Portland mayor: Presence of federal troops is escalating violence

Mayor Ted Wheeler of Portland, Oregon, speaks to CNN's Jake Tapper about what he says are the unconstitutional actions of federal troops in his city.
#CNN #News


    1. @Factsthat Hurtfeelings what you’re talking about your delusion .Your daddy Trumpet trying to destroy democracy an becoming a dictator we would not let it happen never Biden 2020🇺🇲✊🏿✊🏻 BLM

    2. Remember when we thought 2016 was a dumpster fire? I’m ready for 2020 to take its foot off the gas.

  1. Of course.course…this..this is what the Lord of the Death Star wants….violence to create more violence to declare martial law…no surprise when it happens

    1. They’ve been rioting for months now. They destroy and burn stuff and intimidate people. This has had to stop.

    2. @Suyamu Yes, ANY city that is pummeled night after night after night like Portland and Seattle have been will fall eventually. Federal troops are the last chance when the state and local authorities turn their backs on the safety of their own citizens. It is WELL PAST TIME for us to take back our cities from these law-breaking criminals and lick our wounds while we still can.

    1. If we can’t riot, assault people, loot, and burn down buildings without prosecution, than the constitution is lost. I’m sick of this fascist president.

    2. the constitution gives you the right to PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE, you democrat idiots barely have brains my god.

    3. Bidens 1994 crime bill ripped millions of black men away from their families and imprisoned them for life. Biden went on recored being anti bussing he was a SEGREGATIONIST and now he’s a braindead corpse being used as a puppet by the radical TERRORIST liberal ELITE. Morons who buy into their MEDIA MIND CONTROL are stupid and brainwashed.

    4. Liberals know nothing about our Constitution.Your heroes Antifa and Black Lives Matters can’t wait to eviscerate it. Why do you think they’re burning and destroying our monuments? They want to destroy our history and Constitution and create their own vision of Utopia. This is what Lenin, Marx, Castro, Chavez, Maduro envisioned, too. Be very afraid if the Democrats take over. They are enabling these Marxists ( Antifa and Black Lives Matters). In fact, these thugs are the militia arm of the Democrat Party.

    5. There is no constitution that’s why democrats took over Seattle and declared it a separate country. You probably have no idea how that ended.

  2. It is well understood from years and years of research that violent reaction to protests makes a protest much more violent.
    The mayor is following the science.
    Do your research yourself, if you don’t believe me.

    1. @Steven Fry The data doesn’t support your assertions, more white Americans are killed by police than black Americans so stop pushing a false narrative as to justify the continual rioting, destruction and vandalism of public property. Your rights to protest don’t supersede another citizens rights to move safely and freely around their own city.

    2. Hey Roger remember Seattle. Remember the summer of bloody love. You probably dont. It didn’t end well for democrats. They had to threaten the mayor and then she decided to save her own people. They had to threaten her home and then she stopped the killing. Democrats are fucking beautiful

    3. Ya well its not a Protest you Parrot. Its an Organized Communist Riot. All they want is death to America Genius.

  3. Anyone else think this resembles the scene in V for vendetta when the detective is describing what’s going to happen next?

  4. The mayor is also the police commissioner? Kind of weird for a major city to combine those.

    1. @appleblossomxo Wow, apple, you haven’t been paying attention!!!!!
      This act they are doing is LEGAL. Obama…NDAA, section 2021. Horrible law, actually, but has been around since 2012.
      I have hated it since the inception, and I KNEW this is where they were going with this by government keeping their
      hands off of all of these violent idiots, for YEARS now. They were waiting for things to blow up to start gathering
      people. Might happen during a Mandatory Global Vaccination Law as well, not sure. That law has been fought already by
      Chris Hedges. He won the first round and the law was deemed unconstitutional. Then Obama appealed, and he won.
      He wanted this law. The powers that BE wanted this law. He wanted Bill Gates as the vaccine guy and put him on the Global
      Mandatory Vaccination Circle chart..smack in the middle as the “vaccine” guy. Did you see ANY OF THIS????

      Moving forward to your lovely President that you blindly follow. You and most of mainstream, both sides, aren’t PAYING
      ATTENTION! You had BETTER start watching actions and researching. I’m going to spoon feed you now, because your
      President just threw the entire USA under the bus while lying, or choosing to not be transparent (funny..this vid he actually
      USES this term). Here you GO! If you turn away from this, you have NO true desire to seek truth and check stuff out, because
      I just HANDED this to you.

      About 2 1/2 months ago, there was a mainstream newscast with Bill Gates talking about how his company GAVI, which is partnered with the Rockefeller’s company ID2020, which was started in ’93 I believe.  Gates partnered with them in ’96, or there abouts.   BILL GATES said his company Gavi is READY TO GO, and has the microchips small enough to fit through HIS vaccines and will then track every single person on this globe.  ON MAINSTREAM NEWS, AND I SAW IT MYSELF!!!  But, no one was talking about it, and it got wiped from the internet, and I haven’t seen it return.

