Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized, Plans Quick Return To Work | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Pete Williams, NBC News Justice Correspondent, talks with Rachel Maddow about breaking news that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was hospitalized for a "benign gallbladder condition" and is resting comfortably and expects to participate in oral arguments tomorrow morning. Aired on 5/5/2020.
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Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized, Plans Quick Return To Work | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. I’d be surprised if McConnell wasn’t up there trying to pull the plug.

    “Sir, that is a lamp, not a life support”
    “Well golly, I am trying to induce a seizure”
    “Please leave”
    “Fine, but I am taking this with me…”

    Edit: Thanks for the assist @Bud Fudlacker

    1. @J.L. Klamer (Jude 1:18-19) “How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.”

    1. God doesn’t protect evil. If you knew your Bible, you’d know that. This evil woman believes in abortion. She should go to her eternal punishment.

    2. @American Patriot You speak the truth. This evil woman has an eternal punishment waiting for her, and she’s nearing the door. I can’t wait to have a true American patriot and protector of life replace her. Party at my house when she goes.

    3. @Georgie Porgie We need to cover this stuff as crazy as it sounds. Nimrod was part man and part god. However he was not born this way. Somehow he was able to be genetically corrupted. The big pharma companies now can create injections that over time will re-write and re-code and alter and change the persons genes. This technology is complete, the lady I met at Pfizer said they have the ability to cure blindness. Bill Gates wants to vaccinate 7 billion people because of this Covid-19. The entire pharmaceutical industry is moving in this direction of gene editing. The Greek word pharmakeia means sorcery. The book of revelations speaks clear on sorcerers. With the micro dot tracking implants, gene coding and everything else this coming vaccine in my opinion is going to be the vaccine of Death. Interesting in 2010, Ruth Bader Ginsburg voted to hold the pharma companies liable for killer vaccines and she lost. Which tells me, even the good guys on the court may not be all that they seem.

  2. Justice Ruth, will be praying for you. Get well soon, stay strong and God bless. A non American fan.

    1. @Tammy Hibner Actually, I wish Patriot AND Catalina would both take their religious nuttery and go fly a kite!

    2. @Gaye Englund That’s exactly what pedophiles say when they attribute their madness to “love” …

    3. Praying she goes on to her eternal punishment soon, and President Trump replaces her with a true patriot and protector of life.

  3. Wow, a gallstone stuck in the duct like that hurts like heck. She’s one tough cookie.

    1. I’m sure it hurts almost as much as the millions of babies she has caused to suffer and die. Her eternal punishment awaits. She is overdue.

    2. @MrArchangel73521 Yep, the evil are very dedicated to hurting babies. Her time is soon. Can’t wait for President Trump to replace this evil woman.

    1. @Alan Marston Party at millions of homes when this evil witch goes to her punishment. Baby killers should not be protected.

    2. Georgie Porgie ….you Cuntservs seem to care about life as a zygote, but not after that blob of cells is a child at a border with no human rights….funny how that works…just an observation on my part! Ms G. Bader possesses more smarts in her feces than you lovelies do in your collective Ah Brains 🧠 put together….your Dear Little Dumb Dumb Donnie is a less than perfect example of Darwinism in reverse…like a Reverse Mortgage….akin to a Black Hole 🕳….a rather good example of a Collective Black Hole 🕳 is a Trump Rally!

    3. @Vivian Perino I care not about what You think what I believe. For your beliefs in me are incorrect. It is up to the caring person or persons to help and assist the new not to control them. Teach your children to become responsible, not to take over there lives.

    4. @Vivian Perino Then you read not nor do you understand. It is not for the stance that the judge holds only that the truth that is seen is correct. For all that think that they perceive, maybe their viewpoint is incorrect. Change your viewpoint.

    1. Nope, hope she goes away soon. We need a Supreme Court justice who protects the least vulnerable life in our society.

  4. Madame Justice….Please get well soon…you’re country needs you more than ever !!!

    1. He has been dead for almost 3 years. When was the last live footage of him? The Liberals will keep getting his mummy out of the freezer and parade it in private, every now and then.

    1. This evil woman is not an inspiration for female babies in the womb. Quite the opposite.

  5. We love you RBG get well soon.! My ninety four years old Aunt had the same and recovered well.

    1. Your sick, can believe you support a person that’s ok with killing babies “ABORTIONS”… you Democrats are evil…

    2. BobbyitsmeyourDaddyRoburto Yup …..you only care about undeveloped cells! I care about the kids who are born…..the kids that walk, talk and function…Trump likes to lock them in cages….some day soon Trump will be in a cage….

    1. @Frisky Bottomsuuater RBG likes to abort millions of babies. That is inspirational for Helen’s type.

  6. RBG, a legend in American history! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾. Bravo Judge :: get well soon. 🇺🇸👏👏

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