1. She put out a hit on him from behind bars, upgrade the previous sentence to life without parole, and if someone else involved in this case dies give her the death penalty. 🤐

    1. it was her lover and their friends. give them all the electric chair. our society will be better off once the dirty cops are cleansed from our society.


    2. @belle mcellis im beyond fed up we need to do something about this and I have an idea anybody wanna hear it just let me know and give me your thoughts on it! Don’t be scared it’s not a bad idea if you ask me but of course it’s going to take a collective effort

    3. The dead guy’s attorney says there’s no clear indication that the murder was related to the case so how do you conclude that there was? Are you stupid? Are you so simple minded that you believe whatever you hear on the boob tube? Weak.

    1. All you swine will be chased out of the country if you keep biting the hand that feeds you..

      You know who I’m referring to

    2. Blacks seem to lack accountability, and apply “ORANGE MAN BAD” logic to anyone with ‘light skin’ (light skin is a marker of high intellect)

      If i was born with a thick skull, i guess I’d probably envy the white man too

  2. Dallas Police sending a message…testify against a cop you endup DEAD…..Oh YES, Rodney Reed faces execution next month due to a corrupt Texas Police Constable.

  3. Why is it that when someone is brave enough to speak up, another person has the opportunity to silence him? So much bullshit happens out of the courtroom and it’s so tragic. May this young man’s soul find happiness.

    1. @Some Guy How do you Justify not only having no compassion for a law abiding citizen being murdered but also to think his death Is funny. Do you think It’s cool or what Is It?

  4. Just woke up and heard about this, told my fiancée and she was just as upset as i, I looked at the young man as a sincere individual who was only abiding by law, and you could see his friendly side by his Dragonball z shirt, he won’t be forgotten.

    1. I knew a “friendly” kid who wore shirts like that he went on to slit his GF’s dad’s throat for beating her. I also knew a girl who’s sisters boyfriend raped and strangled her and dumped her body a block away from school. The murderers were Mexican (like myself). We’re all capable of horrific actions.

    2. ​@Dingus note i said friendly side, but i tend to look for the good in people.
      And I’m well aware that murderers and sociopaths blend in the public, that’s why they get away with it for so long.

      In the end, there is always a choice. You pick up a weapon, and kill someone. You made that decision. Lets not go around judging people negatively because they have a preferred fashion akin to one who committed a crime.

      However, i am sorry you had to hear about such a heinous crime, and to have to experience it. It is not right for people to hear or read about such things.

      I am capable of smashing a brick with a sledge hammer? Yes, because i have the strength to swing it, and the hammer has the tensile advantage over brittle clay.

      So what’s a human skull compared to a swing from a sledge-hammer?
      Though it doesn’t mean i would do that.
      Sure you’re capable, but to follow through, you must be willing. And that is something else entirely.

      You must put yourself in the mindset, what are the consequences? And i could list a book. People lack self-control. Allowing emotions to overpower reason.

    3. @Dingus well… IF what you have said has truth to it; IF the dad beat the girlfriend he had it coming. Abusers deserve whatever they have coming to them. And for the other point, do you have proof? Newspaper reports or Police reports?

  5. I watched his testimony n I wondered why they didn’t blur him telling his apartment number. He gave his whole address

    1. @Phone Phone as a white old guy this was my first thought or maybe her boyfriend. some how i suspect Dallas police are not looking very hard for the killer

  6. We all know his death is linked to this murder. Yet in the next week we’ll hear about how he stole Becky’s pencil in 3rd grade and how he is a former or current gang member😒. Cops, her family or white supremacist’s killed him, that’s a given. Unfortunately his death will most likely never find justice on this plain😞.

    1. Probably the same dudes that cut off that little black girls dreads last week in Virginia… white supremacists, right?

    2. I see a lot of jessie smollett supporters are here in the comments, was he wearing a MAGA hat too, was a noose left on the body?

    1. Not sure if he was murdered yet……after all he could of been the one being threatening and violent toward someone who ended up shooting him, that wouldn’t be murder but possible self defence

  7. Just call in the FBI now, this was a hit job. Especially considering the early reports of how he was killed.

  8. This guy was wearing a DBZ shirt. There’s no way he could have been a bad guy. THIS WAS A SET UP!! REVENGE!!

    1. @symetik Thug mannuerism because he’s black with tattoos right? How much did you hold Amber Guyger accountable for her actions? Did you believe her? Do you care that she was talking about catching a body while texting her lover? Do you care about how corrupt Texas cops can be and yet she for such a light sentence?

      You know nothing about the guy, only that he was a witness yet yin judge and condemn him so. It’s like you wanna hold anyone else accountable except the cops, like usual, that’s why so many of the are dying and gonna keep dying. I ain’t no killer but at this point people are better off taking justice into their own hand….

    2. @symetik That’s not in the black world, we all don’t live in the had you racist pale faces dummy. There are millions of us in different demographics, which you probably don’t care about at all I guess

    3. @symetik It’s called foul play idiot, you think Amber just happened to walk inside another mans house and mistook it for hers? He witnessed the crime, her boyfriend could easily be involved and plant evidence to say he it was gang violence. People don’t get killed for snitching on cops, gangs hate cops idiot

  9. Sounds like Dallas police sending a message: Do Not Speak Out Against Us When We Kill — Or You’ll Be Next.

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