      A few weeks later, a big push came from the media on both sides that Trump and Bill Gates really pretty much HATE each other.  We heard about that for a few days.  About a week later, there was a newscast showing Trump at a long table with his people on his side, and the Pharma companies on the other side making pitches for the 1/2 billion trump was going to give to a company to come up with THE vaccine.  He very quickly with very few questions chose MODERNA, who is working on a new type of synthetic vaccine…since 2010.  They got the money, and now they are making the vaccines. Kind of quick, don’t you think, to be able to make these vaccines already?

      What Trump NEVER told the public is that his arch enemy, Bill Gates, funds Moderna, and partnered with them in 2016 (same year as Obama put out the global mandatory law with Gate’s name as the vaccine man).  I researched it, and it took me 15 minutes to find all the connections…full circle, right back to the banks and other governments. The World Bank is partnered with Gavi/Bill Gates, “vaccines.”  No one researched Moderna that I have talked with, on here, or anywhere else.  Mainstream just ignored
      it and went on the to next newscast, as usual.  This is when I knew we had been wagged with the hate fest between the two, and that Trump was keeping Bill Gates’ name out of it on purpose…what it serves is the agenda of full global vaccination with microchips from Gavi.   And then..BAM!

      A month later, Trump does this….https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pV1U9s3vJ0

      Not ONCE in that press conference does he mention Bill Gates…avoids it like the plague, but credits someone in England (Boris Johnson??  Never heard of him) that is hooked up to Gavi/Gates.  I still haven’t researched Boris, but I will.  

      So, Trump just threw our entire globe into the frying pan, and no one even knew what the hell he was doing, with the exception of very few like me that research everything.  

      I know it will be hard for Trump’s followers to swallow this, but we have a MUCH bigger problem on our hands than Trump winning vs. Biden.

      We have a group of 8500 people that want to ENSLAVE, as JFK said before he was killed, “every man, woman, and child.”  And this is what is happening.  I can’t even begin to tell you all the disgusting stuff I found in hundreds of patents dating WAY back regarding control..brainwashing, physical control, DNA, etc…very few people look at that to see what’s happening to us.

    2. Rudi Rüttger they areńt police. That is the whole problem. They are un identified people carrying out South American dictatorship tactics. I always said that trump would be like a south American politician…. and man was I right.

    3. @Tanner G Oregon law requires federal officers to identify themselves when making an arrest. The feds are literally committing a crime by hauling people off without announcing themselves.

    4. @Rudi Rüttger Officers may use unmarked vehicles, but by Oregon law they must identify themselves when making an arrest. Unidentified haul-offs are a crime.

    5. @Fionabuster D. Cool story, but I’d probably lay off the hallucinogens. While you are sitting here worrying yourself, elevating your heartrate, there are so many things that you could be doing to have fun in the great outdoors . Ride a bike, a skateboard, a one wheel elector toy, get laid , I dunno but its gotta be better than plot scheming until you are blue in the face. “Pura Vida” from a beach somewhere 4500 miles south of this poo show. 🤙🏼🌴

    1. @MountainOf Everest 1st of all, idc what it is they’re dressed like they’re in Iraq. Second of all, the State has to ASK for help before they can send troops out. They did it so easily in DC because its not its own state. You need to do some research, bud.

    2. @MountainOf Everest Nope, sorry but those people picked up and shoved into civilian vehicles were not charged. Not a one.

    3. @Chiken DC is Almost EXACTLY its own state minus the statehood. DC is a Separate body entirely from the rest of the U.S. with it’s own laws and everything…
      I wise man once said “It’s better to remain silent and appear the fool than to tell others to do some research while not knowing what the FUK you’re talking about”

    4. It’s right there in the preamble. The federal government has the right to promote domestic tranquillity.

    1. @Jon Thomas not to mention trea$onou$ double-agent-in Chief & family in the highe$t level$ of power ever.

    2. Actually, it’s opposite, the US Feds are doing what should have happened in Venezuela to prevent it’s takeover.

    3. @C CHIMEX NO, you are the moron. This is Venezuela x10. Thanks republicans for socialism. You can never say it is what the left wants when the right gave it to us.

  5. So arrest the kidnappers and find out just who they are and what they are doing these are American citizens! Expose them!

    1. They are federal government. You must not be aware of the Undetermined Detention law that Obama put into
      place in 2012? You might want to study that. Chris Hedges fought it. Look it up.
      What they are doing is legal under this law, which stands today. It isn’t a constitutional law, and although
      Chris Hedges won the first round and had it overturned and deemed as unconstitutional, Obama came back
      swinging asking for a “quick turnaround.” He had put back into law. Hedges went after that 3rd round, and
      they denied him (the Supreme Court). So, we are stuck with that law. A LIBERAL president put
      that law into place. You might scratch your head ask why he would do such a thing……………

    2. @Fionabuster D. But are they really federal officials? How do you know? If they are, then they need IDs. If they don’t have IDs then they should be arrested as vigilantes.

