President Donald Trump Officials Wanted Ukraine To Implicate Bidens | All In | MSNBC

Trump officials proposed to Ukraine that its statement on corruption include an investigation into the Bidens, and Congressman Jamie Raskin weighs in on the implications. Aired on 11/05/19.
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President Donald Trump Officials Wanted Ukraine To Implicate Bidens | All In | MSNBC


  1. Kentucky just voted blue … trolls got trolled in a real election.. in a red state… MY GOODNESS IN KENTUCKY??? MOSCOW MITCH IS WELL.. SHOULD GO TO MOSCOW..

    1. @Bryan Alexander
      Okay but, with a $200 million Russian aluminum mill being built in Kentucky, the irony abounds!

    2. @Dave Goodwin
      Mike Honcho is correct that the KKK was started by Democrats. That is where his facts end, because Democrats used to be the more conservative and Republicans used to be the more liberal in Civil War times. That is the start of his dishonesty or ignorance. I could leave it at that, but I do not mean to let the Democrat party off the hook so easily. They were founded in 1828 based upon principles championed by slave owner Thomas Jefferson as an agrarian, small government party. Since their founding in 1854, Republicans generally opposed immigration and unions, whereas Democrats typically supported unions and immigration. After the Civil War, Democrats were a vicious party, especially in the southern states, as they were the ones who enacted the Jim Crow laws and were the KKK members through much of the 1960’s and beyond. Republicans began their regression into conservatism when the more liberal former President Theodore Roosevelt ran as a third party candidate against Woodrow Wilson and lost in 1912. Meanwhile, northern Democrats like FDR and JFK did not have the same animus toward brown people, but they were not helping much either. The New Deal from FDR was one turning point to a more liberal and progressive Democrat party. Then, with pressure from Martin Luther King Jr., LBJ garnered enough support for the Voting Rights Act in Congress and that was another turning point for the Democratic party becoming the liberal progressive party. The southern Democrats might as well have been a different party in 1964. Nevertheless, centrists tried to bridge them with the more liberal party members akin to the blue dogs of today who centrists try to caucus with liberals or more likely vice versa. Anyhow, many of the Democrat voters were wooed by Nixon and since then it has generally been the Republicans who have attracted the bigots and members of hate groups on a national level, while those same voters still called themselves Democrats on a local level. Over time, the Democrat label fell out of favor to the point where most of the South is Republican now. Some Republicans have routinely courted hateful people with their rhetoric; still, to their credit, many have not engaged in such heinous activity. (If only they could lose their Confederate identity as easily as their Democrat identity.)

    3. @Richard Darlington
      Ah, the Moscow Mitch deal. I will believe it when I am not Foxconned like a Wisconsan.

  2. Sad for the USA that it should ever get such a self-destructive, throughly corrupt, and self-degrading faker as President of the USA.

    1. @Mikhail Kalinin The USA was degraded by Obama’s machinations. But it is coming back. Thank you for your encouragement and sunny disposition.

    1. It’s not a crime. It was, in fact, ratified by the Supreme Court.

      The only difference between what the Republicans did during the impeachment of Clinton and what Democrats are doing now is that the Republicans were working off the Starr report from the beginning. They didn’t need to hold private hearings because they already had the information. Democrats did not have the Mueller report from the beginning; they were being stonewalled. So they had to hold private hearings, in essence a grand jury, in order to determine if there is evidence warrant of continuation. The Supreme Court upheld that these hearings are to be held private.

  3. Really need to get rid of
    Mitch Mc”Con”-Hole. He has already told reporters that he is not going to hold Trump accountable when the impeachment gets to senate. His nickname as the “grim reaper” to bills and legislation is proof of that as well.

    1. I want them out too, but Mitch only said he wouldn’t remove Trump if it happened today. Meaning: he is not convinced YET. If the evidence gets insurmountable, they will have no choice.

    1. @Mikhail Kalinin what a troll. Lately your fellow gutless trolls keep calling dems communist or socialist, so with your profile pic im surprised your bagging on dems. Are you aware of what those symbols mean? You should look it up bc its a bit contradictory.

    2. Biggus Dickus : Donald Trump, “RELEASE THE TRANSCRIPTS!” That’s the T Shirt. The Trumps must GO! We want our country back!

  4. Even Jim Jones cult followers eventually came around to the realization that Jones was a psychotic moron with a gift of charisma. I hope the GOP reaches this realization befor Trump, Pompeo and Mulroney start pouring the Cool-Aid and demanding they all drink.

    1. It’s not OK, but it has been proven and corroborated so thoroughly that they can’t deny there was one anymore. The testimony of Sondland, a Trump loyalist and appointee, pretty much sealed it, because they can’t say he’s a Democrat, or part of the deep state, since this was his first gov’t job, which he bought with a million dollar donation to Trump.

    2. Keith; your question presupposes rational thought on behalf of Ronald Trump. This is a fallacy and accordingly your question is not capable of a rational answer.

  5. This is Bribery and even worse, it’s Extortion. Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” No need to guess: Bribery is specifically called out, along with Treason.

    1. @Annie Maybe! One thing it wont do is stop him from accepting those filled brown paper bags coming with the help of wifey.

    1. No, extortion: “Nice country you got there. Hear you need some help with those Russians. Would be a shame if anything were to prevent me from giving you this aid and something were to happen to your nice country”

    1. @Mikhail Kalinin no its nationalist , russia is not a race. Unless you mean she is against turtles then i agree. not all turtles are bad look at the teenage ninja turtles!

  6. Oh the irony of the Read the transcript folk. They need new sweat shirts that are accurate. ‘read the summary of the transcript’ and they appear to have a problem with Latin so let’s just call it what it is BRIBERY

  7. As Kentucky went blue for Gov. and Virginia is all blue so goes the country!!! Pack your bags trumpty, you’re fired!!!! 🎃🤪🤣😠

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