President Trump holds press conference at Bedminster golf club | USA TODAY

President Donald Trump said members of his Bedminster country club who were present at an official White House press conference were attending a "peaceful protest" Friday night when asked why they weren't adhering to social distancing guidelines.


Before Trump took the podium, members of the White House pool press had reported that dozens of club members were standing close together in the room, and only a few were wearing masks.

After pool reporters tweeted that guests were not adhering to New Jersey COVID-19 regulations, members were given masks to wear by staffers. They had already been standing shoulder-to-shoulder for about half an hour.

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    4. @Amy Donna beep bop boop beep bop … … . Computing….. …. ..01010001100000000001101010000000000100000000000000 …. … yes …. beep bop booop ….

  2. I like this question why doctors not returning phone calls to patients on the phone calls is it busy signal all the time when you need medical attention is not answering phone calls thank you

    1. A lot of the time those phones go unanswered because they are so overwhelmed with the incoming mass of patients (most in relation to covid) that they probably haven’t seen their own offices let alone the phones in them.

    1. .Hello everyone am so happy to share this amazing testimony,l want to let the world to know a great man that is well known as Dr.lawani he has the perfect solution to relationship issues and marriage problems. The main reason why i went to Dr lawani was for solution on how i can get my husband back because in recent times i have read some testimonies on the Internet which some people has written about Dr lawani and i was so pleased and i decided to seek for assistance from him and he can cure any problem Corona virus and lot more massage him email [] which he did a perfect job by casting a love spell on my husband which made her to come back to me and beg for forgiveness.I will not stop publishing his name on the net because of the good work he is doing. I will drop his contact for the usefulness of those that needs his help should contact him via email; You can contact him today and get your problem solved.Add on whatsapp (+12016214595).

    1. If you are interested in making 20k everyday… Let start making money…add me on Instagram @ Mikr_hack

  3. Was that opening marching band music supposed to be ironic or the only music he won’t get sued for using ?

    1. Hey  can’t you see your colleagues with big houses and better cars with millions & Billions of money in their Account? and you wonder how many of them made it so big? Dm me how you can make $5,819 when you invested $500 within 24 hours.
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    2. @Nora Mcvay he’s lucky that song is public domain and the writer is dead because other then that hick country Lee greenwood song absolutely every artist that has had their music played at a Trump rally has sent him a ceace and desist to stop!! ( Nobody wants to be associated with that bigot con-man sex offender clown !)

  4. Is it just me or is it funny as hell that there are Democrat fundraising commercials during his speech?

    1. Thomas Judd why are you just randomly bringing up CNN? Everyone saw trump and his devoted followers call COVID a hoax. just admit when your wrong, it isn’t that hard.

    2. @Mike Pelligrino inhumane!! its inhumane to make the entire American people be stuck in this quarantine for a “virus” that has effected only 1.6% of the population of this country and to (by this quarantine) essentially for some families and people take away their jobs and then drag out this “hoax” of a disease for no apparent reason other than to simply cause turmoil for our President and the American people.

    3. @Tadgh O’Conbhuidhe *Sigh* listen to the CDC you say that’s exactly what they want you to do but besides that there advice is ridiculous wear a 2-3cm thick mask to STOP A VIRUS, absurd this virus is a “hoax” why should I listen to Dr. Fauci and the CDC place all kinds of UNCONSTITUTIONAL RULES AND REGULATIONS on the American people they are taking away our rights, and you sit their and eat it up they’ve banned (which constitutionally they cant actually enforce this) freedom of assembly in some places threatening to throw people in jail over it except when it is politically advantageous for them (like BLM protests) the CDC didnt say anything about the BLM protests being dangerous they just ignored that.

    4. @larry bird 2.8M people die of something every year. The hoax is the Dems blaming the Pres. when they are to blame. Rioting and looting setting fires and bombing and assault is okay, but conservative gatherings are not. BTW, I do listen to both sides, I may not know the actual truth, but I know BS when I hear it. The storm is beginning.

    5. @Laura Root trump is responsible he’s the one in charge if it wasn’t for the governor an mayor’s taking control we would be in way more danger than we are in now

    1. Thank you so much anyway. I completely understand. I know it’s bad right now for everyone. I’m just at the point of desperation. I just pray they pass that bill soon. God bless you for at least responding

    2. If you are interested in making 20k everyday… Let start making money…add me on Instagram @ Mikr_hack

    1. Of course the media always exaggerates everything. We are in a pandemic, yes. But we are Americans. We always bounce back and persevere through any difficulties. We have our issues, differences, etc…but we know how to come together as a nation too. Sometimes everything gets put aside when compassion is needed. Our unemployment rate is at about 10%-12%. That means 90% of our economy is flowing (through the middle of a pandemic) Communities come together through diversity, protests, inequality, a pandemic, and on and on this year. The economy will thrive once again one day in the near future. Life will eventually get back to normal. Therapeutic medicine will be offered- vaccines at some point. We are all definitely living in times that will be talked about for decades to come. My heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones. Of course the numbers of those infected are high but a large percentage make a recovery. One thing I find troubling is the actions of some individuals not demonstrating any respect or self discipline compared to some countries around the world. America can do better. Especially the younger generations. Nothing is ever going to be perfect according to political views on one side or the other. In reality; we are fortunate enough to be in this country. There is a lot of division and anger building more and more the last few years but as they say; sometimes things get worse before they get better.

    2. If you are interested in making 20k everyday… Let start making money…add me on Instagram @ Mikr_hack

    3. .Hello everyone am so happy to share this amazing testimony,l want to let the world to know a great man that is well known as Dr.lawani he has the perfect solution to relationship issues and marriage problems. The main reason why i went to Dr lawani was for solution on how i can get my husband back because in recent times i have read some testimonies on the Internet which some people has written about Dr lawani and i was so pleased and i decided to seek for assistance from him and he can cure any problem Corona virus and lot more massage him email [] which he did a perfect job by casting a love spell on my husband which made her to come back to me and beg for forgiveness.I will not stop publishing his name on the net because of the good work he is doing. I will drop his contact for the usefulness of those that needs his help should contact him via email; You can contact him today and get your problem solved.Add on whatsapp (+12016214595).

    1. @William Hung So is that why the economy is in the worst shape than ever before, because a rich white boy, born with a silver spoon in his mouth knows more about the world than the rest of the politicians. No way is he out of touch.

      I swear the sh*t you people fall for is appalling.

    2. @Angus Wiebe You truly believe this SUPER RICH man his on 3rd baby mama truly cares about you? Well since you’re buying dreams, there’s a bridge I’d like to sell you.

  5. I repeat in both eyes how about if is one eye help.them still the veterans need it like I said no one has passed that law

  6. What the hell! Why is there so many Democrat adds in this? Seems like everytime President Trump talks about the Democrats the devil pops up with another add.

  7. Is this a public press conference or a circus barker yelling to get your money? I’m so fed up with Americans.

  8. Is everybody on this goddamn comment section 400 years old? Yikes. Ads are an aspect of the internet, deal with it.

  9. “how many pictures are you going to take of me?” LMAO

    that dude was going ballistic with that camera lmao

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