Keilar: Instead of trying to provide stability, Trump did this

CNN's Brianna Keiler gives her take on Trump's recent media appearances where he appeared deflated covering various topics from the pandemic to the election.
#CNN #News


  1. Trump is right, the upcoming elections will be rigged, he himself is going to rig them in his favour!

    1. @Yousavedbro Heaven Bound Honey, have a big glass if coolaid, ut will do you good, really! Trumper”Duh… ok”, gulp, gulp,…☠

    2. @Sandra MOORE ahh. Your 12 years old with you little childish put-downs? Are you lost ?;you’re without Jesus!!My Hope Is in Jesus Christ. Not any politician. Thank God he’s moving and holy power against the evil Democrats. That’s right you’re going to weep bitterly.

      JesUSAves 🙏♥️✝️🙌🏿🌄🕊️🇺🇸

    3. @TrumpRulesYou_ DealWithIt actually moron the polls were correct in 2016 they had hillary winning the popular vote and she did genius

    4. @Yousavedbro Heaven Bound What’s crazier than a twisted trump supporter? A twisted religious zealot trump supporter!

  2. We black people will never vote for Kanye never he has mental issues we vote that he gets some help that is as far as he go

    1. @Cant think of a name yet we are dying at disproportionate rates from a virus that Bone Spurs cant control. Go away.

    2. @Starving Buddha it only seems that way because racist Republicans refuse to recognize Kamala for anything under than being black. You all act like she is not a duly elected official with significant and relevant experience.

      The fact that you would compare her to Kanye tells me all I need to know about your disgusting view of black people. He is an ignorant bipolar rapper who dropped out of college but you think he and Kamala belong in the same sentence because he’s black? What is wrong with you?

    3. Biden Is More Mental Than West Is…Most Of The Democrat Elite Killed Their Slaves Instead Of Letting Them Go…Looks Like They Are Still Making You People Hang On To Them…HOW

  3. D. Trump
    The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns.
    The “genius” who hides his college grades.
    The “businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 years.
    The “playboy” who pays for sex.
    The “Christian” who doesn’t go to church.
    The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity .
    The “patriot” who dodged the draft. And attacks dead Veterans and their widows
    .The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.
    Trump Translations “Many People have told me” = Voices in my head and fictional people have complimented me
    “A lot of people don’t know” = I just learned something most people already knew
    “Believe me” = I just lied
    I am giving Veterans a 100K from my own pocket= I have other peoples money and I am keeping it.
    “In Fact” = I’m about to lie
    “He’s a great guy” = I will deny ever knowing this person after they begin to tell the truth about me
    “MAGA” = Making my pockets fatter off the American tax payers
    “Nobody knew” = Everyone knew except me
    “Huge” = moderate to below average in size”
    Loser” = someone who makes me feel inferior due to their talent or accomplishments
    “Policy Briefing” = Turning on Fox News
    “Liar” = Someone telling the truth about me
    “Fake News” = Real news I don’t agree with
    other respected “Doctors” = paid actors standing around in lab coats.
    “you are not reporting correctly”= you are not praising me enough
    Donald Trump thinks its Fake news when the media quotes him.
    Donald Trump thinks classified information is that section in the back of a newspaper.
    A good trait in a leader Tiny thoughts from a small mind.
    .”Like everything he inherited, he drove it into the ground” said Momala Harris.

    be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of ideas, don’t attack people. Personal insults, accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death/physical harm are not presidential .. when the day comes and we stand before the almighty say I tried to live as a decent human man

    GOP(Government of Putin): Blames Obama for 2 Ebola deaths
    Also GOP: Doesn’t blame Trump for more than 165k COVID deaths

    Lincoln the Gettysburg address
    Trump, Man, Woman, Camera, Person, TV.

    1. He’s not hard to figure out…self preserving narcissist. And it’s really strange that people believe he is or was a good business man which is the main reason he got elected. I can forgive a stupid mistake but I can’t forgive people willingly closing there eyes and ears. For Christians that support him just remember Christianity means to be Christ like…I could be wrong but I don’t think Jesus would love much of what he says or does. Remember knowledge is power. No such thing as alternative facts.

  4. I really feel sad for America. Over 300 million people led by the worst kind of foul mouthed trash imaginable.

    1. @Orange Man Bad I’m curious what, exactly, it is you think is being said in the link you posted ( ) — what is it in that video that you find objectionable? I suspect you haven’t actually watched the video but someone else’s interpretation of that video.

    2. Ian Littlewood for The love of God, do your own research and look up the world economic forum the great reset. I sent you a link directly from their YouTube website if you don’t find it good enough find your own but it’s there

    3. @Orange Man Bad Yes, and I watched the entire video, something I highly doubt you did considering your response to it. You’ve read an analysis of the video from some nutjob on YouTube. Do you even understand to what, “The Great Reset” refers? AGAIN, I ask, WHAT is it that you find objectionable in that video (the one from the WEF YouTube channel, NOT the conspiracy theorist bullshit posted earlier).

