Nearly 50k Autoworkers Go On Strike As GM Talks Break Down | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Nearly 50,000 union auto workers walked off the job overnight in the largest strike in this industry in a decade. Stephanie Ruhle is joined by NBC’s Anne Thompson, Associated Press Auto Writer Tom Krisher, and USA Today Business Reporter Nathan Bomey to discuss what this means for the now dozens of GM plants and warehouses that will be shut down. Weighing in: Ohio Congressman and 2020 contender Tim Ryan. Aired on 09/16/19.
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Nearly 50k Autoworkers Go On Strike As GM Talks Break Down | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC


    1. @D Mente – my god. You must think the russians are responsible for everything from war to bad cell reception. Get help dude

    2. @Alaska XMR You wanna know what America actually stands for..? DEMOCRACY. So whatever the majority wants… _that’s_ what America stands for. And the majority is AGAINST YOU. Therefore, you are a traitor. _Sleep lightly._

    1. Trump supporters haven’t woken up yet because if they were this comment section would be full of “it’s Obama’s fault for the strike.”
      If asked what Obama has to do with this strike, they’ll go to the Republican playbook when they have no answer, “why are we even discussing this when we have the lowest African American unemployment rate in history.”🤦🏼‍♂️

  1. It’s a good thing our favorite president is keeping his promise! Hundreds of families to be out of work! Is America great?????

    1. Hes trying to make deals to bring and keep jobs here,democrats are going state to state trying to get every state a right to work state??

    2. @David Matousek right to work is actually a conservative idea, but blame the dems all you want. Blaming a scapegoat is basically Republican policy 101…

  2. When it comes to jobs and all that Trump is nothing but talk, Trump has been taking credit for Obama’s jobs and economy, and to be fair they are not and never were great jobs, most have no benefits and no security. Trump is a con artist and nothing more.

    1. The unemployed figures started to decrease in 2010. There is plenty of data to show how employment increased much faster under Obama and has slowed down under Trump. Trump lies about everything.

    2. Karen Byrd keep telling yourself what ever you need to. It took Obama until 2010 to stop the bleeding from the mess W. left. And it’s taking Trump 2,3 years to destroy the great economy he inherited from Obama. To be fair- it took Bush the entire 8 years to squander the good economy he inherited from Clinton. Trumps doing it in record time. Trump is the best. The best at being bad…

    1. Could also have to do with the oil industry’s desire to raise oil prices, while US goverment relaxes fuel economy. The industry has been moving back towards SUVs and Trucks which aren’t fuel efficent, and if the economy collapses they know they’ll have to swap back to fuel efficient cars. GM is a business, if they’re willing to lose money over a strike there is a reason.

  3. GM likes operating in China. No strikes….. and , the wages are going up , fast, every year. Something wrong in the good ol USA.

  4. Bye bye GM. OBAMA saved you once, and now Trump is bankrupting you with trade war with China raising your supplies prices.

    1. @Alan Cooper I agree here in Europe we think Trump is utterly hopeless. He isolates America on a daily basis. His behaviour at the G7 would be hillarious if it weren’t for the damage he is inflicting on his people daily. He’s made enemies of America’s friends. Europe and Australia together far exceed the US in size and population, something of which Trump is ignorant. We’re tired of babysitting him when he visits. We’re tired of how he insults out members, like Denmark and Poland, by cancelling visits with little notice. That is extremely rude.

    2. @Eliza Grogan i am in Canada, its too bad that the news media only reports their side of any trade deal or agreements made, we Canada had to agree to his conditions cause of the threats he made towards Canada as a whole. mainly regarding NORAD. Canada appealed trade issues and the courts are in america and 100% of trade disputes judgement were against america, ie America bitched that Canada was giving 1 subsidy to the farmers, but just in the past 1 year america has given american farmers billions in subsidies, america play unfair.

    1. @Denise Eugene
      Simple solution, raise the minimum wage and then supply healthcare universally via taxation, it’s what the developed World does, apart from the US of course. Less hassle for the employer better outcome for the whole population and as universal systems cost 50% to provide compared to private systems people would have more disposable income, win win. Well, not for the thieving insurance firms.

    2. Darth Wheezius Sounds so simple right ? You forgot Big Pharma and their subsidiaries. They be like : where is mine ?

    3. Most small business can’t afford 30 dollars an hour. If it was that high only big business would survive destroying competition and innovation

  5. Nothing but respect to these people. Prayers and support from a USW member!!! Union labor built this country!! Stay strong and stand up for your labor rights!!

  6. Tax payers bailed them all out, CEO pay is more out of whack and workers never got that famous trickle down effect of the tax cuts and all Uber companies, Uber bosses with unter workers

  7. Americans are getting drowned in the swamp.
    Trump(ism) is a plague on this land. And their supporters (35%) are infected zombies.

  8. America has never been more flawed than it is today and Republicans will pay the price for their failure to the American people, in 2020. #MAGAVoteBlue2020

    1. @GUNZ UP MUSIC : You are against the bulwark of the middle class, unions.

      And no, you are not living rent free in my head. I will forget you as soon as I hit reply. . . you perfidious sheep. But I will remember Trump when I go to the polls in November of 2020. #Bluewave.

    2. @GUNZ UP MUSIC living rent free seems to be your goal, you must a red hat Republican. You are the kind of guy I look at with disgust & disdain😊

    3. The disparity in CEO pay trickling down to shareholders vs. what workers producing the product earn says a lot about what people need to do. Jobs kept in America is a lacking flawed argument. Workers need jobs that pay them a living wage and acclimate them to the economy’s rising costs. There is a faulty imbalance in top earners and salaries of the daily grind trying to eek out a living. Are you listening Amazon, WalMart, FaceBook, etc.?

    4. The Republican party is dying and they know it. This was their last shot at holding onto power and they’ve totally blown it.

  9. Tim Ryan just said the US is the greatest Country in the World. Not any more my friend. They lost that title in the last couple of years.

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