Lev Parnas Reacts To Reports Of Bolton Book Revelations, Expects More | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Lev Parnas, former associate of Rudy Giuliani, and his attorney Joseph Bondy, talk about how the reporting on revelations in John Bolton's unreleased manuscript align with what Parnas has already said about Donald Trump's Ukraine scheme and the involvement of senior Trump officials. Aired on 01/31/20.
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Lev Parnas Reacts To Reports Of Bolton Book Revelations, Expects More | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. @Ash Roskell I agree with you about a false sense of security. we are wounded and the first skirmish is lost but we have faced adversity before. whether our dream survives or not, no one knows, but the sleeping giant is waking up.
      the ghost of the third reich is wandering in the world. none are safe.

    2. yes bill barr is Nancy seent to the barr assoation and now we investagate bill barr then we will get the rest disbarred and impeached

    1. @ruth depew Get something straight. This country has never “not” been at war somewhere in this world since WW#2. That is because of the MIC (military industrial complex) All the wars are senseless and accomplish nothing. You might find what Dwight D. Eisenhower said about the MIC interesting.

    2. @karin backstrom donald’s crime? The articles of impeachment don’t even mention a crime.
      What law did he break?
      The words separate but equal are very important here.

      How can you not see how important the bidens are to this.
      The bidens are the only thing that matters in this case.
      Biden has to be innocent for trump to be guilty of abuse of power because if biden is guilty it is in our national intrest to prosecute him. We lose trust and create enemies everytime politicians/state department commit acts of corruption on foreign soil.

  1. So I guess Republicans 👉🏾🙄👈🏾 and said nanananana I dont hear any witnesses. Blatantly ignoring First hand witness

    1. Also blatantly ignoring 75% of the public, whom they are supposed to represent, who said they wanted witnesses.

  2. Every Republican senator except Romney should be put in stocks and pelted with rotten eggs.
    They are traitors to the Constitution, the principles of the Founders, and the American people.

    1. I wonder if Romney is gearing up to run for president again and this is part of his strategy. Collins is in trouble politically in
      Maine so she probably believes this vote will help her terrible poll numbers.

    2. Susan Collins voted for witnesses too.Don’t be sexist cause she hasn’t always voted the way we wanted to,I don’t think Romney as a repug has either!

    3. Why except Romney, he’s backed Trump for three years. The only republican congressman who actually had a set of balls is Justin Amash and they, the RNC kicked him out of the party. Ronna McDaniel the second most dangerous person in the USA.

  3. It just doesn’t matter anymore. Truth, justice is a thing of the past, trump’s cult is the new ruler of USA

    1. @joris suffurt It is not about the streets! The poison intrusion of Big $ upon our elections/govt. is the causative factor. There are countless everyday people working to eliminate it. We all need to join in. Our Founders gave the People power to protect ourselves from tyranny-for all time. It is ours to pick up and use through civilized, civic action. Such civic action does not require vast amounts of time, or even any $. We can each choose something to work on, and ask our friends and families to do the same. We can clean up, restore and reclaim our proper place in our govt. of, for and by the People. Our first imperative are: Overturn Citizens United, which put our elections up for sale. Restore properly drawn district voting maps, so our votes count as cast and so we can, once again, vote out of office reps who do not represent. The widespread gerrymandering we now have is an un-American impediment to our votes and the Will of the People. Campaign Finance Reform, as it is needlessly, astronomically costly to run for office. Election Reform, including restoration of the Voting Rights Act and ending voter suppression in all forms. We are the only large nation remaining that has not outlawed voting machines due to their frequent malfunctioning and ease of hacking. Turns out, hand marked, not hole punched, paper ballots are the most accurate, most tamper resistant, least costly method. Sem Ron Wyden, D Ore. brought forward the Protecting American Votes and Elections legislation (PAVE). McConnell refuses to allow the Work of the People to come to OUR Senate Floor so OUR Senators can do the work and VOTE. State Rep Charles Booker and others are running against McConnell in KY. Jaime Harrison is running against Graham in SC, and is within 2 points! We can donate to/volunteer for/support these quality candidates, regardless of which state we reside in. We should, as the safety and well being of our People, nation and the greater good of the world depend on it.
      The Move to Amend, Common Cause, Trust Vote, American Promise are just a few of the quality groups of everyday people we can check out/join with. THIS is where the People are, working every day, not in the streets.

    2. when you have innocent children and men and women in concretion camps for being born brown then we are no longer a free country dieng and then trump will deport the rest of the brown human he hates my god trump had the holy family in a cage the next year we saw the holy family in seprate cages yes trump jailed jeasus in a seprate cage

  4. If Trump and his gang of henchmen thinks this is over, then they are sadly mistaken. Congress will be holding hearings to get the testimonies of Bolton, Lev Parnas,  and others.  The truth about Graham, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Nunes, and Pence will all be revealed in the next coming weeks and months.

