Lava hunter takes you close to erupting volcano

The Kilauea volcano eruption began in early May and isn't slowing down. Now, the lives of thousands of Hawaiians have been turned upside down. But the eruption has also attracted enthusiasts like Demain, who documents the lava's beauty and destructive power.

#Science #CNN #News


  1. Nice volcano!
    Now, why don’t you report on the sexual assault charges against Joe Biden, or something relevant?

  2. look at all that CO2 being released! it’s almost like volcanoes are responsible for climate change wow who knew

  3. My lot is 900 FEET from the cone, Fissure 8. On Nohea. It’s upwind of the cove, but I lost my ohia’s, and my neighbors. So glad the moderator just LOVES the lava… try being a Hawaiian who had to leave his own home for years. And I, too, lost my tour guide buddy Shawn. Keep just “Loving the Lava” “dude” Sell those pictures. Pele is nothing more than commercial diatribe. Back off on the ganja… New age B.S…aargh.

  4. The outpouring of help, community spirit and needs were met in an impressive way. From businesses to the Mayor to all that loved and lost.

  5. CNN viewers claim to be all about some science until CNN post a scientific video then its all Trump hate in the comments just look at it 😂😂

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