‘No Choice’: How Pelosi Went From Blocking Impeachment To Going After Trump On Ukraine | MSNBC

Speaker Pelosi was the most powerful Democrat blocking any push to impeach Trump — until she made a fateful turn that upended everything in 2019. See her evolving views on impeachment, from when she categorically ruled out impeaching George W Bush in 2006, to her reluctance to impeach Trump over the Mueller Report, in this special report. Former Congressman Joe Crowley, who worked closely with Pelosi in the Democratic leadership, discusses the unearthed footage of her stance on impeachment over the years. Aired on 11/25/19.
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'No Choice': How Pelosi Went From Blocking Impeachment To Going After Trump On Ukraine | MSNBC


    1. @Brian Amberg After that horrible music, I’m not sure I can support impeachment any longer. Please dont share that with anyone else!

    2. @Noreb Precisely and public opinion has flipped, just hasn’t been acknowledged; media reports polls and polls are out of step.

  1. There is no goal post. Whatever Trump does will be covered by the GOP. I wish the Dems would stop being so weak and make a decision and go with it. Smh

  2. These toxic piggy children are all going to jail.
    The sheer injustice felt that these morons could run the country will all be balanced out in time. Be patient.

    1. None of them will go to jail unfortunately. The whole system is a joke. Trump is just exposing how idiotic it is and how much it needs to be changed.

  3. Every time a republican brings up Ukraine being the ones who hacked us, Putin has an 🥖💦💦💦. And he is bone dry at this point!

    1. You are watching fake news. Republicans don’t say that. CNN and MSNBC report that republicans say that. That’s why they never have names. You cant ask the news reporters what their names were.

  4. The Judgement Day -=== DEC 9 the TRUTH will destroy the Russian / Impeachment Hoax to be come DNC – Seith Rich and Ukranian Intervention instead … Be Ready !!!

    1. It’s all about the Durham indictments which probably won’t come out until next year. 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️✊🏿

  5. Lindsay Graham: show me one piece of evidence that Trump did this

    Everyone: ok here’s Trump’s chosen ambassador, several nonpartisan experts, Trump’s chief of staff all saying he did, and Trump himself admitting it on the white house lawn

    Lindsay Graham: ok but show me ooone piece of evidence

    1. seeyouspacecowboyx, there is a mountain of evidence that was presented and Trump was totally unable to present any evidence to counter it. Trump is toast.

    1. Imagine actually still thinking they have the evidence to impeach… Please, let me know what drugs you’re on, I want to be as high as you 😂😂😂

    1. You’re not in the Senate, are you?

      (The Senate might acquit but there are kids that are 16 right now who will hear about it and Republicans will lose huge in a mid term if Mr. Trump makes a second term as President. That loss will be a loss for 12 years.)

    2. What’s happening here evidence is all over the place what is it you don’t understand. You c’ant hear or read or understand what is happening.

    1. ​@Nhat Tran All of those are lies. Pick the strongest one that you think is true and I’ll debunk it.

    2. @Alex Ocasio-Gomez Russia if you are listening…

      I expect Ukraine to investigate Biden…

      You can’t debunk a fact, dude.

  6. It is going to be so much fun watching all you TDS losers squeal and squirm through the senate trial…. Oh wait, that won’t happen because a real trial will be more damaging to democrats than just admitting your failed on literally everything for the last 3 years.

    A senate trial will be extremely damaging to Schiff and the Bidens as well, and will only help to blow open Trump/Russia collusion BS origins, ie spygate, following the release of the inspector general’s FISA report. Your party will cave by the end of the year and drop the impeachment because you all know you have NOTHING and you are pathetic losers!!!
    MAGA, TRUMP2020!

  7. So through this impeachment inquiry what i saw was this… Every witness was a Democrat witness that had been through what can only be described as an audition behind closed doors in the weeks leading up to the televised inquiry. Republicans were prevented by Schiff from calling their own witnesses so could only choose from the ones that Schiff had as his witnesses. Every witness stated that they had no evidence of Pro quid quo or bribery but did state that they disagreed with the Presidents political views and his unfamiliar way of going about things. Every witness had heard rumors generated and expanded on by one another and no actual first hand evidence and the whistleblower and Schiff lied to the American people about the Ukraine phone call. The fake Russia collusion story was paid for by the DNC and Hilary Clinton and that fake evidence was got by Steel from Russian agents. It seems pretty clear that this is not about a President who is corrupt but 100% about a political system that hates having an outsider come in and win the Presidency and do things his way which was what the people voted him in for. When he is rooting out blatant corruption in Washington they attacked him harder, Meanwhile the vast majority of the media have done everything they can to attack the President as they too are part of the system that doesn’t want change and they have lied and misled the American public to sway public opinion and pressure Trumps adversaries in Washington to do anything they can to take him down.. It started before he was even in office. This hasn’t just been an attack on Trump, it has been a calculated attack on the will of the American people and the constitution and all Americans on all sides of politics should be alarmed and concerned that this has happened.

  8. The grim conclusion is: George W. Bush was good for the Deep State Military Complex and did what he was told to. Never mind unleashing ISIS and costing a million civilian lives.
    Donald Trump is his own master (to the limit) and does not take orders from Down Below. That’s why he needs to be impeached, never mind if there is anything material that could stand a trial “beyond reasonable doubt”–style. The charges are ridiculous. There is no crime or misdemeanor. We are looking at a propaganda war and the Deep State puppets executing the orders they’ve been given.

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