    “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

    1. @Weston Shortnacy Weston Shortnasty, are you not aware that Cheeto Hitler Wetfart writes none of his speeches? He can barely sign his own name.

    2. @Berta Nelson, The Senate’s sham TRIAL WITHOUT WITNESSES & DOCUMENTS will not be “lost in campaigning” .. AMERICANS have a THIRST for the TRUTH. Several Republicans lawmakers are named by Lev as having involvement in trump’s schemes & yet sat in as jurors.

    3. Then it will be decided by Bill Barr’s Supreme court .
      There is no escaping the choking grip that Trump has on our legal system. We can’t impeach him , we can’t indict him , we might not even be allowed another fair election !

    4. Trump has replaced anyone who might not serve his wishes. He owns the DOJ.
      He owns the Senate. ..the FBI. Attorney General, everyone who can protect him and his crimes .

  5. While all of this is going on, we need to continue aid to Ukraine until their sovereign borders are restored
    And absolutely stop the current russian government/one man authoritarian putin at every turn.
    We can not let russia rig our election results yet again and we need to increase sanctions and pressure against them

    1. You are forgetting that Trump likes Putin and Russia. A real President would tell Putin whar you’re doing is not cool.

  6. The Republicans and Trump administration are guilty. Voting for no witnesses because they are all guilty. They should be all removed from WH. Pied Piper should be calling them out now and send them to jail. After all it is the year of the Rat!

  7. Don’t cut him off, Ari. Stop being a coward about just admitting that America is now a fascist dictatorship. We just saw it happen.

    1. yes true when we have brown skinned humans innocent in concretion camps for being brown then we are faschist

  8. If Trump’s attorney is compromised, isn’t that a mistrial? Now we know why they are so adamant about “privilege.” They’re all in on it.

    1. @Rich Caldwell your projection about yourself and your crooked chosen masters is text book !
      Bang on perfect self projection ! Good job buddy 😎

  9. One of the president’s impeachment lawyers was in on the scheme. Sounds like a mistrial to me. Why don’t we all go back to impeachment and see if we can get it right this time.

    1. It’s so disturbing to hear this news. Can you image if you were being framed for a crime and learn that the prosecution’s lawyer was in on it?

    2. It just keeps getting more and more perverse. This duplicitous dotard has gotta go. NOW. When I travel now I tell people I’m from The Faroe Islands (mostly because no one even knows where it is/what language they speak because he’s made America a global embarrassment.

  10. Well, Cipollone won’t be the first Trump lawyer to end up in prison.😂😆

    So we now know that Pat Cipollone, Trump’s defense lawyer in his impeachment trial, was also a witness to Trump’s scheme to bribe Ukraine. Trump’s administration is truly a treacherous criminal enterprise run-amok. I guess when Sondland said that everyone was in the loop, he really meant that EVE-RY-ONE….was in the loop.  I’m afraid that I may wake-up    tomorrow to find out that I was in the loop as well. 😄

    It’s being reported that Michael Cohen was taken out of his cell and rushed to a hospital after suffering a severe laughing attack upon hearing the latest revelations about Trump’s lawyer Cipollone. 😂😆😂

  11. We the people know Trump is guilty. You the congress need to do your job. If not, it’s your election coming up too.

  12. Lev Parnas Blues
    ©2020 Reggie Miles All rights reserved

    The press asked me once
    Then they asked me again
    Did I know Lev Parnas
    I said, he’s not my friend

    They showed me a photo
    Where Lev sat next to me
    Then they showed me one of Lev
    With my attorney Rudy

    Then they showed me a card
    Where I called Lev my friend
    And thanked Lev for helpin
    Make America great again

    Lev Parnas, Lev Parnas
    I don’t know the man
    I’ll keep tellin this lie
    Just as long as I can

    Then they posted a picture
    Of my daughter’s birthday
    There was Lev Parnas
    Now what can I say

    And they shared a recording
    That left little doubt
    It was me tellin’ Lev
    Take Yovanovitch out

    They claim it was me
    Tellin someone named Lev
    Get rid of Yovanovitch
    I want her out of Kyiv

    Lev Parnas, Lev Parnas
    I don’t know who you are
    Keep hangin round me Lev
    You’ll really go far

    I said to the cameras
    I pose with lots of folks
    And sit next to strangers
    Exchangin bad jokes

    As anyone can tell you
    I’m a real busy guy
    With a trial to attend
    Now, why would I lie

