Obama Speechwriter On Trump State Of The Union: ‘I’m In Mourning’ | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Obama chief speechwriter Cody Keenan reacts to Trump's wild, reality show-style state of the Union speech that ended with the text being torn in half by Speaker Pelosi. Aired on 02/4/20.
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Obama Speechwriter On Trump State Of The Union: 'I'm In Mourning' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. Yeah, tell us why the black race sides with the serpent left Antichrist network, the same serpent line that enslaved the black race…

    2. Can you imagine an Obama speech writer, why Bubba, isn’t that the demonic Hierarchy, the secret order of ate up pedophiles…

  1. State of the Union speeches always have disappointing bits, Obama’s included. It was an OK speech. Trump is not a good speech maker. He wasn’t elected on the grace of his language.

    1. @William Kahley Yes and who was it that told Russia he could do more for them after the election? Who was it that let them invade Ukraine unimpeded?

    2. @Ice 247 Why?. That’s the equivalent of a 5 year old covering her ears and saying, ” I can’t hear you, Can’t hear you.”

    1. @s macca This reaction just proves the point.
      Enemys lists.. It gets even nicer.
      Democracy is about debate and facts.

    2. @kathy holland China is only a Communist country on paper. In reality it is a capitalist country with as basis a communist framework.

  2. Let’s be clear about why we’re in this position. Nixonian southern strategy combined with Reaganesque top-down economics has shifted power from the legislature (the representative part of the government), to the president (a single person, akin to a king or dictator in that sense), and the supreme court (an unelected oligarchy). It trickles down from the king to the oligarchy, and to a far lesser extent, to everyone else. Because the bottom is engaged in civil strife due to the southern strategy, the king and oligarchy continue gaining while everyone else continues losing. The GOP is wholly responsible, which is why their previous two presidents were illegitimately elected, both were tyrant princes (see DOI), and one of them was even installed by the oligarchy.

    The solution is not especially complicated. It involves 2/3rds majority or better Democratic control of both houses of congress and in all likelihood, constitutional amending. The only legitimate way to make that happen is for We The People to stop fighting each other. We need to unite against Reaganomics and Nixonianism. If we are preoccupied with policing each other, there will be no one to police the tyrant kings and their oligarchy lapdogs.

    1. You know they’re benefiting heftily out of all this, or they wouldn’t care so much. So many back door deals going on they don’t care…

    1. @Hahegahhs Heheh The worlds oceans are made up of 15% pure gold, we just need to extract it and we’d all be rich!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and the world is flat, ok. And space is an illusion being projected by the Chinese as a hoax! Now send me all your money and I will fix everything and expose the conspiracies!!!! Trump is a loser, I’m the winner you want to support, send me your money straight away! I promise! (LOL)

  3. Eerily similar was this state of the union to those of Chavez in Venezuela and any other banana republic one. Lackeys clapping at every phrase and self adulating factoid and so full of demagoguery.

    1. @Richard Ray,
      – What’s the average person going to do with a tax cut, start or grow a company and hire a thousand people, of course not, but that’s exactly what large 1%’er companies and investors do. It’s why many more Americans are living a much better employed life now than before!
      – The last President carelessly virtually doubled the National Debt to a dangerous amount. Trump has hugely improved the economy more than what any other President would have been capable of, so the Debt with Trump is a lesser concern than it would have been with say Hillary!
      – Trump is without a doubt the Alpha Male, the Smartest Guy in the Room and when he says jump to the other Heads of State in the World the only thing most of them can say is, “How high?” All your little party boy PM can do is sip Champagne and giggle like a little girl with the other lazy, all talk, do nothing PM’s because they all know Trump outclasses them all by a mile.
      – With Trump the USA is guaranteed to be fully adhered to the over 240 year old documents that define it. The only risk of that changing is by allowing this new unAmerican cult of Liberals to have more political power!

    2. @Rand Kocher Yeah, that is something a witty person would say. Witty persons prefer quality over quantity, you are writting columns.

    3. @enrique ordaz   No kidding. This guy doesn’t know Trump has told 16,000+ lies and counting (just since inauguration), and is also apparently a saint who’s never done anything wrong. But we can’t think of a single instance… 😊

  4. They’re chanting 4 more years???😂😂😂😂 trump has some real Jim Jones stuff going on. They sound like people screaming burn that witch at the Salem witch trials. 😒😒😒 We truly are living in bizarro times.

    1. @Doug Royce I’m so sorry but I have done extensive research on Donald Trump in this life I have found it easier to find out about someone from the people that surround them you take all the people that don’t know Donald Trump on the left on the left and they attack him of course. You take anybody else even there are a few Democrats that like him too but look at his friends people he’s known for many many years one of his best friends Ben Carson neurosurgeon not a stupid man loves Donald Trump he has many videos here on YouTube sticking up for his friend because he has known him for years and he knows his heart I know you none of you want to know this because all you guys are stuck on his hatred so sad especially when Donald Trump is helping our country that’s another fact that just cannot be disputed don’t make me list everything he’s done because I will put it on here and then you’ll be left reading paragraph after paragraph of things that he’s done I will put it on here to I’ve done it before I’ll do it again

    2. @Doug Royce one thing you’re definitely right about free will this country is free and God has given us free will but please sir remember this life is short and it’s not worth the hatred that you will take into the grave and Beyond it because what happens after that you might not like too much God bless

    1. That’s the term for a standard speech that a campaigner uses over and over. It springs from the days when candidates would go to small towns and literally stand on a tree stump to orate.

    1. @Hue Man you ain’t never seen anyone rip up someone’s State of the Union speech after it’s done. Don’t sit here and try to involve us into your nasty bulshit it’s not going to work!! The whole country is sick of you disgusting people!!

    2. @Iam Thepapi Nice fake outrage there. Nancy ripping pieces of paper is all it takes to trigger you, huh? Meanwhile Trump is ripping up the constitution and congress’s ability to do oversight, degrading the presidency and allowing elections to be rigged, and conning half the population into enabling his dictatorial tendencies.

    3. @Proper Meanwhile we still have no answer for Dem Iowa caucus. Lol. Jokes on you you are literally making yourself look stupid!! Keep digging yourself deeper!! There’s a reason Trump didn’t mention impeachment there’s a reason he didn’t mention the Iowa caucus because you guys are doing a wonderful job of hurting yourselves. Lol.. keep the hate up!

    1. @Matt Z America has fallen, the real question is why aren’t you butthurt? hm, are you not American? All real Americans are weeping because the country they love is under attack by a terrorist President. So why are you so happy, do you like to see the country this divided and burning! Or are you just too stupid to see through Trump’s lies!? Maybe you should get a clue what’s really happening and then you would see how Trump has hurt America and the American people.

    2. @Richard Clark The current Democratic part is the most corrupt party ever to disgrace they US government. They’ve been trying to lie and cheat their way back into power for over three years now. You idiots are just too stupid to see the obvious truth. And you Russia troll tards are the stupidest and most gullible of the stupid.

    3. @Humbug Remind us in 2025 when Trump is finishing his second term. Maybe we’ll get one more chuckle out of your ignorance, gullibility, stupidity, and infantile anger of nothing.

    1. I know right you should change into your speckled panties, your flourescent Speedoes are getting spoiled..

  5. “Four more years!” chants at a SOTU, smh, just days after voting to not allow witnesses at a TRIAL. Gee thanks GOP, you keep delivering ‘great stuff’ to America’s once dignified reputation. What comes next? The Reichstag, er, Capitol Building burns in a “mysterious fire”????

    1. Talk to the house why should the gop do there job …. and the fire thing that only would happen if a leftist was in office.

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