!! I’ll fell for the nonsense in 16 but this time I will vote for Trump if Bernie gets hammered again! Bernie knows this but since he walked away in 16 with consolation money (1 million $ in book sales) He will still get the cash in 2020 as another consolation!

  5. According to RealClearPolitics the “RCP average” gives Sanders a 3.6% lead over Biden. This doesn’t mean that Sanders wins, but this is not a tie.

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