    They say I am crooked
    With a lot of bad friends
    Diggin up dirt on Biden
    Leaves a lotta loose ends

    Lev Parnas, Lev Parnas
    Could there be a chance
    We’re in so many photos
    Is this a bromance

    Plausible deniability
    Just ain’t workin out
    They’re gonna lock me away
    Without a doubt

    I’ll be in prison
    Till I’m old and grey
    Wearin orange jumpsuits
    Till my dyin day

    Quid pro quo’s my MO
    It’s made me a star
    But I don’t think it’ll free me
    From these prison bars

    Lev Parnas, Lev Parnas
    I don’t know the man
    I’ll keep tellin this lie
    Just as long as I can

  13. The GOP turned the White House into a cesspool.
    Donald Trump turned it into a tar-pit.

    Bad News for them.
    Tar is *highly* combustible.
    It just takes one spark to set it all ablaze.

    And behold, there’s a lot of matches ready for that task.

    1. @jeffrey tyler …Of course that’s true…but Trump now has PERMISSION from the GOP Congress that he can do WHATEVER HE WANTS to CHEAT…he can CLOSE POLLS that usually vote Democrat…He can PREVENT people from voting….He can NULLIFY RESULTS if they don’t favor him…..This is the FRIGHTENING thing….He can do whatever he wants to win….

  14. Oh! This is getting real!
    Despite the Fake trial, this whole thing is blowing up in Trump’s face
    Implicated in Crime and Cover up:
    Barr, Guiliani, Pence, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Graham, Nunes…
    This is a catastrophe for the country. Top leadership crimes.

    1. regardless this wll be reflected in our history books a woman is writing her book now and this will be their legelcy trump impeached for ever tradors will be in our history that will be taught so this never happens release your taxes before have a mental evaluation for sure before your on the ballot

  15. This Ukraine thing is just one of many crimes trump’s committed as president, many of which the public has no idea of yet…😳😳😳

  16. 2020 election = Democracy or Dictatorship. You the people must decide and then live with the result. Good luck America.

    1. @zorak How do you come to that conclusion? Americans are now so partisan that to be for a fair legal election is seen to be against democracy?

      Sadly the Republicans have given up even the token pretense of being democratic. They have raised the level of hostility to democracy and the licence for Presidential Authoritanism to the point where they are now on the brink of fascism.

    2. Allen T You forgot that Trump will rig the election with the help of the Russian. Just like he did during the 2016 elections.

    3. @Darrin Fry toy have clearly already decided if he it’s guilty or not thus, not fair to have you in the trial. At least that’s the line of thinking and as a result it will be political making fairness a mute point or a distraction considering you don’t have anything else of substance. If the evidence were overwhelming the case would be closed so what is there is just weak

  17. US citizens are in jail for smoking a joint or two…..yet this trump criminal republican gang including Barr (as the head of the system of law in the USA) are caught stealing hundreds of millions $ of taxpayer money to blackmail another country leader and ensure they can rig an election….and the the Impeachment Senators say …..NO PROBLEM!
    WTF! This will not end well.

    1. it did and well for them for now

      cmon i dont see 500.000 people protesting in front of the senat or white hause did you saw them ?

    2. Just goes to show, in the eyes of the law not every one is equal. You have dollars you can buy yourself out of a problem

    3. this decision will be their leglacy tradors then they will lose their jobs its a federal crime to betray your oath and they did and their oath under god lied to

  18. Everything trump touches dies, everyone who links up with trump lies. After wednesday, the US will officially be a dictatorship for the rest of this year. Congrats!

    1. @I.P. DAILY, Suggesting u expand your news coverage. U might not want to continue showing your IGNORANCE. It is NOT ok to invite INTERFERENCE in our DEMOCRACY for any reason. But especially for one’s personal political goals. That is indeed heartbreaking.

    2. @April Jones-Foston Oh really,then why did Schiff run this debacle through a special committee and NOT the whole house? How come he will not release the testimony from the 18th witness?

    3. @April Jones-Foston This whole thing started with someone with NO first hand knowledge.First schiff said we would hear from him then he said we wouldn’t.Then he said there was no contact then there was then there wasn’t.Go ahead and keep believing a network that told you hillary would win,trump would crash the economy in 6 months,that he paid no taxes,that he would start a war with iran.Lies,lies and more lies from msdnc

    4. @I.P. DAILY, Did u miss the part when trump pretty much threatened the whistleblower’s LIFE. Is it not surprising that person CHOSE to remain in hiding. EVERY single alleged complaint made by that person tuned out to be TRUE & accurate.

    5. @April Jones-Foston Yea,cause trump was going to send a swat team after him.You people ALWAYS make up false pretenses.

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