1. “The president bears responsibility for [the] attack on Congress by mob rioters, he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. These facts require immediate action by President Trump.” -Kevin McCarthy (R), 01-13-2021

    1. They should play spilt screens off his flip flops on his next run for office. PS: If it was a peaceful protest & a field trip, then why did Josh Hawley run for his life lol? 🏃‍♀️

    2. @B. Kent you can view that day on here. The entire actually event. It was televised as it happened. Bunch of animals.

    1. @Mahealani Hawaii He’s not being “transparent”. He gave the footage to one media channel. A channel that effectively been state sponsored by the Trump administration. Transparency would have been releasing the footage to any news channel that requested it.

    2. @Mahealani Hawaii First, it wasn’t leaked. So your first statement is not germane to this discussion. Second, your stating a hypothetical. The reality is Speaker McCarthy released all of the J6 footage to only one media channel known for being rather right-leaning and a staunch defender of FPTrump. And, to the particular individual (Tucker Carlson) who was defended by Fox lawyers by arguing that he wasn’t to be taken seriously. To make your broad claim that “There’s no journalistic integrity with any news station.” is the same kind of hyperbolic deflection that Speaker McCarthy was using when “answered” the question.

    3. @Baggy Shorts  Tuckems didn’t show video evidence of all the criminal conduct which BTW has been used in court. Tuckems EDITED to show the irrelevant parts.

    1. @T/A Plus Hemi He’s in the wrong because he has flip-flopped on his stance about J6. He’s in the wrong because he didn’t answer the question, he just deflected. He’s in the wrong, and the problem with releasing the video footage, is because he did not give it out to all the media channels. He gave it to only one.

    1. @Mahealani Hawaii When the Democrats released footage…hold on, do what now? Are you referring to the J6 committee? There were Republicans on that committee. Anyway, this footage that you refer to, was it released to only one media channel?

  2. McCarthy will always answer his own questions in his head instead of the questions that are asked from the reporters.

  3. Lawyer: Look at this footage of my defendant…you can clearly see that he is merely walking through the halls of the office building, minding his own business!
    Jury: Yes…but that was after he broke down the doors and nearly beat 6 people to death in order to get into that office building!

    1. There’s no evidence he broke down doors or hurt anyone. Show that footage because we have yet to see it.

  4. Serious question: How many Republican House members knew about the plans for riot, insurrection or attack prior to it occurring? Why did none of them provide advanced warning? I am thinking that this is why so many high ranking Congressional Republicans ignored subpoenas.

  5. There’s an old saying in journalism: if you ask him a question and he gets angry, you asked the right question.

    1. @A A I didn’t say it matters regarding McCarthy. I am referring to another part of the comment I’m replying to which implied both Trump and Biden attack the media and pointing out that there is no comparison. Had nothing to do with the first part of my answer. You need to look at who I am replying to.

    2. @Mr. E Of course they released the violent footage because that is what they were investigating, not the peaceful moments. The purpose of the investigation was it to disclose the crimes committed that day and who was responsible not every hour at every moment.

    3. ​@Mr. E Because they know Republicans will show little segments from the entire thing and misrepresent it, just how tucker is doing. It doesn’t really take rocket science knowledge to figure it out.

  6. If it was transparency, he was after why did he only give it to one biased, entertainment, channel, and not an actual news channel?

  7. Anger, deflection, and sarcasm is always the reaction when someone is confronted with their wrongdoing, which they won’t admit and cannot justify.

    1. @Mahealani Hawaii It’s that he gave the footage to someone who admitted in court that he uses exaggeration and non-literal commentary. That’s how Tucker Carlson makes his money.

    2. @Mahealani Hawaii The difference is that, unlike the other news organizations, Tucker Carlson’s lawyer argued in court that his show is non-literal commentary. That is, one shouldn’t take it literally. All I know about the shaman is that he pleaded guilty. So he wasn’t s totally innocent tourist..

    1. Flucker gets to distract from his, “I hate tRump”, statement that was just released. Or his, “My viewers are idiots”, or “(My guests) are insane!”, texts. Pick three.

    2. @JJ M I feel like this is one of the “concessions” he had to make to the trump republicans to get him elected to be speaker of the house. He is definitely in their paws making decisions for him

  8. I love that he gets twisted into a knot over that question.
    It virtually ENSURES this question will be asked over and over again.

  9. No doubt McCarthy knew full well that tuck tuck was going to slice and dice the footage in the exact same manner that he did not a surprise at all 😢😢😢

  10. McCarthy has used the phrase “I’m answering the question” on several occasions, where he completely ignores the actual question and proceeds to rant about some other matter. McCarthy would have people believe that a response is the same as an answer. If I ask “what time is it?” and McCarthy responds with “it’s raining”, he didn’t answer the question!

  11. Asking these creatures that are supposed to representing us questions at the podium is exactly like writing them letters: they NEVER address the question posed.

    I feel so hopeless.

  12. Of course he denies and deflects the question. He knows he shouldn’t have done it, but likely didn’t or still doesn’t care he did it, and when he gets called out on it, he’ll blame everyone else instead of himself.

  13. I have never seen a man who can be so much an ineffective spineless lightweight yet also be able to wreak callous harm the way Kevin McCarthy is

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