Nurse Says It’s ‘Heartbreaking’ To Be Coronavirus Patients’ ‘Everything’ | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC

Watch Stephanie Ruhle speak with nurse Maureen Biddinger-Grisius about her experience in treating coronavirus patients while also trying to keep herself and her family safe. Aired on 4/2/2020.
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Nurse Says It's 'Heartbreaking' To Be Coronavirus Patients' 'Everything' | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC


    1. Do not blame Trump for your own shortcomings. Ignorance is an American trait long before Trump was elected. And it only became an issue, like taking responsibility, when he was elected.

    2. ​@Constituent A I’m waiting for the day that everyone in that briefing room stands up and shouts “STEP DOWN MOR-ON!, STEP DOWN MOR-ON!” or some such nonstop until he leaves. I can’t watch it any longer either. Such a heartless, narcissistic moron. God help us all.

  1. To all the healthcare workers that have stood up and shown their true mettle
    and sacrifice life and family , and also to their families ,
    my words fail me to express my gratitude and admiration .
    Take care .

    1. @Thomas Armsworthy Jr I’m sorry but can you explain that to me ? What exactly do you pass on ?….

    1. @Square Hammer You are a bigger person than I am. I’d prefer he, rather than the ones that actually have a heart, would learn first hand the pain they are feeling. Might make him grow up a little.

    1. Or maybe not. If we are learning anything, just being tough won’t save you. Only staying away will and she doesn’t have that choice.

    1. If this doesn’t cause you pain, there is something wrong with you. NY isn’t even at the peak yet. Numbers will grow for at least another couple weeks. We will see 3000+ deaths a day soon. Medical professionals may need psychological counseling to deal with the emotional trauma. This will scar us all. The best thing we can do for them is keep the numbers down by staying home!

  2. A doctor died yesterday. Sadly, he might not be the only one. I can’t imagine what you’re going through and the chances you’re taking. It hasn’t been forgotten by the people of the country.

    1. Greg Vinson I want proof of the other cases too. I just want proof in general. Do you expect proof when hearing info from known liars or do you just blindly believe them?

    2. @rockstarofredondo I understand wanting to validate information you are receiving on the internet. I get it – I really do. And you should as should we all. I think Greg’s point was that this wasn’t the person to question for truth because she wasn’t offering a claim of factual statistics as there was no name or any other info attached. Considering the broad statement, it should be understood that Drs are dying as common sense would tell you that, just not which Drs specifically. Just seemed like you were being nit picky by asking the right question of the wrong person.
      My question is this – Do you have proof Lisa Carr is a known liar?

    3. Karen Parker Oh look, Karen is here to be a Karen. And she wrote half a novel and said literally nothing. Imagine my shock.🤣

    4. Karen Parker Nah, you’re just a bossy c-word narcissist that wants everyone to ignore facts and gobble up propaganda because that’s what you do.

  3. I’m also a nurse & I want you all to know that we nurses are used to doing things RIGHT. We do not like doing things sloppy….please America….somehow get us PPE. Come on you guys in WW2 we turned out fighter jets & aircraft carriers…..cant we please make some masks???? If we get this…we spread it

    1. Nicki Snyder same profession but this generation is much different than the generations of past. Past generations listened, this one is walking around like nothing is happening until it affects them.

    2. Abatoirs have massive supplies. They are an essentail service because they provide food but it’s probably the last place to get all the sanitisers, gloves and masks you need. They may not be able to produce meat for a time but the supplies are there.

    1. My husband works in healthcare and a bunch of his coworkers were just laid off. If some terrible medical crisis was happening, why would tons of people be laid off?

  4. So many heroes working so hard for the sick. Thank you is not enough, wishing you all stay safe <3

  5. My goodness. The Nurses, Doctors, path techs, tech, porters, domestics and all hospital staff have shown their strength! Thank you for all you are doing. Can’t say it enough 🤗👏🤗👏🤗👏🤗

    1. Even the police. Our cops are pretty good here but it’s only a matter of time before it gets aggressive. They are being spat at etc but they are also front line, same thing is happening to the people at the supermarkets trying to explain to people that unless you are elderly or disabled, you have to queue. There will always be twats but if out front line people weren’t awesome, they’d just walk of the job.

    2. @anne anne You are so right. Too many people are just self-centered and irrational enough to actually blame super market clerks for limits, lines & unavailability. People really need to realize this is much larger than it being about them but you’re right – there will always be twats.

  6. This nurse is only one of many heroes fighting the Covid-19 pandemic and I thank her and all medical care professional as well as all persons (auxilliary workers such as custodial crews, records clerks, intake clerks and others too many to list)working in the hospitals and other medical care centers. They are risking their own lives to help the sick and it is taking a physical and mental health toll on all of them. I salute them and thank them all and may God bless them and their families and keep them strong as our nation and the world fights this insidious virus

  7. Yes. Nursing is a vocation. It’s why l gave 2 12hour shifts to a facility l retired from 4 years ago. We all can do our part. Please try.

    1. Nursing is a Profession. Really a lifestyle! They are givers..angels amongst us😇😨🤕 thank you! All of our love from California!❤🤒❤

  8. This made me cry. I can’t imagine the emotional & physical toll this is taking on these frontline workers. Their risk of contracting the virus is so high we’re doing these compassionate professionals a disservice not getting them the tools & PPE they need to save lives without putting themselves at risk. She definitely put on a brave face, hopefully her home life isn’t suffering during the crisis. Fingers crossed when we come out the other end these people get the emotional support they need.

  9. I absolutely believe these doctors and nurses deserve the same respect that we give to any soldier that fraught for our country

  10. Sarcastically, I just want to thank everyone who voted for Trump! You did a great service to this Country!

  11. So heartbreaking but also so heartwarming hearing the dedication, bravery and caring of that nurse. She’s a hero.

  12. Can we all just take a moment to thank the anchor for showing so much love and compassion and empathy towards the nurse and not just throwing questions at her while being stuck up. By far one of the best anchors out their she did and amazing job. And to the Nurse GOD BLESS YOU !

    1. I think Stephanie is absolutely top notch and I have the utmost respect for her as a journalist. I acknowledged both her & Maureen in my comment above. You are right to feel more people should. Journalists, the good ones anyway, deserve all the support they can get these days.

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