McCaskill On Chaotic First Debate: I’m 80% Sad, 20% Mad As Hell | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Fmr. Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill reacts to the dark and chaotic first Biden-Trump debate, and the president's norm-destroying performance. Aired on 09/29/2020.
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McCaskill On Chaotic First Debate: I'm 80% Sad, 20% Mad As Hell | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. If anybody could possibly not be sure with Trump.. this ought to be a crystal clear indicator of what a president should NOT be!

    1. @Bucky Pinata actually the republican party in senate report number 5 declared it wasn’t a hoax. Antifa IS just an idea not an organized movement (documented by numerous bipartisan sources including the FBI) and if you HONESTLY can still support that clown after calling white supremacists into action.. then you are BADLY in need of an education.

    2. @Bucky Pinata I could explain for a full hour about Trump’s failures, can you about Biden? Didn’t think so 🙂 I’m educated on the topics. Btw moron, the right is the ones inciting violence and these “riots” you maga cult members keep talking about? I live near one of those cities. Guess what? 93% peaceful across the country

  2. Let us Vote in Great Numbers for BIDEN/HARRIS so there is NO QUESTION
    as to who is the clear winner! Let us save our DEMOCRACY!

    1. Yep! We need so many votes at the polls, that even if every other American voted for Trump, it still wouldn’t be enough for him to win! 👍

  3. Buckle up Ametica , the Caribbean is expecting you to ride out this little rough patch, and shine again. You’ve done it for 244 years.

  4. When republicans lose big in November watch out for their lame duck sessions of appointments to courts and executive orders .

  5. When asked to condemn white supremacist groups, Trump said, “Stand back and stand by”. That might have been the scariest thing he said all night. Trump’s building himself an army. The Proud Boys are already sharing his directions on social media, and getting organized.
    This is not how a responsible leader speaks; it’s how a desperate man speaks.

    1. Looks like everyone of us will need to stand by for trouble too in the next few weeks. I’d like to say it’s unbelievable that any candidate would say something like that, but with Donnie boy, there’s just no bottom.

    2. Youtube trump condemned white supremacists. How long can you push a race war before it happens? Our country isn’t half racist. My family has Trump supporters and they aren’t racist or wouldn’t support one. Where has critical thinking gone. Just smear people with racist as a tactic. Kamala harris called Biden a racist. Keep it real y’all

    3. Trump is calling his Nazi followers to stand by. People should start to pay attention to his fascist whistling, I won’t call it dog whistling because dogs are more valuable to society than a fascist. The FBI have been warning America for years about right-wing extremists but the republicans keep ignoring the warnings. Now you know why the republicans deny and deflect about white supremacists, they’re courting them with trump. He’s acting dangerously, these NeoNazi’s will use violence at the drop of a hat or a word from trump. If those right-wing militias try and use force to stop the voting or to stop people that are duly elected from taking office, then the military must crush them quickly and effectively. America is in trouble with trump as leader, he will cause a civil war, if he cant stay in power.

  6. Sorry world we are trying to eliminate the hemorrhoid on the world .please be patient and forgive us for trump ,most of America didnt vote for him .

    1. I have the feeling that sometime soon, we’ll have to start involving the international community in excising this orange cancer.

  7. Trump a Snake oil salesman? Oh no…. He’s the snake that the oil is coming from! He knows Adam and Eve personally!

  8. “Will you shut up, man?” I’m so jealous that Biden got to say what so many of us have wanted to say to Trump, for years! That was great!
    🗳️ VOTE BIDEN-HARRIS 2020! It’s time to take out the trash!


    2. @Luka Again ,go back to sleep , Trump zombie Something will awake you November 5 . Trump zombie , your vote is ______ & ______.

  9. Something is up with Trump disembarking from AF1 after the debate! He’s hidden by a huge umbrella and very unstable on his feet! Looks like there may have been a temper tantrum on the way home!!! my opinion only

  10. You know Trump is like this. Why the surprise? When will Americans recognize that Trump is a fraud and bullies his way through. That is what his life is like. It is his MO.

  11. And I’m 100% not surprised. I knew this was going to happen. Wallace and the event organizers should’ve seen it coming. And they failed.
    The next moderator better have an off switch or a bullhorn/megaphone ready. Oh, and having fact-checkers on the spot would help too, because the American people get nothing out of these debates if anyone is just gonna say whatever they want.

    1. ~~` And that was a shock to U ? 
      All doubt has been removed , there can’t been anyone who does not know this now…the entire world knows what is happening to the USA… so thats a good thing…We’re not victims , but we’ve been victimized !!

  12. Agreed!! Donald needs to go !! He hasn’t been and is not in any way a president!! Just evil!! VOTE BIDEN/HARRIS 2020. Done!!!

  13. I can imagine Vladimir Putin rubbing his hands together in glee and cackling, as his puppet actively turned this event into total chaos. Remember that Putin fears the power of democratic voters. That’s why the “elections” in Putin’s Russian dictatorship are all purely BS.

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