Months Into COVID-19 Crisis Trump Lacks Basic Understanding Of Key Issues | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow shares video of Donald Trump stumbling through answering a question about coronavirus outbreaks at meat processing plants, and criticizes his inability to speak to significant, mortally serious aspects of the crisis even months into it and almost 100,000 Americans dead. Aired on 5/20/2020.
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Months Into COVID-19 Crisis Trump Lacks Basic Understanding Of Key Issues | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. @Ellis James Do you get all the news or just liberal news ? Does it make you mad when your news hides things from you ? That is the same as a lie ! Why would he go to prison , please explain that ,if you can ? Don’t be surprised when your hero’s are the one’s doing time !

    2. @james Oh, yes, Trump is amazing. He’s amazingly dumb, amazingly vain, amazingly corrupt and amazingly vile. It’s truly amazing that America, supposedly one of the most sophisticated countries on the planet, could have been tricked into handing the Presidency a person like that. Even more amazing that after four years of bungling, with the US economy and world influence in the toilet, with 95,000 dead and more dying daily there are still morons even more dumb than he is, willing to hand him another 4 years of wanton destruction for the sake of his own personal enrichment.

    3. @ned pod He has 19 indictments pending for when he leaves office. For instance: he’s being charged with fraud by the Southern District of New York.

  1. BTW, “…..going away” is NOT an expression you choose when you want to show you’re in charge!!!

  2. He got called out for using covid19 press conferences as his ‘rallys’… now theres no more. But he never cared, trumps daddys money and trump are all donald trump cares about.
    Do miss turning in 45 mins late to see him prove it.

    1. Pensa Simpson well the king imbecile in the white house attracts idiots like crazy for some reason

    2. @Pvt. Prinny The only way he attracts them is there is money and power behind him from hostile domestic and foreign entities. Greed and power are their creeds. This is corporate America down the tubes with no cares about our country and the people who built them.

    1. @Guy from Megas XLR do you ever listen to your president* try to say a full, complete sentence? Do you know the definition of hypocrisy? Trump has F’d us all and you are too full of bias against the democrats to realize it is our only chance before becoming a dictatorship. Please do your honework on how dictators rise in a free democracy. Your liar-in-chief is definitely following their playbook.

    2. Trump may not be able to spell ‘Covid-19’.
      He may spell Covid-19 ‘Kobed 19’
      So to some voters, *Covid-19* doesn’t exist.
      Because maybe to them *Covid-19* is *Kobed 19*

  3. Trump is America’s first ever special needs president. He’s just saying words at this point. And those words have no cognitive relevance to each other, or to anything else for that matter.

    In 1989, Trump raised $365 million to purchase the Eastern Shuttle, which provided business travelers with quick flights between New York, Boston, and Washington.

    In August 1989, just two months after Trump launched his Trump Shuttle Airline, one of his Boeing 727s made a crash landing at Boston’s Logan International Airport. The passenger jet had malfunctioning nose gear that failed to deploy. The nose and underbelly of the plane scraped and dragged along the entire length of the runaway  upon landing with sparks flying. The pilots had to perform an emergency dumping of fuel to avoid a greater catastrophe. It’s all on video. Trump purchased the airline for 365 million, and in 3 years, it never turned a profit.

    And when Trump was asked by reporters about the crash landing in Boston, he said, and I quote: “It was the most beautiful landing you’ve ever seen.” 😲

    1. @Eddie Sanchez when you produce a George Carlin, Stephen Colbert a Willie Nelson or a Sondheim get back to us. Until then, all you’ve got are mediocrities. I concur that rap culture is boring poop, but all you’ve got is that repulsive modern country rock crap. Dennis Miller was pretty good, but then he became a conservative and lost ALL of his talent. Now your stuck with no one.

    2. @Bullet holes for maga hats you keep george carlin out your mouth boy. The most anti PC language thought leader comedian who called out BS and made it funny. The current state of the left and how words “hurt” people is a ploy.

    3. @Bullet holes for maga hats hmm how about don wrinkles, and Richard pryor pc culture sucks!

    4. @Eddie Sanchez I actually agree that PC culture sucks, but the artists you mentioned were otherwise fairly liberal. I despise liberal wokescolds and the culture of victimhood, but that’s on both sides, you’re just too biased to admit it.

    1. Rofl its like they want sleepy joe over trump which would be awful trump is amazing and has been amazing the whole 4 years if ur actually paying attention to him and not the fake news media

  4. If Trump is asked a direct question regarding his administrations actions or plans he offers a word salad or attacks the questioner.

