1. “Presidents are not Kings and Trump is not the President.” ~Judge Chutkan~

    Best quote in 2021!😁✌💙💙💙

  2. American justice really needs a total rehaul. Someone who stole a carton of cigarettes gets five years, while trump who has top secret documents gets none…, WTF ???

    1. @BH He said he would pardon them if he win again. Don’t you guys EVER READ or watch the news, then you come on a utube forum and ask stupid questions…….

  3. Cohen is right! And no run for Pres should sway one case from going forward. Actually it proves the point, sorry Brah, you’re going down and we’re going forward on that no matter what….

    1. @Jerry Marasco Thx for the compliment. Bad YT etiquette. I am better off. And that doesn’t mean I like JB. No one man or Pres is the Be All for the US or for every citizen.

    1. I’m ok with him grifting his donors because they’re stupid. I don’t however like the idea that taxpayer dollars are going to be involve d in his campaign

  4. If American voters revisit the definition of “Faction” and what those who wrote the constitution said about it they will never utter the name Trump never mind consider him for president.

    1. @KryptonArcher Go back and study your history, it was an ongoing debate throughout the framing. It weren’t just some dirt farmers neither.

      Patrick Henry, Virginia.
      Samuel Adams, Massachusetts.
      Joshua Atherton, New Hampshire.
      George Mason, Virginia.
      Richard Henry Lee, Virginia.
      Robert Yates, New York.
      James Monroe, Virginia.
      Amos Singletary, Massachusetts.

    2. @KryptonArcher The Federalists, led by Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton, wanted a strong central government, while the Anti-Federalists, led by Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, advocated states’ rights instead of centralized power

    3. I don’t care what the Founding Fathers thought. I can dislike Trump without stanning for a bunch of slavers, merchants and lawyers.

  5. “I just want to find 11780 votes, which is one more than we have.”
    –Failed former U.S President Donald.

    1. @james wheeler you know, people thought guy’s like Capone and Gotti were untouchable, too. And take a look what happened. And trump always had that ” executive privilege” to hide behind before.

    2. @james wheeler  nope… sorry jenny… he wants to take out all that oppose the usa and constitution…!

  6. When people ask if we are
    better off than two years
    ago, I remind them two years
    ago we were using freezer
    trucks as morgues.

    1. @Pete Pierre Ya ok when he tried to stop the flights from China you people called him zenophobic. I don’t see Joe calling out China at all.

  7. I’m no criminal, but if I ever do get indicted for a crime I’ll just announce my presidency so that the DOJ won’t arrest me.

  8. Seems to me that the qualifications to be able to apply for nomination are seriously flawed if someone with Trump’s history can even be considered. America, if you get nothing else from this whole debacle, you need to clean house, and put strategies in place that only non criminals can apply.

    1. All that needs to be done is establish criteria for all candidates to run for election. That must include passing a pre-candidacy security clearance with 10 years of tax returns. That’s the least Americans should expect of the election process.

  9. He doesn’t care about the USA or the damage he does to the idea of nation. All he cares about is himself, his ego, what he can grift from being in the public eye. When time puts distance between these events and the future the damage this man has done to the delicate balance of American politics will be seen to be great. He hasn’t done it on his own but has enabled all those who have.

    1. @Michael Reid I understand that but he sure seems like he cares more about Ukraine than he does America.

    2. @bill wilson I don’t see how anyone can come to that type of conclusion.

      Especially when, he created the most jobs in history. As well as getting a massive infrastructure bill passed.

      Also didn’t you see the SOTU speech? How he so skillfully protected SS and Medicare? Dude that shows he cares greatly about the USA and that he’s not so sleepy 🥱!

      Fucking brilliant!

  10. The grand jury indictment may not immediately stop him from running, but any plea deals from the DOJ/Jack Smith; the Fulton Prosecutor; Manhattan District Attorney; or the New York State Attorney General will definitely include a provision barring him from ever seeking public office again.

  11. Mr. Cohen you said the word accountability now i feel bretter that justice may yet work. i know i have to be patient but thanks for taking the time to make this.

    1. The democratic and legal process may be slow, and some times democracy is exploited and the supreme court is not always working as well as it should, packed with nominees who seem to design their judgements on the most absurd premises, Originalism is drivel, but the judge who invented it might have ‘alitosis, his breath stinking as much as his law, but if you ever get restive with the pace and the perversity just study the history of the concentration camps, and the Gulag and congratulate yourselves on living in a democratic civilisation, not perfect but impressive. Be vigilant, ignorant and restive spirits can do immense harm, as in Britain with Brexit.

  12. Why exactly is the DA from Georgia waiting? The grand jury recommended indictments, anyone else would have been indicted already.

    1. Has to go to the regular Grand Jury now (which it has). This is GA, remember? The Goober State. (I will go back to calling it Peach State if he is convicted.)

    2. To be fair there’s a lot more at stake when an ex president is publicly indicted than nobodies like you and me. They need to get this right to sure up public confidence in the judicial system. If they go off half cocked and lose there’ll be no second chances. I think they are just triple checking they have their ducks in a row and their case is water tight. I hate the waiting too but this needs to succeed.

  13. I always enjoy, and learn so much from Michael. He may have been naughty as hell before, (or would that be greedy?) but he is working to make up for his past, which is all any of us can do in this lifetime.

    1. Because of his past his words mean nothing! That’s how it works right🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

    1. Right? I’m still not a fan of him really, but I do give him props & respect for trying to do the right thing as of late

  14. Always a pleasure Michael to hear your thoughts and a shiny outlook on charging America’s biggest con man and liar. May that light of Justice shine brighter and that cell key gets thrown away !!!

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