Mayor De Blasio: New Yorkers Now Have To hold The Line | Morning Joe | MSNBC

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio praises the city's health care workers, says he's not sure if the city has hit a plateau on infections and why he says the city can't let its guard down. Aired on 4/13/2020.
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Mayor De Blasio: New Yorkers Now Have To hold The Line | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Like at the gym? He is a load. He did absolutely no advance planning and encouraged people to congregate and go to China Town.

    2. What pressure?
      Bill de Blasio told people month ago to go to the Movies. Don’t worry.
      Some leader, huh?

  1. The crap you hear day after day …had all these people in govt heeded the warnings back in JANUARY. ..I’m thinking not so many would have been lost….lip service is plentiful…..

    1. @Wendy’s Garden selfish spoiled people are the ones who put their re election and the stock market over the lives of Americans.

      I live in Washington state, about 6 miles from the nursing facility where the outbreak happened. We have been sheltering in place since early March, and our curve is flattening. However, without testing we are at risk of a second wave if we relax our vigilance, so really if you want to blame anyone, blame the Federal government which failed utterly to prepare for this.

      Korea had their first case the same day the US did. Look at their response to see how it should have been handled.

      Maybe YOU should look in the mirror.

    2. @Don Williams why dont you go lick some doorknobs, then you can tell us what the virus is like first hand instead of telling us that older people or people with health problems are expendable.

  2. Lesson: Never trust a spoiled kid with saving your investment. Dotard will sink us all unfortunately. Sad.

    1. @Stephanie Hampton turd tRumpid poopoo is not self made but keep being a sheep and lick those doorknobs.

    2. @Stephanie Hampton When will the dotard make thousands before millions and then billions; when he is busy gabbing pussypunnani? Run, he might grab yours.

    3. This has been a thread made in heaven….I have racked up over 3000 points in my group’s little game we play to see who we can trigger and so far you guys have not disappointed…..I just want to thank all of you because I have never been able to rack up so many points! You guys enjoy the rest of your day….yeah!!

  3. We’re starting to see the republicans declaring testing unconstitutional. That looks like their next move to cover this up.

    1. You must be high ! I’m a Democrat, but I’m a realistic person and I think the republicans are keeping the country together.

    2. @Mickey Hartsell Yawn – this whole schtick about “I”m a liberal but I’m voting for Trump , blah blah blah ” is so transparently false. Get some new material, it’s stale.

  4. *This is EXACTLY what happens when you elect a FAILED Business Person and a Failed Game Show Actor…He FAILED for a REASON and NOW WE see WHY !!*

    1. Boyd Wonder how many in the epicenter of infected and deaths might have been avoided had Di Blasio, NYC health Commissioner not told people to go on living, go out? Or had  a Gov, restricted travel and got his Mayor in check and said STFU? Oh that’s right, Trump ordered New Yorkers to go on living like normal right?

    2. @Bobby Harper How is protecting yourself racism? She can miss me with that Asian race card. Their businesses are on their last leg anyway. Not many people will return to their restaurants after seeing the lack of cleanliness in these places. Those wet market videos don’t help their case.

    1. you guys have such a smart health care system. And Angela, who is amazing. Stay safe, and thank you for your well wishes.

    2. Wendy’s Garden You have ZERO idea. My wife is GERMAN and the Healthcare isn’t as great as you think. Not to mention Merkel is like our Dems, She HATES the country and prefers foreigners first.

    3. Boyd Can you clowns come up with your own name to give? Snowflake has been used by us on the right for over 3 years. I thought Germany was racist when the shooting happened in hanau just a few weeks back? Merkel swatted the German Flag away. That’s what a leader of a country should do?

  5. First they said it was a hoax then forgot that they had said that and then decided that the virus was a Chinese plot and the virus was being transmitted through the air via 5G networks, yet still 40% believe every BS word Trump or Fox , Hannity, Carlson, Breitbart or Gingrich say.

    1. Bigfat Pauly Moron. It shows how stupid you are if you think Trump can fire Cuomo. Cuomo was elected by the people of New York State. It was Trump who told us that there were only 15 people with the virus and in a few days it would be down to zero, then sat on his hands for weeks. He also said anyone who wants a test can get one. BS there are 327,000,000 people who would love to have a test but can’t get one. Because the CDC weren’t prepared and because Trump doesn’t want too many tests because the more you test the more infected people you find.. He say that America has tested more people than any other country, that true but America has 330Million, and there have been only 2.9 million tests ie 0.9% of the population. Little Norway has tested 2.3% of their population. New York has tested 2.4%.

    2. ​@Am Gine Trump wasn’t sitting on his hands. He was very busy, behind the scenes, trying to work out a deal so Jared Kushner’s brother’s medical company could make the virus testing kits and sell them for bongo bucks, rather than we get them from the World Health Organization for nothing, and he was super busy trying to buy up rights to the corona virus vaccine Germany is developing, so he could profit “bigly.”

    3. Lemon Tree He spent most of hi time trying to find someone else to blame for his paralysis, stupidity and incompetence.

  6. I’ve been following this virus closely since last year and I’m just a regular citizen with a bachelor’s and a habit of reading the news. There is no excuse for how unprepared our president and his administration have been and continue to be. It’s a real tragedy and a disgrace but I am glad that this crisis has made crystal clear just how utterly incompetent Donald Trump is and why that matters.

