More Democrats Want A Trump Impeachment Inquiry After Damning Ukraine Report | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

As reports come to light that Trump ordered military aid to Ukraine withheld, the calls for an impeachment inquiry grow louder and louder from Democrats on Capitol Hill. Our panel reacts. Aired on 09/23/19.
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More Democrats Want A Trump Impeachment Inquiry After Damning Ukraine Report | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. Nothing but talk and more talk just get on with the Impeachment no matter how it turns out. The Dems needs to fight fire with fire.

    1. @keith parkhill You ignorant tool, Taxes are Down got a much bigger return…. stop talking when you are Spewing turds for that pie hole.

  2. Trump’s going to have the Ukrainian President hide the truth, watch as the Ukraine gets a bigger pay day in a few months

    1. Jesse – Wake UP! CNN story is true – There are so many other issues for reasons he needs to go away. Trump has added 8.4Trillion to deficit. He waste 1Million per month on travel expenses. He is allowing pesticides in our soil and contamination of the water. He is not on our side in any regard. Economy is only great for the lawyers being paid to offset his crimes. Don’t even get me started on his environmental  disasters of his everything made in china golf courses.

    2. @bob noneya nah not really. repugs only care about sports and everybody knows it. It’s hard to argue with stupid, like talking to a brick wall.

    3. DK Workwise What are you on about? Everything you just said was wrong. The deficit going up my 8 trillion? What? It gone up 1 trillion under trump it went up 11 trillion under Obama.

  3. Unfortunately,Republican lwamakers will not support the impeachment of Trump,as they fear losing their status and power for their own selfish reasons. They were elected by voters to serve for the good of the people and country,but they have failed miserably.

    1. Samuel Yeo the Republican Party and its lawyers are Soulless worshippers Of Money this country and its citizens are just Game pieces so they can continue their bloodlust and WEALTH is it FARE ?. I’m not sure I can trust both parties the last 3 years has been nothing but embarrassing shenanigans, this is being played like a sick GAME OF THRONES!
      It ain’t over till CULT45 ARE ALL IN ORANGE JUMPSUITS!

  4. To refuse to impeach someone for trying to steal an election because you think doing so will hurt your election chances is madness.

  5. Even if the Biden’s are 100% in the wrong here, Trump still shouldn’t be extorting Ukraine to dig up dirt on his political opponents. One has nothing to do with the other. These aren’t offsetting penalties in football. And if it’s rich for them to be talking about trying to stop corruption when they’re in violation of the law by not giving the whistle blower report to Congress.

    1. @Linda Cloud Observer You’ve been misinformed. Viktor Shokin’s investigation into the Ukrainian gas producer, Burisma Holdings (Biden’s son Hunter was on its board) had already been shelved when Biden acted and was largely focused on accusations of money laundering by its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky (which it turned out was not directly related to Burisma anyway). Yuri Lutsenko, the Ukrainian prosecutor general who succeeded the fired prosecutor, told Bloomberg News that there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden.
      What credible evidence do you (or The Baby) have that “Biden asked the Ukrainians to fire the man *because he was investigating Hunter* ?

    2. @Linda Cloud Observer So there’s no evidence to back up The Baby’s claims about Biden, meanwhile impeachment proceedings have begun as a result of The Baby asking a foreign country to interfere in a US election. But you still think the story is about Biden? How old are you?
      And why do you think I’m a Democrat? Never voted for them in my life, sorry if that doesn’t fit in with your brainwashed agenda.

    1. Only the lying democrats. They have no evidence of any crime, just a bunch of lies that are impossible to prove. For 3 years they have tried everything and can’t find one shred of evidence. The propaganda is all lies and just like the story of the boy who cried wolf nobody believes these liars anymore.

  6. Impeachment grows why don’t democrats impeach it’s because of nancy pelosi she needs to be gone she is 80 years old need someone younger.

  7. Not just have the nay sayers of impeachment on record. At the end of the process the house and the senate must provide a list of all the nay sayers and their constituency. So that the American people can know the names of the people who flushed America down the toilet!

    1. Who voted for what on each vote call by the speaker is always public I believe. Also, to find out the constituency, you can google it

  8. Impeachment is to divisive … Attacking the second amendment now that’s not divisive at all.

    Hypocrisy infects the lot of ya.

    1. @Rudy Cota – THIS out of control, scandal ridden, insane, crime circus is ‘winning’?! Not exactly what most would actually call winning ha ha ha! Trumpanzee cult troll. We KNOW the tangerine tyrant has lied over 15,000 times, we KNOW he has sold us out to Russia, we KNOW he has badly failed and his crooked far right agenda is falling apart and he is disliked or utterly despised by about 70-75% of voters. Admit it, it’s OVER. The HUGE BLUE WAVE is coming and Dump will be fired by a record landslide of fed up voters that demand change. Impeachment process is almost underway. It’s getting good! Pardon me while I make some popcorn and enjoy the big show!

    2. @B Davis That is the standard reply from the Orange Turd’s Turdees. “The Sun can give you cancer”, their response, ” but what about the Moon?” How sad that they’re sooo shamefully blind! The Orange Turd MUST GO!!!💝

    3. @Nazz Me – Exactly. Well said. It’s why I like to give snide, wise guy responses to the brainwashed Trumpanzee’s w their boring and predictable whataboutisms. The fact is they had NOTHING on Obama, Hillary, Biden, or any other top Democrats. If they did, we’d have seen a parade of Trumpublicans demanding immediate action. They have nothing. And especially NO PROOF of any wrong doing. Period. Alternative facts fabricated by Faux news, Rush Lamebag, Brietbart, etc don’t count as REAL outside the Trumpanzee cult BS bubble.

  9. A seen from The Godfather
    I’m going to make him an offer he cant refuse
    Have there been any dead animals heads in their beds ?

  10. Democrat Congress
    Please be smarter than that
    Ask for the tape of the call to Ucrain
    Not a transcript
    They will change the transcript
    The way they want to..
    Please people be smarter than that.
    For God sake..

  11. Here’s a quick U.S. History and Civics quiz for those advocating impeachment:
    1. In the entire history of the United States, how many federal officials have been impeached by vote of the full House of Representatives, followed by trial in the Senate?
    2. Of those tried in the Senate, how many were convicted and removed from office?
    3. How many U.S. presidents have gone through the full process of impeachment and trial?
    4. Of those, how many were convicted and removed from office?
    5. How many U.S. Supreme Court justices have gone through the full process of impeachment and trial?
    6. Of those, how many were convicted and removed from office?
    7. What happens after a president is impeached, tried, and removed from office?

    1. Nineteen.
    2. Eight–all federal district court judges.
    3. Two: Andrew Johnson, 1866; and William Clinton, 1998.
    4. None: both were acquitted and remained in office.
    5. One: Samuel Chase, 1804.
    6. None: Chase was acquitted and remained in office.
    7. No one knows.

  12. He’s playing from his old game playbook. This is exactly what he did with Hillary Clinton. Mob mentality should never be in the White House.

  13. Corruption? Trump just said he withheld the money because he wanted other countries to give money too, which lie is it?

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