Joy: Old America & New America ‘Went To War In 2020.’ New America Won, & Biden Wants Peace | MSNBC

Joy Reid discusses President Biden's inauguration message. Aired on 01/20/2021.
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#PresidentBiden #Inauguration #MSNBC

Joy: Old America & New America 'Went To War In 2020.' New America Won, & Biden Wants Peace | MSNBC


  1. God bless America!! Congratulations, President Biden and Madam Vice President Harris…Simply, MAGNIFICENT

  2. God Bless President Biden and all those who support him in the difficult task ahead. The world now feels a safer place. I have so looked forward to this day!

    1. America seems to think we want their help … we don’t all you do is interfere and destabilise our democracies …. you are no friends of ours and your delusions are literally breath taking

    2. @Alba1970 I disagree. I am Irish, living in Ireland, and America has been a good friend to our country in the past.

    3. @Alba1970 nobody asked if you wanted our help, we just give it…. whether you like it or not.

      You’re welcome.

  3. The stock market just reached an all time high!!

    So I guess according to the logic of Trump and his ignorant fans. This means that within 2 hours of becoming President, Joe Biden has already built the greatest economy in the history of the world and it automatically the best President of all time!!

    1. @Nathaniel Garcia And It took, what, ..all of six hours to reverse that script.

      Yes, Wall Street and massive corporations are the enemy of decent, honest people; and the exact opposite of all of DJT’s constant pathetic preachings.

    1. Liberals can’t even control their HQ in California and they’re going to run the country? LMAOOOOO

    1. LOL, her dress would be ridiculous and a humiliation if it was anybody else, but since it is Lady Gaga we’re all fine with it… at least refrigeration is not required!

  4. Yes…may God bless your President Biden and VP Harris.
    May he preside with Godly wisdom and courage and LOVE for you all.
    Great speeches, poem, songs, and inauguration under major DURESS you nailed it!!!
    Class ACT.


    1. @Yozhik You still offer nothing but childish insults. Do you realize how stupid you sound telling me that is all you have.
      You must take responsibility for educating your self boy.

    2. @Anthony Browne I was born and raised in the north, I never lost anything. but it seems you feel that you have lost something or maybe feel that you never had anything to loose.

    3. @Litterbox Tell me what I said that is not true. people like you type something like that in, but can never explain. perhaps it is you that is brainwashed and need help for the same people typed in orange man bad man for 4 years, but could never explain why when asked. I know another childish insult will come from you again without explanation, for weak minds like the people on the left have cannot debate, for deep down they know they have been suckered by the democrat party.

    1. @Dillon Pitts The fact that you ask that question means you were part of the nightmare. Enjoying being a loser, Dillon?

  6. This was such a classy inauguration to be proud of. See world; Americas still got it. Its just been hidden for four years!😷😷😷

    1. Indeed. I say this as a Londoner (UK), that America has come back shining, the Inauguration, plus the memorial the previous day, was very dignified, and all-inclusive – even of top Republicans! I loved it when J-Lo spoke in Spanish, ‘cos that’s all part of America (even I grew up watching Sesame Street!), and it truly reflected what America means! Congratulations America, you’ve finally got the presidential administration you deserve, and we’re so happy for you! Kind regards, The World

  7. When I saw how many white Americans genuinely supported “Black Lives Matter”. I knew that new America would win.
    *Only 25% of white Americans supported Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    1. I’m not saying we gotta get all crazy progressive, or socialist or any of that, just saying whatever the conservatives are selling, I don’t want for my country or myself.
      Whatever that was,,,,,, it was desperation and insanity.

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