  6. He just trying to be a dictator? Trying to show the people how strong is? Using troops against his own people? That’s why you loves North Korean leader?

    1. @Panda Kamm Trolls don’t actually watch the video, they just accuse things about it even if the video itself demonstrates otherwise 🙄

    2. Portland Rioters are Planning on Burning down the Airport and the Main hospitals next week.. Wakeup Everyone. This is Communism and Democrat Socialism

    3. @Nuke China Conthervatifs just walk up maskless into state capitol buildings with ak 47s. I wonder if they’d let you do that at the white house.

  7. It’s all fine and dandy to these people come to your neighborhood for all you clowns defending this Behavior.

    1. @mark allen You must be out of touch with the Undetermined Detention Law that Obama put into law in 2012????
      This was a legal move because of a law that a LIBERAL put into place, not that I think there is ANY difference between
      a left or right president. There isn’t, and this detention law should have smacked the craps out of very liberal’s face.
      In fact, every conservative’s face. But, guess what? It went right over their heads. Chris Hedges fought it. Love him.
      He lost in the end, but gave it a good fight.

    2. @Suzy Qualcast Where were you in 2012 when Obama wrote the Undetermined Detention Law? You know…the one
      Chris Hedges fought? This type of approach has been legal for years now. And the most horrifying thing is that
      there is NO due process given to these people. NONE.
      Haven’t you been keeping up on this?
      I personally hate what the protestors have done, and I blame the Oregon government, as I do Seattle’s government, for
      doing NOTHING, so it got to this point. It was orchestrated….no other reason to have that detention law, now is there……

    3. The same kind of people who are defending these goons now are the same psychos who were talking about killing Cops, Federal Agents and their families for “infringing on their 2A rights” during that cute little Bird Sanctuary camping trip in the same state where they forgot to bring enough snacks. Thin Blue Line only when it’s in their favor.
      Liberty for them, not for you. That’s what happens when you don’t stand up to people who appoint themselves the deciders of who is a “real American”.
      Listen to the these psychos for yourself and tell me they wouldn’t murder the same agents they love today when it suits them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnFTNR7zPRM&feature=emb_title

    1. True. It was proved back in the 90s that rubber bullets can kill people. I suppose less likely to be lethal weapons is a mouth full but it’s what they are in reality.

    2. @Anna Gettings Are the bricks, bottles and rocks being hurled at the police by the “peaceful” rioters considered to be non-lethal?

  8. It’s the great detachment in America. The entire world is watching as your country burns. A total failure of leadership at the highest level. It’s just said at this point.

    1. If it’s burning blame it on Democrat politicians who run the states that are burning and are doing nothing to stop the anarchist and Marxist Black Lives Matters from looting, burning, and destroying property. They are lawless and enabling the thugs committing these criminal acts.

  9. Remember Kent State University in 1970? We’re almost there again. 1972-73 in Manila, Philippines, dictator Marcos embedded violent hooligans among student protesters to create the necessary condition before declaring martial law. Some US military vets (GI Bill beneficiaries) attending university in Manila witnessed the transition. Watch out because Little Hands is progressing along the same course.

    1. No they don’t remember Kent State in fact most of those idiots are no doubt clueless to the fact the government opened fire on protestors in the 70’s killing them, they delude themselves that they can riot, vandalize and destroy public property forever without any repercussions and it’s people like Ted Wheeler who are giving them that false belief.

    2. Little hands fights for the preservation of your RIGHTS to DEFEND YOURSELF and SPEAK YOUR MIND to said government. Liberal elites want to TAKE YOUR RIGHTS AWAY and EMPOWER GOVERNMENT so MORE KENT STATE’S can happen. You’re acting like the professional ANTIFA and BLM antagonizers were Trump-funded and not SOROS-funded. Liberals are such kooks.

  10. There’s a lot of young people, college grads and others who’ve had the rug pulled out from under them about having a working present let alone a working future. No one is standing up to give them hope and and direction, politicians who would rather bicker about face masks than admit to not having any kind of plan to take them through this and get them out the other side. They are scared and they are angry and to add insult to injury treated like thankless criminals with no rights to voice that anger. They have been failed by “the best country in the world” whose best is just not good enough.

    1. You forgot to mention the teachers and professors who have indoctrinated our young people since the 60’s to hate their country and have saddled them with enormous debts. I blame them most of all.

    2. . *_You know you love him. Donald J. Trump 2020 !_*
      . *_🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸_*

  11. it shows how ill he is – thinking being inhumane in action is what he needs for his re-election. He is absolutely a sick being.

  12. Teddy needs to be recalled since he has no idea what he is doing, I feel compassion for the law abiding people.

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