New footage shows contrast in Ivanka Trump’s 2020 election comments

In documentary footage from filmmaker Alex Holder, former presidential adviser Ivanka Trump says she supported the count of every vote in the 2020 election despite former President Donald Trump's attempt to stop the vote count. CNN's Jake Tapper and Pamela Brown break down how her comments differ from her interview with the January 6 committee. #January6 #CNN #News


  1. She is just as bad as her dad….. they are all grifters…. traitors!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡

    1. Excersize your chopper on some good hard food !!!! 🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️👄👄👄👄👄👄👄👄🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️👄👄👄👄👄👄👄👄👄👄🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡👽👽👽👽👽👽📎🌏

    2. Barr bit you it’s , back in black beauty cap u let’s !!!! Speed Bus stop song 🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌🅾️🩸🅱️🅰️💉🆎💉🅰️🅱️🅾️🩸🕶️🕶️🕶️🕶️🕶️🕶️🕶️🕶️!!! 💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊 shove it !!!!!

    3. Ozark butloafer Chair a T ,🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦 shove it !!!!! Comic book paper clippers

    1. We all knew that they knew and those who say they didn’t know, we know really knew.

      Anyone who knows. , knows BDO!

  2. Ivanka believed what Barr said because she respected him, so she doesn’t really respect daddy 🤣🤣🤣

    1. @Simon Reynoso he’s biting off Stephen colbert, who said originally on his show. He’s not original

    2. @Viv He wasn’t upset with her. We’ve seen him upset at people. He was not upset with her. Moreover, listen closely to her testimony. She qualified her answer by saying Barr’s opinion did affect her opinion. She’s trying to have it both ways. Trying to support daddy while at the same time saying it was Barr that affected her opinion. Think about that for a moment. The advisor to the President needed someone else to affect her opinion. And she was an “advisor” the President of the United States? An advisor who supposedly did not have an independent thought and needed to be told what to think? No. She did not need Barr to form her opinion. She needs Barr as her scapegoat for what she told the Jan 6 committe so that later when dumb daddy Donny saw her testimony, she would be able to blame her opinion on Barr and hopefully that would be enough to stay in his will. Donny, are you woke to this? Write her out of your will. She threw you under the bus. lol

  3. Crazy how the kids have ZERO background in political, government, military or anything state or local level…

    1. Well, daddy has zero competence in anything other than grifting. He had not even been a member of a parent association when the American people thought he had the knowledge and experience to be president.

    2. @brenda Can you say biden too? Or you are not allowed? Clinton too. No military experience and look where he was. Why stop at Trump? Name the other names! Can you say ovomit? No experience whatsoever, right?

  4. Why are we giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming that she was supporting the lie to please her father? How about, she believe in it as much as he and her brothers did, and in retrospect is changing her tune for self-protection in the trial hearings, regardless of the fact that she’s under oath?

    1. @$hiek Yobooty You are aware that the Drumpf family name was changed to Trump in the 14th century, right? As such, it has never been his name. It’s never been her name either.

      Why would you ever call anyone by the wrong name?

    1. @Phyllis mata I think I already did. Did her thing start with: “fuc u look at this..” or something like that? It’s a bot line, but it’s weird because i see it on left as well as right sites. I feel like I’m being lured into a site that will then hack into my account. Ha Ha, the joke’s on them! I have nothing!

  5. She wasn’t under oath in the interview. They need to get her back under oath and ask her about it

  6. Let’s all get real for a moment. Yes, it’s true that most everybody has always both thought and said that Ivanka is the smartest of the Trumps. After the past 7 years of observing this family is that something any sane person would actually be proud about???

    1. Ivanka reminds me of #ImeldaMarcosIvanka from the Philippines. She had a closet of 1000 designer shoes and very stylish clothes on the US 🇺🇸 tax payers dime.

  7. Look at how these self-entitled rich clowns entertain us. We should not even entertain them with our interest and curiosity. That being said, the public needs to know what they have done.

    1. Let’s stop putting cameras on the whole family. I don’t care to see any more of them!!!

    2. @Ready Now&Forever It’s all on tv right there for you, bucko. See, it’s like a little movie.

    1. @Shlep Messing if I had a boyfriend he would be gay, right? And he wouldn’t want a woman, right?
      You don’t think very often, do you, son?

  8. Eric is not telling the truth. He knows it! DJT states courage was needed in a judge. How many judges listened to those bs lies?

  9. Open an in investigation into her for possible perjury. She must be coerced and pressed to tell the truth, just as her father. Otherwise, they keep lying.

    1. And by most the time, you mean all the time. She is duplicitous, just like her dad — just slightly smarter and more calculated.

    2. @beobe99I don’t care for her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s been molested by him. Poor lady if she was but I think she does have some fear of her father.

  10. The part if her interview that cracked me up is when she said her dad was the voice of the people and was trying to make everyone’s voice is heard…lol, he was actually doing all he could to get votes thrown out.

    1. Randy, I chocked on that too, mix it with some “I always tried to play it down Bob.” Remember his Covid response to Bob Woodward’s questions.

    2. For me, that I laughed at ” The president loves this country, the president loves it’s people. What, did he go on vacation to another country? She is slimy just like the rest of them.

  11. Like Father like daughter. The hearings get better and better. Kitzinger was on top of his game today. We’re running out of exclusions thats for sure.

  12. We have not been able to find that courageous judge..aka we haven’t found someone who is corrupt enough to go along with our utter bs and lies. 🙄

    1. he was saying that in code. In other words, only MAGA understands, If you are or know a crooked judge, I have a special job for you.

  13. No one in that family could tell the truth, not even with a gun to their head and their life depended on it!! Sad, they’d rather die lying rather than be THOUGHT a liar! Because if they told the truth about their shady bizness they’d be seen for ALL their lies.

    1. Well thank god we have that honest, patriotic, brilliant first family, the Bidens in the white house now.



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