    1. @T. Noel Trudell-Kays Yes, it is your president and look what your president has achieved: 1,500,000+ Confirmed Coronavirus Americans, 90,000+ dead Americans and 36,000,000+ unemployed Americans.
      Your president in charge has killed more than 90,000 Americans on American soil. No other country has done so well. Other countries were able to limit the damage but not Trump’s USA. Ask yourself why. ASK YOURSELF WHY before you go public with your crap. OK?
      1,500,000+ Confirmed Coronavirus Americans, 90,000+ dead Americans and 36,000,000+ unemployed Americans.

    2. @Douglas Lowe He is a pathological liar and an incompetent president. Look what he has done to us: 1,500,000+ Confirmed Coronavirus Americans, 90,000+ dead Americans and 36,000,000+ unemployed Americans.
      No other country has done so well.
      Other countries were able to limit the damage but not Trump’s USA. WHY?

    3. @SAW Gunner The point above is over the fact that he does not know what to do, obviously because he does not have the knowledge required to come out with a plan (as most politicians) and he does not care to use experts in the field of healthcare and economics to join forces to come out with a plan for him (which is what any politician, republican or democratic would do). Therefore he trows the responsibility to governors at the same time that just repeats he (personally) is doing a great work. Unfortunatelly the track record is different, the US has 30% of the death toll and less than 5% of the population and still has the highest daily death rate in the world (although it may soon be overcome by Brasil which president its a real lunatic).
      The 6 weeks between February and mid March that the federal government dismissed the seriousness of the pandemic is, to a large extent, the reason that US had such significant spread of the virus, because while the rest of the world was looking at Italy in horror and self social distancing, in US it was all normal. So the first part of the fight was lost by March and US is where it is today.

      The economy never closed, certain parts of the economy were closed affecting millions of people, but if we were facing a virus with this level of transmission and the death rate of Ebola, you may be sure that you had no solution today to “re-open”. In the end people decide when they go outside and return to the levels of consumption they had before, and their economic conditions will play a part but their safety also plays a part.

      When entering this second phase of the pandemic, what other countries are doing, which may prove a much better approach than trumps approach, is they are slowly opening things that were closed and testing to see the impact on the desease (they do not need to win an election in November). They expect the spread to increase but they need to be sure that their healthcare systems can support this increase in spread. They have a mix of an economic and healthcare approach because they know that they need to find balance and they are communicating very clear both the economic obectives and the healthcare risks they are running by going with this approach because they know they cannot lose the confidence of their people if they want to bring back things to normal. trump does not have the confidence of half of the American people to start with, his faillure in phase 1 of the pandemic made him lose the confidence of an even larger share, therefore is role on this pandemic should be to let other people in the federal government that may have higher credibility: the CDC/Pence/medical experts/economic experts to show unity and explain the way forward. Instead, you continue to have trump mumbling a message that we need to re-open fast without explaining the risks, the medical exerts were removed from the room and they are now looking for medical (not really pandemic experts) that are willing to parrot the message that they decided to have and obviously only his core base is buying it. Everyone want to return normal life but not everyone believes that doing it so fast is the right approach.

      So pointing the fingers at the democrats is fine if they win in November and take over the responsibility in January. Today you have a president, that is not really even aligned with most of what republicans used to stand for, and he is the responsible to show an united front against the pandemic and he is, for the all world to see, failling miserably.

    4. @sataniccookiemonster An expression not limited to the Clinton’s or anyone except possibly you.

    1. Well, Trump said if he ever ran for president, he would run as a republican, because they are so stupid. He actually said that.

    2. Rofl its like they want sleepy joe over trump which would be awful trump is amazing and has been amazing the whole 4 years if ur actually paying attention to him and not the fake news media


    3. We need solutions to the traitors in our government. We cannot wait anymore. Our people are dying. The republicans have taken total control and this is now a dictatorship. We need a Resistance. We need sharp ideas. Italy has a Resistance against its mafia king Berlusconi. It is time we linked hands with Italy to rid ourselves of the real plague. Dictator trump and his cronies who want total control and proven they have it. We cannot wait for November. Their roots will just grow deeper. We need to organize and act.

    4. @Ellis James Tru dat. And Howard Stern berates his MAGAt listeners constantly about how much Drumpf despises the unwashed uneducated masses.

