1. WOW! HUGE blow….this dude was huge…….I researched him for quite some time in my younger years. He is featured as a major player in the documentary I still remember. “The Power of Nightmares. WOW.

  2. Why don’t we treat internal terrorists as we do these external threats? Let me rephrase that question.
    Why do we go so easy on internal threats such as white supremacists? Why do we allow antagonists to walk the halls of our government buildings both federal and state?

    1. You are 100 percent correct. We should target the group responsible for the most murders in this country. Lets research who that is.

    2. @mark thurst Don’t confuse murders with terrorism and hate crimes.
      You obviously want to show us how clever you are. Do it.

    3. What you are talking about is vary deep in its facts and100% , but unfortunately those facts would be just like walking on eggshells, and Crystal’s at the same time, without the possibility of not breaking either of them, so just sit back and imagine the sensitivity of that party,🤔😯 its too much complicity involved and its hardly even safe too talk about in my opinion because of the complicitors throughout their ranks and files.

  3. “The world is in more peril from those who tolerate evil or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.” -Dr. Albert Einstein, 1954

    1. @soylentdean No he didn’t. While he wrote to Roosevelt to identify risks if the Nazi regime developed atomic weapones he took no part in the Manhatten Project.

    2. @soylentdean You said “who invented the formula for the atomic bomb.” The formula for the atomic bomb (i.e. the theory and practice of its construction) came from the Manhatten Project of which Einstein declined to be a part of.

      Of course you may be referring to the splitting of the atom as that is a key component of the “formula”, but that was Rutherford.

      You may be referring to either the special and general relativity which was Einstein but apart from identifiying the energy that may be released it has little or nothing to do with the formula that produced the atomic bomb.

      Perhaps you need to clarify what you mean by “formula”.

  4. I have traditionally been a Republican. Joe Biden has my vote in 2024. He said, “We will never give up.”

  5. I have traditionally been a Republican. Joe Biden has my vote in 2024. He said, “We will never give up.”

  6. No civilian casualties. Wow. That’s precision. Be safe everyone. 🌻

    1. Don’t forget… the last time they said that we found out they killed seven k ids in Afghanistan. Of course it took them a week to admit it.

  7. As a Canadian, l can’t ever forget watching on that horrible day. The shear dread of watching the people falling from those buildings is not something anyone would ever forget. I understand your country is divided right now but maybe use this moment to reflect on what’s really important. This isn’t a win for Democrats or Republicans. It’s another long hard earned victory for the United States. I hope your opinion makers will drop the partisanship and just take a breather for the sake of your amazing intelligence community and military who continue to keep you and many people around the world safe. Congratulations and Thank you.

    1. @Brian Burns No, America is not hated for that reason. Actually that’s the one thing that most countries, including the largest Muslim nation Indonesia, are grateful for.

  8. When Trump got COVID, he was flown to the hospital; and when he got out, he showed us how tough he was by pulling his mask off.
    When Biden got COVID, he was working hard to eliminate an enemy.

    1. @Santa Claus they both likely were infected by different strains, so any comparisons are silly …. much like politicians in general 🙂

    1. I’m posting to say that the colour should be verminion – it’s a yellower orange . Yes , I’ve been getting the exact same spam for the past few months , every time I leave a comment

  9. It is SO NICE to have a President who listens to, and relies on the Intelligence Community in this country, rather than dismisses them as “stupid”. And a President who gives credit where credit is due, instead of claiming sole responsibility for successes, and blaming everyone else for failures.

    1. @Paul Wheeler They knew that was BS. Cheney wanted an excuse to siphon Iraq. And they sacrificed a man of genuine character in Powell to do it.

    2. @Paul Wheeler , they actually did not. Quite the contrary actually. Study up your history a bit deeper.

  10. “I authorized the precision strike…”

    A President that actually takes intel briefings seriously. Unlike the former🍊🤡

    1. I like your description of djt.
      I’m just sorry for the orange and the clown.
      They are much better than him.
      I just refer to him as a poor imitation of a man or any descent human being.

  11. Now this is what a real President sounds like. I believe I can depend on you to protect our Country. I applaud your service to this Country. thank you oh so much President Joe Biden.
    if you choose to run again in 24 I will no doubt vote for you.

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