Pfizer Vaccine on Pause in Jamaica | TVJ News – Sept 14 2021

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    1. Depending on the situation, you can bring along your proof of first dose and if it’s in America, you can get your second dose of the same brand of the vaccine you got for the first dose.

  1. I think the Caribbean can try to help in a situation like this. Alot of Caribbean countries have Pfizer vaccines nearing expiration dates and I think the Jamaican govt can use CARICOM as a means of getting some doses to help fully vaccinate its population

  2. I have no idea how people had put so much faith in an experimented vaccine and how they got the children to take it… Those people are TRULY heartless and uncaring…

    1. @Taniesh Levy No-one knows the long term side effects of this, so we can’t be mad at people who are hesitant to take it.

    2. They don’t love their children or themselves. I’m holding on to God’s promise to protect me and my children. We all had the covid, and heal still here today. God is a healer and the only one I trust not man 🙏💯🙌

    1. @Kim if I have to tell you where to read in this day and age then I will keep my pearl and don’t allow it to roll in mud. I will die fighting for life

    2. @hamil73 Brenda exactly…nowhere …uno stick wid uno belief and decisions and ppl like me won’t comment when uno a try bully ppl on the internet…e Vax me uno torment essi

  3. Please order medical back up for oxygen. They provide de perpetual oxygen as long as there is electricity.

  4. RE the Pyzifer VACCINE,
    I got my first shot 21/4/14
    2nd was scheduled for 21/8/4.

    Don’t understand why there is a TIMEFRAME difference with JAMAICANS getting 2nd Vaccinations .


    1. Yes, delay not work for second vax. when p.m.
      Or do ppl face starting over. Get your shipments on time by ordering on time

    2. THIS is a serious draw BACK!!!
      WHAT HAPPENS!!??

    3. @Loise Watson yes issue Second dose. Gov. Did not prepare. If very late ….not so sure u dont start over. I will be asking for sure. Why start if they did not have amount to finish.??

    4. @SCARPLATZ the gov wanted us to take vax. They knew demand would rise.
      No thought to order or ask for more shipments. Should.have made sure nuff for second dose
      No planning ahead with the whole program

  5. We need the Cuban Vaccine here also, when it is ready, I trust Cuban Vaccine, and only Cuban Vaccine i or my family will take, none other.
    Prime Minister and Dr. Tufton, make sure to not turn back the Cuban Vaccine.

    1. @Dean Daley well let them keep Cuban out because I not taking the Vaccines that Bill Gates pay Andrew to let the Jamaican people take.
      Andrew Holness, if you mean the Jamaican people any good at all then bring the Cuban Vaccine come me and my whole family including my extended family and friends will take it

    1. @Maria Mendel your response is more of a low IQ response. Who gives you permission to refer to Jamaican as low class . Furthermore I am applaud by your ignoramus response take several seats

    2. @Maria Mendel sweetie pie darling dont call us low class because we think the way we do. Remember we all don’t process things the same way. At the moment crime is riddling Jamaica and it need 50% of the emphasis that the other C is getting

  6. Crufton, you taking this vaccine from foreign and telling us it’s safe and you don’t know what dem put in it

  7. Don’t bring your children to die please. God is doing this for a reason. People still praying in Jamaica. Stan up and pray also..

  8. Because we do not retain the love of truth, God will send strong delusion that they believe a lie. People refuse to accept thd truth of God’s word, so they quickly accept something else.

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