  5. “I don’t know exactly what that means but ok”…

    Did-did the most powerful manbaby in the world really just say “I DONT KNOW?” Weeks after telling us to inject disinfectant…

    This is a disaster, no sorry a “super duper” disaster…

    1. Aaron Kiker You seriously want Trump to keep going, the one president who says “I don’t know” during his speeches? Trump is going to destroy the country with his stupidity and carelessness.

    2. I think you’ll find that Aaron doesn’t actually exist. Might as well save your breath 😊

    3. BUMBLE BEE I do want Trump to keep going, and he’s going to. How will he destroy the country ?? In what way ? Economically? Because that didn’t happen in his first term, war ? Didn’t happen either 🤷‍♂️in what way ?
      I think you mean destroy your social “agenda” that you want to see done for the country.

    1. @SAW Gunner your master has lied over 17000 times since taking office and you have gladly swallowed every one of them he has the most corrupt administration ever and is so incompetent that over 100 positions in his administration remain unfilled

    2. @Bruce Boring You do know that the right wing wants smaller government, right? We don’t consider unfulfilled positions to be a bad thing.
      As for Trump being my master, he places far less demand on me than the left does, and I get to keep my guns. Clearly, he’s not too concerned with rebellion.

    3. @SAW Gunner yes you love his incompetence and swallow all of his lies like a good cult member yes he is your master

    4. @SAW Gunner I feel your statement deserves a considered response so I will try . Firstly meatpacking factories , cause and effect infections go up people stop work factory cleans provide ppe workers return infections go done , not a trump miracle. The US economy was growing prior to his election and the tax cuts for the rich as well as allowing corporations to bring untaxed income back into the country has insured most of the gains have ended up in the hands of the few. America uses more oil per head than anybody else in the world , so driving up oil prices to maintain fracking as a viable business ultimately undermines your economy. As far as global trade is concerned US represents 25%ish EU and UK are larger and of course China. All were doing just fine before trump and as far as starting wars is concerned , I would just like to make the point that in my view we are at the beginning of a global trade war the likes we’ve never seen. And finally a few quick points, terrorism in any form is unacceptable but the idea that trump hasn’t contributed to the problem is just not true. Your right about Obama getting the peace prize. , it made no sense not even to him I would say , but from the rest of the world it was aspirational, after the Iraq war it was hoped he’d do better. America isn’t the end all and be all , but what she does , matters! A president , it would seem can’t be charged with a crime so that argument is mute and to finish self righteousness of the left is only surpassed by the total hypocrisy of the religious right.

    1. @denise lewis He thought it was ” Whoretown” and told Daddy ” That’s where I wanna go.”

    1. @Chris Peterson I have a real problem with him turning the DOJ into his own, was going to say , Looney him, but think “crony bin” is a better fit. Don’t understand the Donald at all. A president has access to the best minds in America. He fired the good minds.

    2. “I don’t exactly know what that means.”

      He has obviously not been listening during his school years.

    1. Traits Shared by Narcissists and Sociopaths
      They both have a sense of entitlement and deny responsibility for their actions. They usually lack insight into their personality disorder, lack empathy, and lack emotional responsiveness

  6. When he looks to the right instead of looking at the reporters, he’s probably lying or wasn’t sure what’s he himself talking about. He also look to the right when talking about disinfectant the last time.



    1. @Frank Winkhorst AOC is an imbecile and someone should tell that moron there is no fix for stupid and commonsense can’t be taught and to stop pimping children for propaganda and brainwashing bots

  8. If trump was given the choice between losing 150k people until the end of summer slowly, or 1 million people overnight and it all ends by june, he would only aask which one makes his election chances seem more likely. That’s not “TDS” or hate, that is an observation by a seasoned psychiatric professional about ANY Malignant Narcissist.
    They. Don’t. Care. They do not have empathy. He is the Diaper Terminator who cheats at golf.

    1. Trump only loves himself and Brad Parscale. His supporters are too stupid to realize that.
      They may think *Covid-19* is a hoax because Trump may not spell it that way.
      They may think *Covid-19* is really *Kobid 19*

    1. Good one…..! Hey have you Joe Bidens new website, Truth over Facts…even more hilarious, you’ll love it.

    2. Only lesson i learned is from a traitor. Influencing other traitors to abandoned a nation for free stuff and support a ideology that screwed them over in the first place.

    3. Your garbage and no your no better than white people. Every immigrat you support screws over native Americans

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