1. And the sooner we get rid of all the Democrats the sooner we can start the healing process. 👍🏻👍🏻

  1. Well I’ll be perfectly honest I don’t own a house or a car don’t have any kids I live in an apartment I only pay one bill so this recession or inflation is not affecting me at all but I’m really sorry for those who are going through it🤔

    1. There’s an up side to having nothing. When I was strapped for income, life was the same whether the country was in a recession or not. Po is po.

    2. @Wendy Wardlow It was raised MORE than many other places.in the country. We feed the country…..and have an Agriculturally Based Economy….. NOT lndustrially or Tech-Based like many other large cities. We have had a MEGA DROUGHT that has lasted for many years…. which destroys this kind of Economy…. many farmers have had to plow over their crops over because they couldn’t water their crops! And we have high unemployment, poverty rates, affordable housing shortages, and severe pollution issues and many public health issues because of it…..the list keeps growing! Please research the San Joaquin Valley….there are even MORE problems because there are so many coexistant factors that make it VERY difficult to solve.

    3. @Deborah Maupin His comment suggested he was secure enough…that ” this recession or inflation is not affecting [him] at all”…he is also renting an apartment…which further suggest an “income or savings”… my comment stands.

      Back to you…yes everyone’s situation is different…from experience I know “we” defeat ourselves…before we even try….attitudes like yours….I can’t do that…so why even make an attempt? And with thinking like that…you are correct…you never will accomplish anything….be safe.

    1. @Joe Stalin almost like she says one thing publicly but was recorded saying something else? Like Mcarthy for example?

  2. She’s right, it is price gouging. People are raising prices just because there is a narrated expectation of “inflation”, not because costs have actually gone up.

  3. There was price gouging for ventilators at the beginning of covid so why after so many YEARS is price gouging not being punished? Maybe needs to be rephrased as a question yet sums it up.

    1. @JoeyJoJoJr0 I disagree. Inflation would be different I think because I remember biding state against state and even against federal and some overseas. Was listening to radio and a few shows so maybe I missed a bit but definitely different then how inflation is described today. Now that you mention, that maybe worth someone looking into.

  4. I agree that corporations are price gouging. I work for a large corporation and they raise prices to the consumer yet I got a 2.5% raise over the past three years?? It’s all greedy stock holders and corporate executives. Don’t raise prices unless you pay your people who do the work.

    1. @KesArt: We pay politicians & provide excellent pension plans, our government is there to help protect our society, treasury & working economy. Not make decisions for mass exodus of jobs while they were planning & voting for the Biden prisons. They were very aware what was going to happen to our working classes.

  5. Everyone goes on about price rises,but why inflation only going one way, there’s always big companies making millions out of people’s misfortunes.

  6. Regarding inflation, supply chain problems etc, it can’t be blamed on the bbb act or some other political initiative. In Canada we have the same inflation and related problems.

  7. Every time somebody talks about trump’s insurrection, they need to remind everyone that he sat down the street watching and doing nothing.

    1. Probably stuffing his face with a huge order from McDonald’s with a diet Coke….l can’t complete the whole thought because it would be considered REALLY obscene….

    2. Every time somebody talks about the so-called “insurrection, they need to be reminded this country was FOUNDED on a REVOLUTION!!! At least some people have the GUTS to stand up to tyranny!!!!!!!

  8. I would’ve lost my small business and left 4 employees with families unemployed if the democrats didn’t help me. Thanks Biden/Harris.

    1. @Startrekmaniac 🙄 oh please. I employe 4 people not 4,000. Barking at the wrong tree 🤦‍♂️

  9. I’ve seen price gouging here in southern Indiana from our power provider. They gave the CEO a multi million dollar bonus for screwing us over . Where is oversight even our mayor of Evansville put forward a protest for such behavior.

  10. “The world is in more peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.” -Dr. Albert Einstein

    1. Yes. If you are talking about Ukraine, that includes the U.S/EU/NATO and our geopolitical ambitions there. I guess with all this expe$e$ incurred for sending the Ukraine unfettered access to arms shows that ‘Build Back Better’ and investment in ‘green energy’ is just a lot of hyperbolic bullsh*t.

  11. “less than 200 days away…” LOL. That was funny. Only in the US do we have these perpetual, never-ending election cycles.

  12. Real people in congress here, speaking, doing, understanding……get rid of traitors please. Thank you. USA

  13. Why don’t they ( the interviewer) ask Republicans these questions? Why are the questions so different? For once have and ask hard questions to republicans !!!!!

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