Lifelong Democrat switched parties to vote for Liz Cheney

Pat Lauber, who had been registered Democrat for 40 years, explains why she switched parties to become a Republican so she could vote for Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) in the Wyoming Republican primary. #CNN #News


  1. If I lived in Wyoming, I would hold my nose and do the same. If she loses, I hope she runs as an Independent. Damn, I can’t believe I am supporting Liz Cheney, what a Fing mess.
    I guess I just like my reps to be American first, what ever they support second…sigh, Liz meets that requirement…

    1. It really is a mess isn’t it however at this point your logic is spot on, people MUST hold their noses and envision a future led by a pathologically dishonest, petty, vindictive and entirely egocentric individual and vote accordingly if they truly understand and value democracy and the rule of law.

  2. A brilliant display of two sides’ opinions. Breaking the norms. It shows how far the country has drifted into the abyss.

    1. Tony-Then Elijah approached all the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him. But if Baal is God, follow him.” But the people did not answer a word. Then Elijah said to the people, “I am the only remaining prophet of the LORD, but Baal has four hundred and fifty prophets.… 1st Kings 18:21

  3. When it’s all said and done, it’s boils down to, character, morals, ethics, and always willing to tell the truth no matter the circumstances.

    1. But when your truth is a lie that’s a problem. Liz says her father was an honorable man. He is one of the biggest crooks in the history of this country.

  4. If this first woman is representative of Wyoming, and for US, real Democracy in US is dying faster then the rainforrests and ice on North and South poles .
    Ideal breedingground for extreme right autocratic government…

    1. @Northern Lights Well, you obvious aren’t the greatest light… clearly an average Wyoming consperacy-theory figure…

  5. this first woman frightens me. confronted with 60+ court decisions she basically shrugs it off with “i have friends who say otherwise”.

    1. @Torchman X i have worked in capital markets business. sorry to say, but your statement is simply false. what you call free markets has clear limitations and is far from solving everything. a very powerful economic system, but far from a silver bullet for everything.

    2. @MrEkzotic would you explain that to me, please? are courts and republicans working for Donald Trump’s white house part of this “fall into pure tyranny”?

    3. @georg wachberg Facts, not opinions, could shake my support of Trump. When someone can show me some actual facts, let me know.

  6. That first lady..
    . Just wow… “She voted for the chips bill which is basically a corporate giveaway and that’s not what conservatives are for” 40 years of Republican tax policy says otherwise, lol.

    1. @charles stuart “We are never “energy independent'”
      – Yes, we were. Due to fracking, we were covering our own oil and natural gas needs, while exporting the excess to other countries. That’s energy independence.

      “Under Trump manufacturing actually decreased”
      – Ackchyually, you’re wrong. This is a quantifiable fact that even news sources you probably read agree upon.

      “if you say that our economy is in shambles with the lowest unemployment in forty years, that kind of says it all.”
      – How much are you paying for gas? How about meat? How about grains? How about eggs? How about cheese? How about clothing? How about lumber? How about steel?

      ” One reason Biden… oil companies are sitting on hundreds of leases”
      – Biden spoke about killing the fossil fuel industry throughout his entire 2020 run. Again, a quantifiable fact, and still observable if you search on YouTube. As for gas prices, they depend on futures. Biden’s first month in office, he ended fracking contracts, closed one oil pipeline, and stopped the construction of another. The leases that he has signed off for are on dry lands. That means there’s no more oil in them.

      “I worked in finance for forty years and the country’s economy has always been better with Democrats in charge.”
      – 40 years. That puts you working during Carter, and now Biden. Do you really want to stand by this ridiculous statement?

  7. Well we know where Myrna’s loyalties lay with a big orange con man. Hey! Myrna how long do you think before somebody in the Republican party gets ticked off at you and you’re out. Think about it.

  8. You know it’s sad when the one person that wants to stand up for her convictions is being pushed out for people that have no convictions to begin with.

    1. @MJB I am not a fan of Liz Cheney’s politics. But I do agree with her stand on what happened on Jan 6Th and never letting negative 45 back into the white house. He is a waste of human flesh. So you see I stand for something. Trump is a divider.

  9. whatever happens Liz Cheney is going to have a bright future in politics in or out of the Republican party

  10. People I trust told me so. Sad and terrifying when those leaders that people put their trust in are soulless cowards fighting for lies. Way to go Pat, there is hope even in Wyoming!

  11. “Never try to teach a pig to sing. You’ll be frustrated in your efforts and you’ll only annoy the pig.” Talking to trump supporters is like trying to teach a pig to sing. A total waste of time. I’m done with the whole lot. I’ve got a life to live.

    1. Yeah, but just think of the miracle you would present to the world if you could make it sing! I’m telling you, if anyone can find a way to teach a Trump cultist how to leave the cult, it would be a similar miracle.

  12. The Democrat woman now voting for Cheney understands the way you should vote.
    You don’t vote for personal reasons alone, you vote for what’s best for your country and the people.
    Voting for your own interests is not how democracy works.

  13. This was well done, both guests were treated with respect. This shows the congressional election is just about tr^mp, nothing else. So pathetic.

  14. So convincing! I have renounced my citizenship, am fleeing to Mexico, crossing the border, hitchhiking to Wyoming and registering as a republican just to vote for Liz. Thank you 🙏

  15. 1:00 when she say “ leaning more to the left” I think she meant leaning more toward the U.S constitution .

    1. @Jeff Schmeganheiman so “left” means “following basic democratic principles instead of inciting a coup for your own advantage” in your world? You Americans don’t have the slightest clue about politics…

  16. Voter turnouts are typically pitiful in primaries, and remember these elections are for all levels of government. Then you add in gerrymandering. Therefore, the election that really matters is the primary, not the general, and people should be exercising their vote really carefully in the former so extremists are reined in whenever possible.

  17. “I don’t want to think, my head hurts. I’m going to vote for a liar and against my own interest.” – GOP lemming

  18. Liz Cheney, you are loved.
    Dearest Liz Cheney,
    Peace be with you and your family.
    You may have lost the Wyoming GOP primary, but you saved your soul in the process. Thank you for your service to our Great Country of Americs and for standing brave and strong in the face of adversity and wrong.
    There are more obstacles when you travel down the righteous road in life, the wayward road is always wide open giving you easy passage, and Thank God you chose the right path taking on it’s burdens in the name of truth and justice. Anytime your decisions are made on the basis of what is good, you are doing God’s work and I pray to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that he continues to protect you on your life’s journey. Jesus loves you Liz and he will never leave you alone, Jesus will remain by your side because he loves you so. Again, thank you for standing up for what is right, Godspeed.

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