Major Operation in St. James | Robber Killed in Manchester | TVJ Midday News – Aug 19 2022

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  1. You don’t need French in the global village as much as you need Spanish, cut French and go with Spanish, that is a better investment ✅

  2. Stop building Hotels near or on the beach the people on the Island must be able to pull up and go swimming and fishing at anytime for recreation.

    1. Tourists visit Jamaica for the beach . That’s a major selling point. Jamaica depends on tourism. You can’t cut off your nose to spite your face. Don’t be silly now!! Montego Bay has “dump up “beach and a new public beach park. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲

    1. The key for future generations is to strive for better than the ” minimum ” . That’s how a trade skill or a tertiary education comes in. I had the benefit of living in a comfortable 3 bedroom home with all the amenities of the 80s and 90s in Jamaica. My father always show us the men across the road in the hot burning sun cutting sugar cane ( remnants of slavery) and say ” this is why you must pass your common entrance exam for a prestigious traditional high school and go to university. If Jamaica can get to the level of Trinidad and Barbados, we would be importing minimum wage workers from Haiti not from home soil.


    1. In Jamaica, my uncle had one ( deceased, natural causes) , not my father ( known alcoholic drinker, deceased also) my brother had one. Back in those days, it was issued through the local town Supt.🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲

  4. Dont take the childern instead build a house foŕ them.the money that as so often have wasted could surly do that, that go go to show that there are many things needed to be done.

  5. Start with the parish council search every member of staff including the mayor and the CEO parish council the right across the country are bad eggs in the basket

  6. Do something about the out-of-control crime in Jamaica. This will attract more investments and business which will create more jobs. Jamaica is shooting itself in the foot with out of control crime.

  7. That is where the parish council come in sir start with them first I’m still waiting and Mr Anderson to give us a feedback of the parish council

  8. Do you blame the teachers to do what they have to do now Miss Williams can feel all the classroom Jamaica teachers are hungry sometime you see them on the street hungry written and their forehead that money taxpayer money the prime Minister took out to fund campaign for that lady who is a loser that money could pay teachers more and teachers will be better off going forward I think the prime Minister need to replace the money back are what the teacher should do come Monday morning each and every one of them stay home you cannot work you are hungry

  9. NHT is not for poor people yet govement taking NHT tax from all class yet poor class not bennefting from it,i believe ofter time they should get it back !

  10. The mount of rain fall throughout the Island and people complain about water shortage, It is full time to stored and purified the water.

  11. The government need to do something about all these shootings and murders! Jamaica currently has the highest murder rate in the world!

    1. And where did you get that statistic, crime im Jamaica is bad, I agree, and it definitely need to be brought under control, but crime is not the responsibility of the government and the police alone, the people in Jamaica who are supporting these criminals should stop shielding them, and report them to the police, yes I know, as usual ” we can’t trust the police”, but it is mot everyone that is corrupt.

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