    4. The economy is doing great and all the dems said he was rascist and owlish said go to china town. Imagine how many more Americans would have died if they were in charge

    1. Daniel Truong Whats really going to be sad is all you leftist / marxist come November when those two assholes (sleepy joe, heals up Harris) lose. Trump 2020!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    2. @Geeknoid It has more to do with how rushed the Russian scientists were by Putin et Al. They essentially skipped stage 3 and 4 human testing etc. If it was developed correctly it would be taken regardless of the nation where it was made.

    1. @Darthnipples cnn? Dude, 😳 all you have ever had to do is listen to the words coming out his mouth. Think about it. 8mon still no approval for the domestic alternative to the reagent used for testing, which is why we still don’t have trace testing.
      The vaccine will be out next year. If Trump is in office he will be trying to tax it vs making it available to all…
      He is a fraud. He’s been a fraud hid whole life he didn’t change bcz he was appointed president.
      As for me ever being a sheep? I would never bend the knee to any man like you. I always hold elected officials accountable. I would follow a leader and have whether he be Democrat or Republican but this farce I wouldn’t follow down a sidewalk in the daytime.

  5. If Trump gets another 4 years, I am leaving the United States that I love, until someone replaces him.

    1. @Carsch A Please show me what good he has done..cuz I’m sooo blind unlike you. No offence . Show me please.

    2. @John Nordby I don’t have to show you. You just go and listen to his speeches. He’s always mentioning all the actions he’s been taking, the things he’s been doing, papers he’s signed and has been signing to help the american ppl and the country. The media never mention these great things he’s done and continues to do. Why? Because, they find it more interesting to focus in finding faults with him. Why would they do that? Because this president is different; he talks and acts different; and that is the problem with the media. They fail to see what he’s really all about, what he’s been doing and continues to do for the country, however. With that, the media is doing nothing more than injustice to the american ppl.

  6. Why is he talking about vaccine? When like 80% of his MAGA…well not take..cuz they all believe that there is chip in it.

    1. I can’t stand hearing this guy anymore i feel like i get brain damage the more i hear him for the love of god make it stop @W@

  7. The fact that anyone would be dumb enough to even consider voting for Kanye West tells you how insane this country has become. Hoping this circus ends soon…there are too many clowns in the ring.

    1. @Mike Mongrel and yet Biden is still a better choice than the sociopathic, narcissistic serial liar and most corrupt president ever, Donald Trump.

    2. @Marvhead You’ll be crying again in November and you still won’t understand what happened. Biden thinks he’s running for president of Burisma Holdings!

    1. @Christien du Preez ok are you taking up for trump for trllin a da not too do there job a black judge shouldnt prosecute black people grow up dude she was doing here job and honestly no one cares trumps destroyed america and has lied 190000 times on camera and his lies cause death.

    2. @UC90lwSsMq4GEIMRxYpzl33A Listen boetie, to put 1.500 black men in jail for the smallest amounts of pot is ridiculous and criminal, and you know it. Kamala was wanting some giddy up, leg-up from the Democrats, and as she was very keen on Biden’s terrible crime law, it shows some gat kruipery. She already showed by sleeping with Willy Brown, an ol black man to get that first leg-up that she will sell her all for power. Remember she was a judge or something like taht in those days.

    3. @ganonsoul01 Oh, grow up, see the light. kamala helped Joe put thousands of black people in jail for long times, and that is a fact. She will do anything, like sleeping with a man old enough to be her grandpa, and married, to further her career.

  8. Goya beans, Mt. Rushmore, Greenland and keeping access to his hotels have been his only focuses these past few months, he still hasn’t answered for the bounty placed on our soldiers…

    1. @Thisisanya Yes he will if Americans vote this time. In 2016 soo many did not ! Non votes will help Trump become your DICTATOR ! Good luck. You CAN fix this !

    1. @William Wilhite Our entire country is plagued with stupidity. It is said that you can’t fix stupid. That is wrong. Simply remove all the warning labels and the problem will fix itself.

  9. Guess Dr. Redfield will be the next out the door. Rump requires 100% corruptness in line with his. Vote Blue, Stop this Madness.

    1. Vote blue so that taxes can be hiked. Facyories can move and employ others. Kind of us to give our jobs away. Let’s make China great again. Vote blue so that media can lie to us and call us liars. Let’s burn cities and beat up people and be patted on the back.

    2. @Cheryl Moss You are wasting your time. the liberals with sense have already jumped ship, and to try and convince somebody as brainwashed as this far left people is well nigh impossible. their FAKE hatred for your president is so huge that they don’t mind voting away their freedom, and their future, just for the satisfaction of FEEDING THAT HATRED.

    3. @Christien du Preez yes you’re right. They will vote blue and grovel waiting for the customery pat on the head. Pavlovs dogs.

    4. @David Hernandez I lived on Miami beach, South beach, where I met many Cuban people, and from what I know, they are enlightened and use their brains. I am sure many more Latinos than what the Biden puppeteers can imagine will vote for FREEDOM.,they will vote red.

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