1. Dem’s saw Hillary sell out🇺🇸for 100’s millions of ‘pay for play’ vowing they deserve the same by ~any means.~
      POC’s see corruption😠inequality.

    1. @Dave Schultz Or that lazy blanket argument your forced into constantly making because you would have to know substance to address it! 😉✌

  1. Since you ain’t going to win, I’m moving to someone else who has no shot but can pay me more for longer. Cyaaaaa

    1. And there is the real story. Maybe she even got paid by Bloomberg to write that op-ed to help remove one of the moderates (Kamala) before Bloomberg entered the race. Money, money, money, MONEY! Oh wait, that’s the Apprentice theme song.

  2. She is a typical politician / attorney ….tell you anything to get what they want….people are starting to see right trough the lies…..

    1. just like hilary -she thought putting a bottle of hot sauce in her purse will bring her the votes & empty grandeur promises..

  3. So she’s leaving the Harris campaign for the Bloomberg campaign? That’s like trading in a sick horse for a dead one.

    1. @Mighty Mouse Wrong, If cops patrolled and applied the law evenly without prejudice we wouldn’t have “hot spots”. Cops have a policy of containment and concentrate their resources to be security for rich whites or those in power. I grew up in the hood and where I lived was pretty lawless due to neglect as well as lack of opportunities also due to neglect from the city, State and federal governments. Hell they didn’t start paving roads over there until after the civil rights act.

    2. @Laquinton Wagner 2 term limit is Obvious! its fake news that invented 2024 2028 for ever. Don’t see the Pun?

  4. Strange the timing of that letter. So an aide left the Harris campaign to work with Bloomberg? Does the aide believe in Bloomberg that much cuz the public doesn’t.

    1. @Mulinaster A CEO of a company is a dictator, everyone follows his orders without question. A president is, or should be, a leader of our country who must know how to actually govern and lead. We DO NOT need another dictator CEO type. One total failure is enough.

    2. @sue bee Not a dictator, a pragmatist looking in everyone’s interest at the bottom line and objective value. Completely different from fascism. Following the hard rules of nature and none of the lovey dovey emotional nonsense that clouds our sense of objectives and goals!

    3. @Mulinaster Yes I agree 100% These people that can’t be objective and only think with their feelings are a lot of what has screwed the country.

    1. @My Neighbor Piccolo I love success, and a true businessman presenting a purely pragmatic and transactional business approach to politics would be a welcome relief in the White House. Perfectly honest and I rarely see a counterpoint to this idea and business approach to life.

    2. Za Peat policy driven? Errr, not exactly, but Kamala was always willing to have a “conversation” about any issue. Not quite “she’s got a plan for that”.

    1. @J P Gun nuts are a minority and there will be more mass shootings. Blacks/hispanics hate Trump. MB can’t be accused of “socialism.” He will win FL, PA, MI, WI, AZ. I like Bernie, but MB will destroy the shamed DT. How are elections won? Pecunia vincit omnia.

    2. @J P I actually think it’s perfectly possible to win without the black vote. Most of the areas he would lose would be in Southern states anyway, and he could appeal to the mostly white, rural working class in the Midwest that appealed to Trump in the first place. If a group is so completely hung up on a single policy without being able to look at the world holistically and is full of nothing but blind identity group politics, it should be possible to find a way around them. Appeal to upper working middle class to create a broad coalition.

    3. @Mulinaster He is grimy
      Do your research
      Contracting scandals under his watch that cost the city billions. He ran as a REPUBLICAN. He IS NOT a Democrat. He violated the term limits law violating the rights of NYC Voters
      He is like Trump he just wears better clothes and doesn”t dye his mop orange.

    1. Nathan Baker AGREED ! In fact, I don’t think even SHE thought she could win.. but the publicity would be great to sell her book.. which she shamelessly plugs every chance she “takes” ..

    1. @Hingle McCringleberry Ummm… Good for you, I guess… You are not everybody else. Back when he first started his campaign…. he had little to no name recognition and not a whole lot of legislative body to draw from. So much like Kamala Harris, back when he originally ran, everybody’s like this dude isn’t going to win. I don’t even know him. What has he done…. There was all that back then. Thankfully it turned out to be wrong. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t there though.

    2. @Hingle McCringleberry boy have you read me wrong. sweetheart the only one here being ignorant is you. Please do not ever even come close to indicating that you think that me and you’re silly racist to ask has anything in common when it comes to the way we think about people. See, the primary difference between me and you is going to be what we used to come to the conclusions we have. I tend to use logic, common sense and fact. You seem to use racist tropes and useless hate nexgen with a heavy helping of willful ignorance.

      Cuz one exactly are you implying there? All black people voted for Obama because he was black? Does that mean that all white people vote for other white people just because they’re white? And how would one go about collecting that data to be able to come to that conclusion? You just made a blanket Assumption of 26% of our population without knowing 99.9% of them. I find that’s usually done because people like you aren’t interested in facts or truth. You just want your ignorant assumptions parodied back to you. I have a mixed-race nine-year-old son. Are you basically saying that without even meeting this small child oh, he is half completely ignorant just because half of who he is is African-American? Are you saying his daddy, who is African-American is ignorant as well? Even though you’ve never met him? Even if you did make any of those implications, they wouldn’t matter not at all. Why? Because you’re making them out of a place of ignorance. Just like the comments you’re making about Obama.

      Grow up, educate yourself and for the love of everything that is Holy, less Kool-Aid, more independent thought. 😉✌

    3. Cropper copper Harris has zero chance of winning if she thought being black was going to automatically get her the win she was wrong. She is unlikable has a bad track record and isn’t all that smart.

    1. I wouldn’t call it incompetent. She just isn’t ready for the big dance. She never quite figured out what kind of candidate she wanted to be. She’s fine in the Senate, I don’t think Kamala has what it takes to be President. Not yet.

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