    1. Stephen Brand, There’s no excuse for gov’t officials to be less informed than the general population. Technology provides an expansive array of credible global sources of information, like WHO. It’s a conscious choice to become informed or remain ignorant, “Big Brain,” geniuses/ know-it-all, notwithstanding.

    2. @Vera Jarogene Actually, the opposite is true. Biden isn’t president, therefore, he can’t make decisions as the leader. Whereas, Trump as president said: “I take no responsibility”; Trump is incapable of leading. Trump’s inefficacy is equivalent to no leadership @ all.

    3. @Reality Check check Cuomo’s directives
      doesn’t matter if they are legal, only that restricts availablity

    4. I’m not saying Trump is a good president, but to say it’s all Trumps fault is a lie, Mayor de Blasio told the people of his city it was safe, the city he was supposed to protect, and he failed them. He encouraged them to go about there business that nothing was wrong. And Cuomo isn’t all that great either. The New York State Task Force on Life and the Law New York State Department of Health back in 2015 warned that “a severe influenza pandemic on the scale of the 1918 influenza outbreak will significantly strain medical resources, including ventilators.” Cuomo didn’t buy any new ventilators but he new there was a shortage. Of course I can’t fault the man nobody new this was going to happen back in 2015. I’m not saying Trump is a good president but to say he was unprepared and incompetent is false, if you say that about him then we can easily throw Mayor de Blasio and Cuomo in the same category.

    1. Trumps not the one who told N.Y. to go about their normal business the second week of March. Stfu

  7. Who need heroes? A Workers Union and Healthcare for all instead!
    And test should be available for every and each individual!

    1. Companies are making tests as fast as they possibly can. There’s 350 million of us, is that hard for you to understand?

  8. #firetrump Trump aka Captain Insano, he is the problem, he keeps
    pouring gas onto the fire smfh…American lives will keep slipping if we led up & open up the trickonomy…Wealth over health will be costly to America.

  9. All lies from Trump. He gets ugly when reporters ask him questions…. Did he go and see what’s happening in New York???? NO
    He is all talk…. Absolutely NO action. My gosh it is simple… You can’t open your city or state if you don’t make sure that tests are done. People who are not tested will just infect other people, it will never end…. I don’t get it.

    1. Puts a whole new light on why he moved his residence to Florida.
      He paid just enough attention to advisors that he heard deaths in New York and decided to bail.

    2. @Ray S not even the president can enter New York? I have seen Trump’s briefings. These are misinformation campaigns and his reelection campaign. I have watched Cuomo and DeBlasio briefings. Those are real and honest as they should be.

    3. itsmesanto – If you were honest, youd also say how Cuomo thanked Trump and the white house officials who have helped assist NY as well as opposed to saying Trump gave misinformation

  10. I’m in NY’s southern boarder state of Pennsylvania and our Governor already announced our schools will be closed for the remainder of this school year. I’m the mother of a graduating senior and am heartbroken for my son but it IS THE RIGHT CALL!

    1. God bless you, and your son./He still will graduate. Congrats to him. May this episode in life be his most impressive lesson, and he lives a long and prosperous life because of this episode in life.

    2. L. F….
      I’m with you hon. I have a Graduating Senior as well; A Daughter. But we know that God is ALWAYS In the Midst of the Storm. We are definitely in a Storm right now and Our Federal Government Failed our Seniors and Countless and Millions of People with their ill-Fated unpreparedness. So our children will never FORGET this most precious time of their lives.

      But let’s make sure they are SAFE!!! God Bless and keep US ALL.🙏🙏😷😷💖💖💚💜💜

    3. Same here, Mama. 2nd Semester NYC HS senior young woman; we’re ripped for her, but she wants to keep others alive while practicing self-care.

  11. WHY, WHY, WHY has T bungled the handling of this pandemic & tried to distance himself from responsibility? I can think of several possible reasons…can you?

    1. Trump’s negligence will go down in history. Due to his denial of the disease he has to all intents and purposes, killed possibly thousands of American citizens. Is it Murder? I don’t know but I do believe he should be brought to account. It’s aggravated Manslaughter at best. Why? Because he is incapable of dealing with a crisis. He buried his head in the sand expecting others to take control and for him to take the glory. FAILURE TRUMP*

    2. Trump is a sociopath with narcissistic personality disorder. He has no empathy for other people. He only cares about himself. He only cares about his re-election. He doesn’t want everyone to be tested because if the full extent of the pandemic is revealed, it will make Trump look bad and could cause him to lose the election.

  12. Trump: We are at WAR!
    Trump: States need to purchase their own weapons.
    Kushner: We can’t give you any Bullets because they are ours!

    1. What an incompetent and ignorance trump is and what a big lier he’s been saying there’s alot of testing. We have done a great job like never before seen those are he’s stupet word’s .

    2. States need to be in control of their own destiny. Obviously, the Feds have never been good at first response.

    3. LOL….KUSHY forgets WHO paid for those bullets too LOL Hint to KUSHY lovers: it wasnt the Millionaires LOL

  13. The federal government doesn’t want tests to be developed because robust testing would provide numbers that show how far spread this virus is without the mitigation of the white house and how poorly they have failed

  14. “The search for a Scapegoat is the easiest hunting expedition”__Dwight D Eisenhower
    “I do not take any responsibility at all”__Donald J Trump

  15. folks…WHEN the Virus is Gone….and no one is getting admitted in hospitals…and NO new 911 calls for this virus…..then …we can ‘re-open..’…..and not a day before.

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